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Posts posted by milano

  1. Originally posted by vipnerd

    Olimpia is more dangerous than a hippie's lion, but the moment Real presses the gas...their movility should be too much. Unless Tavarelli wins the car.

    :laugh: :laugh: I can only imagine a hippie's lion:laugh: :laugh:

    Real Madrid 3 - Olimpia 1


    The four Spanish teams are pretty solid. Specially in a long tournament. When it comes down to the knockout phase... I would take this year an English or italian side...


    True. teams like Milan, Juventus, Arsenal, Man Utd are stronger than last year. Barza lost Rivaldo (huge loss) and Milan gained it!

    My forecast: AC Milan 3 - Real Madrid 0

    Liverpool 3 - Manchester 2


    dont be mad OLIMPIA left boca out of the libertadores.you guys won 2 in a row BY PK's cant get any luckier than that.

    peace out


    :eek: :eek:

  2. Originally posted by georgeacasta2

    Your absolutely right. Every business caters to it's bread and butter. But space is in a position where they can influence what music trends may or may not happen down here. They can promote an Edgar V breakbeat night or an Oscar G deephouse night. Space already has loyal patrons and a following that will go to space rain or sunshine. I read a post once that Oscar threw down a freestyle set one afterhours and the crowd was eating it up. The reason most of the space clientel only likes progressive or trance is because that's all they know. That's the music format. Clubbing music isn't popular like MTV or hip hop. Clubbers only know what the clubs let them know. Dance music is not that accessable to most people. The average clubber doesn't know the difference between Satoshi or Danny Tenaglia. It's all up to the club IMO.


    BTW, don't Satoshi and Danny T both play house?:rolleyes::D

  3. Originally posted by laliux

    Looks like this is Valencia's year. Aimar is in top form. Barza has a good chance if fucking Van Gaal starts putting "El Torero" Riquelme on the first team. Those are my bets for this Champions League. :D

    Real will kick Olimpia's ass.:blank:

    Independiente is too lucky... fucking Pusineri saved Gallego's ass. :mad:

    I like Valencia. Was heartbroken when they lost the two finals in a row:( But Aimar won't play tomorrow againt Ajax. Still I think their group is the toughest, Roma, Arsenal and Ajax. Valencia beat Arsenal two years ago, but this Arsenal is flying... Roma are in a slump...but have an amazing team. And Ajax after years of reconstructing their team, have a say. Tough group...Arsenal first, Valencia second.

    As to Barza....Riquelme was the biggest mistake Bielsa did during the World Cup. It is as he forgot one of his suitcases back in Buenos Aires. Who can forget what he did two years ago to Real in Tokyo. He is the closest to Zidane IMO. Barza first, Inter second (I hate to say this), Bayer and Newcastle no way...

    Milan should take their group on top of Real. Borussia and Locomotiv, third and fourth, in that order. My team has the strongest balance of all teams this year, IMO. Objectively, you have three of the best defenders in the world...Costacurta, Nesta and Paolo... The most creative midfield...Rivaldo, Seedorf and Rui Costa... And two hungry canonieri upfront, Filippo and Andrei...

    What team has that balance??:)

    Juve and Man U should take group D. Depor could have a chance, Basel...any basketball scoreboards???:D

    I feel for Vipnerd and you Laliux for Independiente-Boca. But when you miss goals, you'll take them in... Would have been beautiful to have an extra match between them. Well...welcome to the calcio...:cool:

  4. Originally posted by georgeacasta2

    I give space props because they are more serious about music then 90% of the clubs down here but IMO they need a little more variety more often.

    Lawler is a big name but he hasn't changed his sound for the past 2 years (progressive tribal)

    What keeps me away from space is the music format. The times I've gone to space the music for the most part has been

    4/4 Progressive, be it tribal, tech or regular proggy house or it's Trance.

    Space has booked Jody (Breaks), Stryke (Techno) and DHM (Deephouse) and does have DT as a quarterly resident (Awesome!), but the times with something other then trance or progressive are not often enough. It's usually Apappa, Tstephan, Desyn, Deepdish those 2 dudes from Washington (can't remember their name) PVD, Tiesto or your residents which all spin subgenre's of progressive house. While I realize your residents throw down records that are not progressive or trance I am judging them based on what style of music I hear them play the most often during a set.

    I used to go to space every single weekend and I am basing my opinion on the last couple of times I've gone to space.

    I would like to hear something different.

    Jimmy T - spins his own brand of house - very clever IMO. It's like a retro/funky house that has some really catchy hooks. Why not give him a residency:confused:

    BTW, my criticism is meant to be constructive so I hope no one takes offense to what I'm saying. I'm not a space hater. I think the space crew Biz, OG, Kris and LP are all aces. They really go out of their way for everyone on this board and I have only positive things to say about them.

    BUT, please try changing up the music format on a more consistent basis.

    I agree w/u... LP is a brilliant club owner. We got Lawler in November... Lawler in February...guess what, outpaying Crobar for Lawler will give them one of the hottest DJs tha past two summers in Ibiza as ""their" resident during WMC. Two thumbs up LP!!

    While Crobar "loves" the french guy as resident... Space is taking away their few good guest DJs. I prop Space's vision.:eek::cool:

  5. Originally posted by vipnerd

    Let me add a couple things, Milano.

    1) Hierro is out, he will probably recover for the Intercontinental game with Olimpia (BTW they are already in Tokyo for the game)

    2) Ronaldo didn't play last Saturday the derby w/Barza because he had fever :rolleyes: Probably won't play tomorrow

    3) Nesta is out of the Milan team for injury. Will be back for the second game of the second stage group series.

    4) You don't like Seedorf in your team??

    5) I'm so pissed of with Boca. WTF!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, even with Pavon having a great derby, the miss of Hierro will be too much of a burden against your team's offense. Milan should take it.

    I'm so ready for tomorrow!!!!!!:bounce:

    We are goin to kick some...tomorrow, believe me.

    Inter can cry all they want, but we can beat them every weekend:D IMO, not having Nesta will only make us more vertical, attack those spaniards 'til they just hang from their goal.

    Of course I like Seedorf, plus this is a special game for him, first time he'll play against his ex-team. BTW, last two times we played Real Madrid (early 90s) we kicked there @$$.

    If you like the English Premier League check out the Liverpool-Manchester game. It is pretty decisive for ManU. I imagine Sasha is going to be eating his fingernails (he is a big Liverpool fan). without the Spice Boy, Roy keane and Nicky Butt, I think Liverpool has an edge.

    Forza Milan!!:cool:

  6. Most of the world is expecting this super clash between the two most prestigious teams in European competition.

    Milan: Rivaldo, Inzaghi, Rui Costa, Shevshenko, Maldini, Costa Curta, Nesta.......

    Real Madrid: Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo, Zidane, Raul, Figo, Hierro...

    It is a like a all star game of internaational "calcio". It is more than a game, it is club history and national soccer rivalry.

    Catch it on ESPN2 at 2:30 pm tomorrow Tuesday, live from Milan!

    FORZA MILAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

  7. Originally posted by saleen351

    the following iterated algorithm

    converges for all positive integers: n(i+1) = { n(i)/2 if n is even, {

    (3*n(i)+1)/2 if n is odd. This is known as the #3X+1 problem, the Collatz

    Conjecture, or a host of other names. Various cash prizes have been offered

    for its solution. If you generalize and parameterize the algorithm, I suspect

    that the 3X+1 algorithm lies on the boundary of sets of algorithms that

    converge. The trouble is: I have no idea if that set is open or closed!


    I am afraid I do not understand what you mean by converge. It

    certainly cannot converge to a single n(i), because the only fixed points are

    0 and -1, which are not accessible to positive integers. Do you perhaps mean

    converges to some periodic cycle, rather than diverging to infinity? A simple

    test tells me everything seems to converge to the cycle 1 2 1 2 1 2...Is that

    correct? So, who gets the cash if somebody here solves it? Maybe it is a

    good way to raise money for Newton, though...A few ideas from my thoughts on

    the problem so far: (1) Numbers of the form 2^n - 1 produce the longest

    strings of increasing values (3*n+1)/2 all odd. For example, try 2047. (2) If

    the sequence produced has roughly half odd and half even numbers, then it must

    converge, because for odd numbers the values are multiplied by 3/2 (roughly)

    while for even numbers they are divided by 2, so the even's decrease sequence

    values more than the odd's increase sequence. (3) It is of course easy to

    prove the conjecture holds for integers up to any value you like, just by

    explicitly forming the sequences. Each sequence actually tells you about the

    convergence of every integer that is obtained in that sequence, because of

    course they all follow the same path. So there should be special numbers

    (including the 2^n-1, perhaps?) that produce the longest sequences. Can these

    be characterized in some way? In particular can we show that eventually the

    number of odds and evens must balance? Of course I would like to hear what

    else has been done on this. I do not think I have ever seen anything

    published on it, but then this is not the sort of thing I do my work in.

    There were fair number of articles published in math journals during the 80's

    on this problem...search on 3X+1 or Collatz. So, it turns out there is a big

    long write-up in the American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 92, p. 3 (1985). And

    Paul Erdos is quoted as saying that Mathematics is not ready for this problem.

    Don't you think maybe you could have mentioned this in introducing it here?

    Before the rest of us make fools of ourselves, I mean... Sometimes it is

    better if you do not know the history of a problem. After all, didn't Fermat

    write in his diary that he had an "elegant solution proof" of his Last

    Theorem, and mathematicians have been working on it ever since, and the

    recently announced proof is far from elegant!


    Got back pretty drunk...I couldn't stop laughing:laugh:

    PS: Forza Milan!

  8. Originally posted by anteye

    Ok... so this guy obviously pissed a few of you off. I come to this conclusion NOT because I've read his Floridian-degrading posts, NOT because you're calling him ugly. But BECAUSE YOU HAVE YET TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE HOT-ASS CHICK HE'S POSING WITH IN THAT PICTURE!!!

    NOTALLTHERE, yes, you're a moron. But if being an "ugly" moron gets you ass that looks like that, then I am making an appointment with a plastic surgeon and a whole crate of whip-its ASAP!!

    :eek::laugh: :laugh:

    I think the chick paid to get a picture taken w/him at House of Terror!!?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::D

    BTW, she is a hot client :eek::lickit:

  9. Originally posted by musicislife

    if you know or care anything about real house music other than taking a pill & getting the piss beat out of you by some bad prog

    shit, go to this event. ( my apologies to any progressive fans that may be offended)

    :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused:

    Im ready!!:cool:

  10. Originally posted by lolahotass

    You coming out tonight to meet us? It'll be fun - we are not shady characters.... well................:laugh: :laugh:

    :eek: :eek: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Originally posted by Anteye

    By this, are you insinuating that all "foreigners" are homosexual? If so, than I'm sure the heterosexual "foreigners" would find YOUR comments much more offensive.

    :confused: :confused:

    Where did homosexual come into play????:eek::D

  11. Originally posted by milano


    2) HOW DO YOU FIT 5 CPERS ON A MOPED??:confused:

    Winner gets a limo service to all the clubs in Ft. L.:cool:

    Answer: The day you get someone else than Saleen, the Hog, Dabannedjew, Dajew, GM66, Fidosgrrl, DUI...to write seriously about the club scene in Lauderdale.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :blown: :blown: :blown:

  12. Originally posted by stryke303

    well, i see our little oscar g has reared his ugly ass head again! welcome back ya loser! what....just because you've got not one but TWO songs on the Billboard chart you think you're so friggin hot? Please!!!!!! just because all of miami and the rest of the world is so proud of you! cmon now! just because your album next year is going to be the sh*t?! get a life! i'm so over you! ugh. we used to be down. but you were just using me for my body...umm... i mean....umm..whatever.... thanks to all you guys (except for OSCAR) for your kind words.


    one pissed off chinese jamaican dude!


    :eek: :eek: :eek::D

    Congrats Stryke:aright:

    Suggestion: After the above mentioned confession, clarify your gender in your CP bio :D:laugh:

  13. Originally posted by funketeer

    Yo VIP, I checked the pics also...mamacitas galore!!! I have to give it to you bro, I don't know what the hell is going on with me on those photos...it's like I'm posessed by the spirits of funk or something...damn boyeee!!!! What a face...if that's my face when I'm dancing with my eyes closed...I might as well stand on my hands and have everyone look at my ass instead, don't you think???

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Get the funk out!!! :cool:

    :lol3: LOL:laugh:

    Were U in the bathroom??????:D

    Mamma mia...la madonna. Those are some hot chicks. Nice Demi!!:cool:

  14. Originally posted by digital7

    Chris has been around for a very long time and played @ the Gemini Parties in Gainesville opening for the likes of Sasha & Digweed and playing along side Jimmy van Malleghem and Dave Cannalte. DJ Three is one of the best in the business and underrated IMO. You could pretty much expect anything from this cat, he'll drop the nickel bags of funk on yo ass! guaranteed.

    I'm there! .. very much looking foward to hearing him play out @ Lola. It should be a nice contrast in comparison to his previous set at Crobar which gives way for a totally different set.

    and NO ... Three dosen't suck :cool:


    Hopefully he'll drop dime bags:D

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