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About fatfingers

  • Birthday 03/01/1974


  • Location
    VT-Now NJ
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Newbie (1/14)



  2. I know how to deal with tramps like you. DO not let my warm exterior fool you., I have scene Pimp specials on HBO (Hbo box office network) and i could control you. You ..You FAT RED HEADED SCAB! TLC Said it best would you like me to refresh your memory? "I DON'T WANT KNOW SCRUBS, A SCRUB IS A GUY THAT GET NO LOVE FROM ME" Think about that divas words and get back to me baby. I can not believe that you have caused me to get out of character. I hope this has taught you a lesson in life. Don't mess with VT!
  3. DO you have any idea how stupid you are making yourself look in front of us people on the board with class? What mud bucket did you crawl out of buddy? I think you are really wishing that you had some real good friends. Rite Laurie, Solar girl, And RodO?? Hey roddigga that is your new nickname or the rodmiester which do you prefer? :love: :goofy:
  4. I am sorry we are not a good fit. But even large girls have pretty freinds. So i would be happy to get to know you
  5. Thank you ninnad. No offense to you but the correct meaning of disco by Webster's is described as: Popular dance music, A night spot that is popular with strong repetitive bass rhythms. It is ok though. I have a feeling New jersey will be changing allot now that i have arrived
  6. I assure you donkey i am very fit and by the national average i am stronger, faster, and better looking then most. I don't agree with you at all. I don't not appreciate your derogatory remarks to me and find you to be very immature. I am surprised that you have not posted your age I am sure you are 19. I can tell that you have not had a proper upbringing and have a low level of class. I am sure your parents may not have envisioned to have raised a son that would turn out to be such a neanderthal but be assured they did not discipline you correctly. I will not tolerate anymore of your comments Thank You -Todd
  7. Im sorry your are a little heavy. But i am very into exersize. Ill give you some tips hunnie. I can get you looking up to par in know time at all!!
  8. Hello Dogkid. You have mentioned that you have a "make out spot" with your man friend. I have no problem with homosexuals. A good friend of mine Terry has recently said that he was one, Now although i do not have a problem with your type i do now care to associate with them. Homos do not help reproduce and serve no real purpose they are basically vessles for aids. I just wanted to make you aware of this. I did not want you to perceive my "upper classiness" as being gay. Thank you sir. I will be shortly adding you to my blocked list.
  9. I see that you wrote "Not enough sex makes your eyes go bad" Well If your a sweet girl i would like to help you improve your eye site. :laugh: :rolleyes:
  10. I am very interested in meeting all the razzlerz and the dazzlerz !!Does everyone here already have a dance partner? Im open Becuase i am fromt VT
  11. RodO i except your apology. Solar girl: I usually frequent martini bars and juggle 5 shows. I am interested in the new jersey scene my chaps and i have dreamt of the fast nj girls for a long time and i am finally here! Laurie: This lounge is the hot spot for Fridays? What kind of music can i expect euro, rock or Ibiza style disco? (Yes surprise i do KnoW my music!) Maybe i will get a date and go! Shlong: I understand your personality you are the class clown. I will warn you as well that i move very quickly and i can defend myself in a heated situation. Please calm down.I am not afraid of your bark. Are you afraid of my bite?
  12. Hello solar girl and Laurie you two seem very nice. Roddy I don't really understand you but i must warn you I do know how to defend myself. Well people! Any good bars or discos for this Friday?
  13. Well I think you are just rude. I am saying hello how i like to. I am not going to conform to your vulgarity. Next please.
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