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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. i'm on the phone with her now...i'll tell her to call you....
  2. hey kelly u busy tonight???....hit me up on the 2-way....aight! fuck bad ass!
  3. I think the girls of Baassstan would love to listen to my busy signal
  4. that's the Basssstan dance..... :laugh: i see that we are all very busy at work today...huh?
  5. billy is one of the worst spellers on this board....hands down.....and also he has bad grammar.....
  6. i just wanted to say good morning...it's early you sure you don't want to nap a little more??
  7. there ya go....atta boy.....that's the way to get into the spirit of things....
  8. shovel in hand ready to go..... :laugh: I'll bve towing that bad boy Benzito up to Bassstan soon.....we can take a ride.....top down....aight!
  9. i am definitely sick of snow now......damn.....enough is wnough already.....
  10. I have to admit....choopa is a stand up guy......never would he touch his boys girl......sorry for bustin' yer balls.....i thought you could take a joke......my bad......please find it in your heart to forgive me!...
  11. ok now......BREATH......in....and out....goood......now again....in .....and out........goood choops.....there ya go buddy!.....relax......ahhhhhh....nice huh.......keep breathing it is very important......
  12. awwww choopie.....i'm just bustin' yer balls......come on guy.....just a joke.....relax.....come on.....don't get heated.....its all good fun...
  13. you know i was trying to be a nice guy about it......but forget....you're not even worth it....why u making shit up!!!.....come one guy i'll find you a girl no problem.....i can work ith you if you just leave my girls alone!!....that is all i ask...
  14. Yo Choopa I just heard!!....your secret is safe with me guy.....don't you worry......SHHHHHHHH!!!!.... oh and by the way.....I would appreciate it if you would stay away from my new girl!!!.....you gotta stop stepping on my toes guy....I let the last one slide by...but this is getting ridiculous!!!....how did you get her # anyway??....SCUMBAG!!...find your own!!!
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