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Everything posted by skippyd

  1. alright can't resist...... destroy me?....you don't have the slightest clue who I am.....
  2. i won't even stoop to this level.......
  3. gotta go by Franklin for the memories this saturday.....
  4. njstacked wish that he coulda been part of the SMACKDOWN HOTEL.......never was, never is, and NEVER WILL BE.
  5. listen njstacked2..... you don't have the slightest clue what the wariors are all about. lotta allz to talk shit about something you would never be a part of or understand.... as a (OSW) I will tell you that your comments have no thought and concern for your own well being.
  6. Who's goin for the ride of a lifetime? All warriors must be in attendance...
  7. Who's goin on the ride of a lifetime? All warriors must be in attendance......
  8. To finish voodoolounge sig. and from this groove came the grooves of all grooves....and one day throwin down on this box, Jack openly declared let there be house, and house music was born. I am, you see, I am the creator and this is my house. Yor may be black, you may be white, you may be jew or gentile, it don't make a difference cause its our house. House music forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I/m comin' in my shell toes and addidas outfit........break dancin is my middle name (mickey "breakdancin" p.)
  10. I will definitely be there wit bells on....... Ptek - put me down for the bus...wait....are you sure it's not the suburbinator and you just tryin to make a quick buck? ha ha Put me and Lori down for the trip.
  11. You mean to tell me that you don't know why cp people would misunderstand YAYO for YAO. (one letter difference...two totally different things)
  12. arial arial You have a donkey.......... I have a chicken.............. Your donkey eats my chicken....... What do you have now? You have two feet of cock in your ass. What do you get when you cross a Polish man with a Chinese man? Sum Dum Fuk What do you call a black nuclear physicist from Juneau, Alaska? (come on you don't know?) nigga ( i know a little tasteless...but its a joke)
  13. The deal is Elite ain't runnin' so I ain't goin'
  14. .....Here are my top three of all time. John Digweed Mauro Picotto Paul Oakenfold Now for the locals... Eddie Baez Boris Ted the Dillinger
  15. i will defintely be there...last year was sick.....this year will be even crazier.....
  16. I don't understand this whole not going to work today. We don't live in Florida.....guess what? it snows in the winter in Jersey It snowed yesterday, and yes it was a lot, but today is no excuse...get off your lazy asses and get to work.... Just makes me feel better cause it sucks being at work today.
  17. Sean Paul is awesome...any track that he drops a line on is PHAT...another great one is "Punkie"
  18. just rembered another......that makes two....
  19. I also know a cp member that is over thirty...but can't say actual or cp name cause flyboys don't do that to one another....
  20. SkippyD....St.Laurence guy...we played you my last two years...and I think we shut you out 60-0...Nice try..pal...Your school was like 10mins from Canada...A good friend of mine is a Bodybuilder from your school...Jeff Bevaqua....know him? If it was 60-0...well...we always sucked in football...it was a hockey college..Div 1 Not sure I know Jeff Bevaqua...what year was he?
  21. Class of 1999.... St. Lawrence University.....GO SAINTS graduated with a bachelor's degree in Biology work as a chemical engineer in pharmaceutical company going to grad school @ Stevens Institute of Tech. for chemical engineering.....
  22. What'd you say?......you're talkin to me all wrong...that's the wrong tone.... you do it again...I'll stab you in the face wit a soddering iron Is that right?....Let me ask ya something....Does your mother sew?.......BOOM....get her to sew that. Christopher Wlken...from "Joe Dirt"
  23. What's happenin Luther.....sorry bout the car door, man...looked real painful when you slammed into it... Hammond, drop that damn gun...... 48 hours...a classic.
  24. Fuck glita.... 100% PURE ADRENALINE....some guys snort for it.....some guys jab a vein for it....all ya gotta do is jump..... I shoulda ad ya get me two of these things...I can eat the ass end out of a dead rhino right now. Has my quarterbck-punk partner showed up yet....I'm here Angelo...nice of ya to show up there hotshot. alright...i'll stop..i could probably recite the entire movie.
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