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Everything posted by bobydigital

  1. Yo sorry DOGEKID but im excersizing my rights as a US citizen and im writing in my vote.....with the luck u have we'll all get blown off the face of this planet!!!... MY VOTE PEE WEE HERMAN
  2. Yup....CP is in the house tonight....simply put ....we got KTU's own RSL at RS (riverstreet) with CP's B.A.D.....that's KTU's Riddler, Skribbles, & Loui Devito with ClubPlanet's Bad Ass & Digital....ENUFF SAID!!!! so ill see u all there....and hopefully get to put some new faces to the names.....just ask for Bobby Digital or Bad Ass...
  3. Riverstreet will be good tonight....just come out and see ur very own Bill BaD ASS or Bobby Digital at the door and we will give u all a BBBBBBiiiiiiggggggggg CP welcome!!
  4. Here we go guys....finally a saturday nigth party in Jersey that is going to be done right....and u dont need to go halfway down the shore in winter....yes there are other saturday nights around....but come on....how many fucking times can u go to the same fucking place and see the same fucking people and do the same fucking routine??!!.....thats what i thought we're all tired of the same old so lets start this shit up right.....so come out and support us at grand opening.....Elite Style....or just go do the same old shit...the choice is yours!
  5. wow...bad ass ur up...im surprised man....i can barely stand right now....im walking all crooked and shitt bro....dont ever call me on a Thursday night again....EVER!!!!
  6. haha....he said im sorry....oh man...Sorry Hunnie, sorry to hear that maybe better luck next time...hit the gym and drink some shakes call me in two months...but im still ready for that red head...Bring it on baby! :laugh:
  7. wow!....that sounds great....when can i get a piece of that pie baby!!!....i love RED HEADS!!!
  8. Hey badass...congrats kid...enjoy ur month while it lasts....its gonna be out with the old and in with the new before u know it...haha....funny how u love to use that line and now ur gonna be the terminated lease in four weeks or so....just bustin ur balls bro...anyway enjoy....and ill get u a tiarra for ur head and a baton too...hey i hope u can fit through the door at work to get outta there today with that HEAD of yours!!....
  9. Angelicious all of a sudden u got a crew??...when did that happen??...anyway if ur gonna come out to party then ill see u at metro...but if your gonna be soft like you've been lately then i dont know about u!...give me a call and let me know if ur coming out and partyin' and in that case i will prepare accordingly.
  10. ITS ON FOR FRIDAY.....HEY PIRo (nice name by the way) bring your balls ur gonna need em for the amount of drinking we're gonna do kid!!! PS Just ask i bet neena will be cool and let u bring em along....Just kidding.... Anyway illl see u guys tom night and the shots r on me!!!!...u guys r gonna have to crawl outta that place when im done with u two...haha!!!
  11. haha....great show guys....hats off to the both of you....hey sticky...stick to the punani man....get urs dont worry about anybody else...like you said its winter man u need a girl now!
  12. wow no response from the choops...wow....hes scared!!! :eek:
  13. bronzed red bull can!!!!...hahahahahaahA!!! :laugh:
  14. YEAH....congrats Danielle...way to go...well deserved....wow u just got Warrior Princess status sunday and now hottie of the month!!!...ur on a roll....and wouldnt you expect it one of the Digital Crews own gets hottie of the month....so out with the old and in with the new!!!
  15. u want sprinkles with that SOFTY??...and u said cone right??....ENOUGH said!! :laugh:
  16. dont forget to bring your balls this time...u can probably rent them for the day. Just kidding.
  17. im not really sure...but i will find out for you...and if they dont i think that could be a new happy hour if u as me...good idea.
  18. All you had to do was ask...i would've hooked u up with some crumbs!!..haha!
  19. OK Roll call for sound factory this saturday....who's in....stardo, bad ass, piro, neena, anybody?????....hahahahaha...... :laugh: :laugh:
  20. yo if i had lunch....i wouldnt have left...no way!
  21. HEY PIRO just wanted to let u know i got home ok...Thanx for caring....PS....NICE NAME MAN....PIRO i like that....how did u come up with that????...sounds real original
  22. Honorable mentions include: Neena, stardo, nychick, siciliagirl, doubleduece, and billy(he likes being a princess)...great time guys way to hang in there.
  23. DEELITE HAS BEEN CROWNED WARRIOR PRINCESS.....definitely made me proud at factory....SHOUT out to deelite....U R NOW The official Warrior Princess of the Digital Crew!...way to go. :clap:
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