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CrAcKa A55 CeCe

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Everything posted by CrAcKa A55 CeCe

  1. I'll control that VIP area & if I don't get respect..........OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! lmfao
  2. I didn't say it was going to be there, but thats where I'd like it to be
  3. i wanna be shot girl........or a bitchy vip girl
  4. it will be packed no matter what.......but being packed with lack of seating is not something I am looking for Since I am familiar SF, thats why i choose it........ regardless I could give 2 shits, just tell me when & where, i'll be there
  5. I think Crobar, but i'll tell you after this weekend if anything SF one last time
  6. i love rumors.......... I also heard it was going to be at Vinyl......and SF.........back at Exit...........gotta love that reliable source
  7. I didn't mind now when i was in SF...only when I was on the dancefloor, which was barely I had my lil circle of friends & our corner, it was fun.......I do miss it but getting annoyed at people touching my skin is something i found was pissing me off in NJ clubs....yuckkkk
  8. & mixing meds can really throw you off but in all honesty, he was great on NYE......I had been going to SF for year & was never fully impressed til NYE when i found out he was sick, i was even more blown back,,,,,I mean he never played that good in good health all the time i heard him.
  9. JP had the flu on NYE.......so i guess it had to do with how high his fever was at that point
  10. yeah jerk, you got one more chance, don't blow it
  11. did you happen to go to Exit on NYE? I have only heard him in his "inconsistant" days....& from people that have been following him since he was at his prime say it was one of the best in years he was incredible & I personally think it was because he was not happy in SF which produced lack of heart in his sets Being a stylist I know you only produce you best work when you are happy People, things and times change...go with the flow
  12. of course they should follow, he brought 11,000 people to Exit on NYE
  13. what are we talking about here??? JP & his drug use or whether he was packing SF every sat? I really don't get what you are talkin about as for the club scene getting dirty, I personally think it has always been dirty, we are just growing up and getting tired of it, seeing it differently
  14. I don't recall anyone saying JP wasn't All I said was Junior is the Tina Bitch......he is the better known Tina head & he is over 60 years old.....so JP has about 20-30 year left maybe I should have clarified it and said Junior was the QUEEN Tina Bitch
  15. i always knew....it was soo hard for you to hide it
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