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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by riggitytiggity

  1. I think you owed us all this post.....we all wondered why one day you promote a club, next day you bash it. You explained...so I now retire. Dont take offense on how I had to draw it out of you......but think.....if I said "hey man...why dont you tell us why you dont work at platinum anymore"...that wouldnt have really gotten us anywhere. peace
  2. well...thats what we all assume. I mean..you were promoting the club back in the day...now you think youre cool to not call it a club at all. Then youre all like "yo platinum owes me money.....wahhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh". I mean if I'm gonna post here...I'm gonna tell it like it is. Shut up about the probably $50 that the platinum owner owes you and move on and get back to school or something. I personally dont go out anymore so I could care less about Platinum but I just think its pitiful to see some guy who got jipped of $50 for doing the lights...thats the biz. If you dont want to be in the biz....go get an education and get out of the club biz. Straight up
  3. Rookie here? yes....rookie reading? no....I've been reading this board longer than you've been partying there bud... now speaking of rookie's...isnt that why you hate Platinum? You got fired from there cause you didnt get promoted to VP of Lights? Rookie Light Man!
  4. haha...maybe or better yet maybe he'll become a light guy who posts on CP all day either way...I'll have a good laugh
  5. nothing like taking a joke a littttttttttle too far there bud
  6. lol thanks guys....you rock a riggitytiggity tat tat TAT!
  7. I've been reading this board for like 3 months....and I finally decided I needed to sign up and start posting....I know jayrt316 but thats all. Go easy on me
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