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Everything posted by bustersobe

  1. bustersobe

    Lp 2004

    I thought this was a thread about LP...those are always interesting.
  3. no, I think you will find me talking over the music and repeating myself for many broadcasts to come!
  4. Please join me in welcoming to the airwaves ARDIS ROBLES as the newest PARTY 93.1 ON-AIR PERSONALITY. Stay tuned to PARTY 93.1 to find out when and where she’ll be broadcasting from. Please do not take this thread as an opportunity to bitch or otherwise complain about PARTY 93.1, it’s play list or repetitiveness (it’s old news) this is ARDIS's time. Thank you BUSTER
  5. Yes, channel 3, every night from 11pm-6am
  6. yeah, that was a fun night! thanks for watching.
  7. from http://party931.com/inside/busterstory.html Ah, alcohol, the vaginal lubricant of social intercourse. Alcohol plays an important role throughout history and continues to rule social agendas today. Commanders give it to their troops to keep morale high, statesmen serve it to visiting dignitaries and each weekend over 40 million people in the United States go and get hammered. When it comes to the sweet elixir, we all have our favorites and we all have our own stories of excess. One of my own personal favorites involves heading out to a club in Boston and waking up the next morning in Rhode Island. Needles to say, it was a long bus ride home. But that's another story. Today's topic involves one of the nefarious strategies employed by some bar owners to (gasp!) make money. (As if being in business for the sole purpose of getting me wasted weren't reward enough.) There is, in my expert opinion, a cocktail whose popularity is eclipsed only by its devious underlying agenda. I suppose at this point I should proffer my expert drinking credentials. OK, here goes: My father is an alcoholic. His father was an alcoholic. His father before him was the town drunk. My mom ... uh, my mom - don't get me started. I was a club kid by the age of 16, I'm a little over 30 and I've been drinking more than half my life. Satisfied? May I continue? Thank you. In 1870, after panning for gold in the hardscrabble California badlands, a miner (no, it was not my great grandfather) came to Martinez, CA for some much needed R & R. The grizzled, dust-sodden miner, eager to get the taste of three weeks worth of dirt out of his mouth, bypassed the whorehouse and the barbershop and walked straight to the nearest saloon. He plopped a small sack of gold down on the bar with an empty whisky bottle that he meant to have filled. The bartender, wanting to service this undesirable customer as quickly as possible, filled the container with some nondescript hooch and sent the miner on his way. But the miner, wasn't satisfied with his booze, which he demonstrated by spitting up all over the bar as miners are want to do (I'm an expert on miners too ... don't ask). Just as all seemed lost, the quick-thinking bartender mixed up another drink, dropped an olive in it and saved the day. The filthy miner got his drink on, the bartender immortalized his town by naming the potion after it, and just like Frankenstein's monster, the martini was born. Or so I (and the Internet) say. It is not the simple recipe of vermouth, gin and olive that gives this concoction its dastardly reputation, inspiring far-reaching conspiracy fantasies, if only in my mind. The martini's ubiquitous history, although somewhat arguable, is easily found on the Internet, and although martinis have at times gotten me trashed with the prerequisite accompanying hangovers, I have only fondness in my heart for them. Note to Reader: I never do any research unless I can do it where alcohol is being served or on the Internet. Much like Mel Gibson's character, Jerry, in, oddly enough, Conspiracy Theory, who could not be without Catcher in the Rye, I cannot go more than 15 minutes without downloading Internet porn. I start to get the heebie-jeebies. This might explain my poor eye site. But liquor evens me out - I'm a mess. But I digress, back to the story at hand. So I ask you dear reader, what of the strange vessel this delicious libation is traditionally served in? Am I the only one who understands its malevolence? The martini glass is one of the most celebrated containers in human history. A search on the Internet (wink) will divulge almost limitless designs and variations on the same basic theme wherein a shallow inverted cone sits atop a slender tube with a wide base. Surly, I'm not the only person on this earth who sees the wickedness with which it was conceived. Pure unadulterated evil. Have you ever tried walking around a party with a fresh martini in hand? The design of the glass is incredibly counterproductive to movement. The precious alcohol finds itself on the floor or on friends and strangers more than it does your mouth. This has become quite disconcerting to myself and the unfortunate people who have ended up wearing my cocktails. Some would jokingly call this a drinking problem or alcohol abuse, but I call it the hidden agenda by which bar owners have been profiteering since, according to the Internet, (wink, wink) the 1800's. How convenient (and ironic) for drinking establishments to serve loud mouth soup in what amounts to a bowl. In the end, you either need to stay at the bar to avoid spilling your cocktail, perfectly placing you in exactly the right spot to order another martini as soon as you down the last drop. Or, the aforementioned spillage problem occurs, and only a small amount of the precious spirits head to your liver. Either way, the bar's proprietor has you in the palms of his hands; you buy another martini, and another, and another and so on. Therein lies the deception. And you thought those people were your friends! Fortunately I have been working on a solution. Fear not faithful reader, necessity being the mother of all inventions, I've devised a way to thwart the black-hearted bar owners and their sycophants/employees serving you. Even though it meant reliving my childhood through years of painful and humiliating psychotherapy, no amount of suffering is too great a price to pay. And to top it off, the solution (like all great ones) is deceptively simple. Bring your own container. Anything with a lid will do. If you're thrifty or from the projects, you can bring a Styrofoam cup with a lid that you may or may not have misappropriated from McDonalds. If you're into athletics, you can try one of those little sports bottles. And if you're going through some sort of regression (like me) you can use a sippy cup or a baby bottle. Either way, you're sure to be the bar's most efficient, if not the most retarded martini drinker. It's all about priorities, and I know where mine are (the Internet, wink, wink, wink). Do you?
  8. $20 in advance $30 at the door. $100 limited VIP - includes Meet & Greet, private up front viewing section and food/drinks.
  9. OK, before any of you bitch about me not spell checking, here is the corrected version. Deal with it, I think fast, I talk fast, I type fast (just not correctly) Thanks From Party 93.1 Just wanted to say thanks for everyone who showed up to PEACOCK PARK for PARTY 93.1's FRE 4th of JULY Blast 3.0. It was an amazing event! Over 17,000 people showed up and I think we have outgrown PEACOCK PARK! Yes, it was extremely dusty from lack of rain, and holy crap was it hot, but in the end WHAT A PARTY! Check out the pictures at www.party931.com And keep a look out for PARTY 93.1's FREESTYLE REUNION on AUGUST 28th at the COCONUT GROVE CONVENTION CENTER FEATURING THE OLD SKOOL ELITE. STEVIE B - GEIRGE LAMOND - CORO - DEBBIE BED - LISA LISA - SHANNON - SOAVE - JOYCE SIMS - DAVID TORRES (formerly of NICE AND WILD) and many more.... for more info log onto www.party931.com BUSTER
  10. Just wanted to say thanks for everyione who showed up to PEACOCK PARK for PARTY 93.1's FRE 4th of JULY Blast 3.0. It was an amazing event! Over 17,000 epople showed up and I think we have outgrown PEACOCK PARK! Yes, it was extremely dusty from lack of rain, and holy crap was it hot, but in the end WHAT A PARTY! Check out the pictures at www.party931.com And kee a look out for PARTY 93.1's FREESTYLE REUNION on AUGUST 28th at the COCONUT GROVE CONVENTION CENTER FEATURING THE OLD SKOOL ELITE. STEVIE B - GEIRGE LAMOND - CORO - DEBBIE BED - LISA LISA - SHANNON - SOAVE - JOYCE SIMS - DAVID TORRES (formerly of NICE AND WILD) and many more.... for more info log onto www.party931.com BUSTER
  11. I'm not much of a betting guy, and if I did say it, it would not have been the first stupid thing I said. Nor the last. (That's a sure bet) But I would definetly like to know myself. I'm sure someone's gotta have the recording somewhere.
  12. Ummmmmmmmmmm. I never said he was a member of SUPERCHUMBO. Nor did his agent ever call me. Where did you hear that? And what other things have you heard? (THIS IS FUN)
  13. First off let me offer my sincerest apologies to my friend, and one of my personal favorite DJ's, MARKUS SCHULZ for 2 things.... #1 Spelling his name incorrectly on the FREE 4TH OF JULY FLYER. #2 For mistakenly omitting his name from the poll in my previous posting. I have no excuses, I own up to my mistakes. Now with that unpleasantness out of the way, let me remind everyone that MARKUS will be spinning at PARTY 93-1's FREE 4th OF JULY BLAST 3.0 OFFICIAL AFTER PARTY at CLUB ENVY in DOWNTOWN MIAMI where he will be whipping me with a wet noodle during his set. You can pick up your discounted AFTER PARTY PASSES ONLY at the CLUB ENVY BOOTH at the BLAST this SUNDAY beginning at 3pm. Need more info? Go to WWW.PARTY931.COM
  14. Its all good bro. Actually Tijs tells me when he wants me to speak. He would pull out a record and say "ok at this break I want you to intro me." Then usually a few more times throughout the night. I would be content to just sit there and listen. With regard to me beign a GIANT POSER, I have no argument there. It true and yes I have eben known to scare little childeren. If there a support group for that? B
  15. Hey, when Tijs asks for me to jump on the mic, I jump on the mic. Its a dirty job but someones gotta do it. Guess you'll just have to deal with it. Poor kid.
  16. Oh yeah, and ATB too! Whew! And if you don't like the titile, "mixologist" don't use it.
  17. if the video made by A3 of last years event http://party931.com/event_guide/video.html is any indication.......then abso-FU*%ing-lutly
  18. Yes, we give it to you again. Party 93.1 presents PAUL VAN DYK, GEORGE ACOSTA Feat. John Secada (yes I said John Secada), Motorcycle, EDGAR V. MARKUS SHULTZ, MURK and the rest of the Party 93.1 MIXOLOGISTS. Show starts at 3pm and ENDS at 10PM with FIRWORKS! PEACOCK PARK - COCONUT GROVE After party TBA. For more info go to PARTY931.com If you weren't ther last year, don't make the same mistake this year. It's shows like this that help bring more attantion to the music we love. AND ITS FREE! Buster
  19. DJ RAP this friday night at VOODOO LOUNGE in FT. LAUDERDALE playing her newly famous bang'n house set. Who's in? Don't for get to tune in to PARTY 93.1 to hear her LIVE from midnight to 3am. A3, America's first dance music video channel will be oin site to shoot the night and show us how she does it. So come by, show your support and BE ON TV! Buster
  20. OK, can someone tell me what DMTV is? I thought I knew of all the outlets for dancemsuic on american television. Its sort of my job. I just searched and found nothing.
  21. Both are quite possible.
  22. Bottom line, Darude kicks A$$ last night. Anyone have an review? I BIASED. B
  23. Listal all weekend long as we LEAK new songs off the brand new album "JUST BE" from the #1 DJ in the world, TIESTO! Hosted by TEISTO himself... Be caller 9 when we give you the GO and you could win yourself a copy of the new album. HINT: we'll be leaking the new tracks at the top of the hour. I smell a lot of potential bootlegging going on! Buster
  24. Darude May 19th at Voodoo Lounge DJ RAP June 11th at Voodoo Lounge. DJ RAP will be throwing down her new HOUSE sets that have been burning up the national scene Think Bad Boy Bill but with a nicer ass! Buster
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