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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. oh and I thought you actually cared enought to call and say good-night....what was i thinking?....
  2. Thatta boy......there ya go....doesn't that feel better??...
  3. Honestly....no comment....i have no time for you....
  4. Fucking Tuesday yesterday dragged out for like 3 days for me.....It sucked..although I did keep myself entertained on here all day...but now it's looking good at mid-week...
  5. good mornin' to all....hey Kosta.....was that a Booty call last night??....or were you just calling to say good night?? I never made it out bro.....passed out after work at like 9....that was it for me...
  6. sorry....was i not supposed to to tell everybody about our experience with the camcorder??....
  7. trust me..... hey you were a little worried about the donkey punch too when i first told you about that....but after your first one.....hell now you can't stop Donkey Punchin' bitches.....how's that case coming along anyway?....did she get the restraining order yet??
  8. you coming out tonight bro?......give me a holllllaaaa....unless you want to stay home of course.....
  9. YEAH!.....i know...you sit on yer left hand for 30 minutes til it gets numb....then ya wack it off....you call it "the Stranger"..... :laugh: :laugh:
  10. oh great...then we can have all angles covered.....not like the one earlier today...only one angle from the tripod...eh we can consider the first tape a practice run...
  11. KellBird.....naughty bird.... yup....way too nice today for anything that involves being inside.....i've been outside as much as possible today...and i'm finally starting to get that extra push for the gym....FINALLY...winter sux!....
  12. who needs their cameras.....i'm bringing mine....
  13. 7ish works for me.....i've always been a fan of quickies in the parking lot..... :laugh:
  14. seriously.....i feel lilke it's been tuesday for like 3 fucking days.....damn.....
  15. yes yes....the sig is hott......nice work once again...
  16. Lunch was great kiki..once again a good time...maybe dinner later??.....let me know....
  17. well...if you could keep the ice in the fucking bucket...then maybe they will reconsider your terms...
  18. sorry....not ignoring......ummm.....hi.... oh yeah will resend confirmation.
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