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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. stop playin'.....i thought you were serious.....you scared me....
  2. yeah...page 326 Webster's American Dictionary...... Idiot(noun)-- Main Entry: id·i·ot Pronunciation: 'i-dE-&t Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin idiota ignorant person, from Greek idiOtEs one in a private station, layman, ignorant person, from idios one's own, private; akin to Latin suus one's own. Insert picture of choopa here------------>[ ]
  3. then step away from the mirror..... guys......come on.....give me a break......cut her some slack....she means well....
  4. ive never had indian.....i actually would like to try it sometime....
  5. she's worth it guy...... Kiki--The turkey's in the oven already.....
  6. oh shit!!!!......just shot myself in the foot.....
  7. I hope your not talking about laundry......i really dont feel like doing that again this week for you babe.....
  8. yup...kiki's right.......she doesnt think its a good idea...sorry guys...I'm only allowed to chill with her from now on.. oh and choopa.....watch your step......the birds might smash you......
  9. I don't even know what to do with myself....everybody is working.....i think i'll take a nap.... Maybe I'll text message BIlly Bad Ass 5000 times.......fuckin' asshole..... Hey Kosta.....u ok?.....i heard you got slammed last night at Circa?.....
  10. fight at Circa???.....Kosta you get chocked out again?.......damn bro.....
  11. that was your old crib?......i know that spot....
  12. girls night out bro......what can I do.....gotta respect that.....hey maybe we can hit the hitching post choopa?.....hey ya doin'!.....
  13. I figured that much on my own.....but i still lost u.....
  14. WTF.....now i lost you too.....make sense please.....
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