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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. Ya know you would be a scumbag degenerate and cuddle with both of our birds......but in the end it doesn't matter all that matters is you can roll around in bed with our girls and CUDDLE as much as you want asshole.....thats the part that I don't enjoy....so from now on you are going to cuddle with my girls.....i'm gonna smash 'em and you'r gonna come in after me and just hang around and spoon.....wow that's a great deal for me..... you know.....its funny because i don't even let you meet anybody that i'm with......because you are a cock blocking scumbag......so unless you're pulling some PI investigating then you have no clue kid...
  2. What the hell happened here......this thread has been lost.....Hey chris how are ya?
  3. Haha.......yea Big Fridays those were the days bro.....well it hasn't been that long but you wouldn't remember the last time we met.....lol.....
  4. This is a good start Bad Ass.....we really appreciate your time.....we are going to reach our goal by New Years Eve this year.....I am looking forward to working with you....And to all the ladies WE ARE TAKING APPLICATIONS NOW PLEASE PM EITHER BAD ASS OR MYSELF>>>>DO NOT INQUIRE DIRECTLY WITH CHRIS CHOOPA HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU WOMEN....we will accept and consider all applications ourselves....we are an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOUNDATION.....
  5. That's a good name......THE SPOON.....lol.....yo bill....listen I'm starting a charity for Chris.....it's called the "Help Choopa Get Passed First Base Charity"....Listen I'm gonna need some help so please consider joining me in this venture to get this poor guy laid.....what do ya say man.....can we count on you Mr. BadAss.... it is for a good cause....we can train the poor bastard he knows how to start but he just doesn't know how to finish.....
  6. Ahhh Bobby Plates....it has a nice ring to it....kinda rolls off your tongue....haha.....what up girl...How's it going?....
  7. Welll...a great hour it will be then.....welcome...
  8. Haha.....his clipboard and headset.....that is funny....
  9. I just wanted to give a good old fashioned Howdy to all my friends out there.....It's good to see you all again...you know who you are...and you also know who you are that need not POST or REPLY...well what is going on tonight??.....where's is the party at?.....Hey Chris are you allowed out??.....Bad Ass I already got a permission slip from Kelly for you......Well here we go again...So how has everybody been?....I feel like I've been away forever.....
  10. Ahh...what is up Carl....how are things?......hey man come on I'm not cock blockin' i'm helping the young buck.....
  11. Yes...I am back....I had some things to take care of....ya know.....anyway I'm here to show my support to you Chirs....because by the end of this year I will get you laid my man....this is my new project in life....I'm currently in between projects and this is good timing for you my friend...so sit back and enjoy the ride....
  12. You know....some people just never learn.....hey Chris...if I recall correctly.....isn't your nickname "Can't close the Deal Cuippa"??....Come on man......I don't even post on here and there you go trying to play me out when you in fact know that there is no truth to what you say.....but I don't need to defend myself here.....All I am going to do from now on is make sure that you know how to close a damn deal.....I will walk you through my next accomplishment or venture and show you how to get beyond 1st base....as you call it......with a female you know there is more than rolling around with a girl and cuddling.....anyway I'm gonna help you out my friend.....cause i'm a nice guy......oh and by the way.....you are late for that date again....HAHA!!!!....SCUMBAG....
  13. good for you Laurie...i have retired from CP myself and i wish you the best.....i had to post this good-bye to you after i was informed by you of your retirement last night...now stop reading this and GET BACK TO WORK!!!!
  14. yeah and hes wearing his fuzzy pink coat and hat to match it....gayassmothafucka....
  15. come on billy seriously man...get a life....stop fuckin' around like a little kid.....i have to admit it was funny the first 35 times....but now its getting stupid....so grow up....and answer do some work
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR VERY DEELITE!!!!.....come on everybody show her some love!!!!.....Give her a big CP b-day response!!!..... :bday: :party: :party: :bday:
  17. oh great.....here we go again....man get a fuckin' life.....stop this 5 year old fake name shit.....
  18. wow guys....i really think we are getting somewhere tonight on this topic.....im impressed and i definitely second the motion to separate....where and when do i sign the petition??
  19. ROBERT??!!!!.....oh man im soooooo upset right now.....come on you havent even given me a chance to talk to u......dont JUMP to conclusions.....and please dont call me robert......
  20. NOOOOO!!!!!.... i knew you were there i was just kidding.....bad joke.....sorry.....u know i luv ya....and i have never and would never forget bout you....and thats a promise.....
  21. Dear Mr. Choopa.....dont think that i have forgotten about you....come on choops....relax....you'll lose that virginity any day now bro....not a big deal.....hey girls like that shit....listen its not like its by choice.....i know how hard it is to get laid when you look like you do....but anyway im not going to rip at you too hard this time because frankly i feel for you bro.....what im gonna do for you is start the "Race to Help CHoopa Loss his Virginity CONTEST"....now im going to start accepeting applications from the ladies tomorrow....basically the women of CP will compete in a chance to be the Sexy Dame that takes Chris Choopas virginity away from him and turns him into a man....so the contests and challenges will be announced tomorrow....GOOD LUCK TO ALL the ladies.....ANd especially good luck to you Chris maybe this Valentine's Day you will cross that bridge to manhood and join the rest of us.....
  22. Bad ASs....i think ive given you enough chances now.....it is time for me to start reminding the world of your past endevours in life.....especially in the field of love and war....and in your case it almost always ends up being war....hahaha!!!....i know how hard it is for you to keep that mouth of yours shut....since shit keeps pouring out of it....but do yourself the favor of sealing that leak up or else.....now that you have a girlfriend and have settled down at your age....all the long years of macking and playing the field seem like it was so long ago....come on Sir William...it feels like just yesterday to me that you were telling about the endless conquests in one week that you would come across....and the ever so popular PSYCHO G-friends that always seem to find you.....hahahaha!!!...yeah sure you had no idea that she was scitzo....or that she had Mutliple Personality Disorder.....or wait could it be.....nah.....for a second there i was thinking maybe its you that does this to the poor woman that you drag through hell.....ohh....sorry i mean date......nah.....couldnt be you.....its gotta be them.....but anyway keep an eye out for my next post that will be dedicated to you...it will be the first of a series that i am calling "Memoirs of a Bad Ass-A day in the life of Sir William" the first will be conquest #154...and from then on they will be in no specific order...a documentary at its best...
  23. sorry stardo....no excuse....just not feeling it....but ill catch up wit u guys later on sat night......afterhours...
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