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Everything posted by alexx

  1. anyone know which version dt played on his birthday???
  3. I just booked everything yesterday, the difference in price wasn't that much so we figured it would jus be easier to fly into miami. Cannot fuckin waitttt. Only 33 days left....
  4. Dt thinks JP is an awesome dj, and said he has the most respect for him. I guess you know more about music and djing, then DT. Idiot:blown:
  5. jp....and now that sf is closed people will prob drive to wherever he spins
  6. thanks alot for the info, very helpfull
  7. Im flying from nyc, the dif between flying into ft lauderdale and miami is like 50-75$. Is it just better to fly into miami, I have no clue how much a cab from ft lauderdale will cost...What would you suggest?
  8. I totaly agree with you. The best clubs have redic amounts of drugs in them it has always been like that. If people are complaining that they losing money or a job because of the drug users. Well its the drug users that have supported these people for your entire time in the nyc club scene. If it wasn't for them none of them would of even had jobs or any money in the begining. These people need to stop bithcing nobody is happy about what happened....
  9. I see, gotta try to find myself a good id now...thanx for the info
  10. How strict are they down there on id's? Im 20...would a chalk work or should I try to get someone else's id??
  11. so where is he spining, does any1 know anything?
  12. jp has to be the most underated dj
  13. raiders are gona kill the bucs
  14. I go to school up at albany also. Absolutely no good clubs up here. I only go there when JP comes up, went a few times when it wasn't him had a horrible time. Ill be back home this weekend for the bday party....fuck that place.
  15. lol...No juice for me its not worth it IMO. Just wondering if anyone thinks andro is worth taking, or just stick with protein?
  16. anyone know if adro is worth taking?
  17. How do you know the 2 guys behind you were from Staten Island??? While a lot of the things in this thread are true, not everyone is like that. Except the part about SI girls. SI def has the hottest girls, and most are really stuck up. And like 90% of SI moved to SI from BKLYN anyone who lives here knows that, so all the people from bklyn who say shit about the people on SI you got the same type of people in bklyn. Go to any of the better nieghborhoods in bklyn and you'll find the same things you find on much of SI.
  18. I just want to see the girls reaction when they find out he isn't rich.....Anyone know when they taped this???
  19. Yea thats pretty much how it goes in sports I couldn't of said it any better myself. Black, White, Maritan if your good you get the job. As far as window dressing to make everybody happy. Who is it really making happy? If your a black coach getting interviewed for the job, you gotta be thinking, is he interviewing me because he has to, and is really not considering me at all, or is it because im really good and i deserve the job????
  20. I dont really see how affirmative action is necessary in the NFL since most of the people involved in the league are non-white. There is not that many good black head coaches out there, and the one that are out there have the job. Look at Tony Dungy as soon as he got fired by Tampa, the Colts picked him up. On another note I dont think any coach black or white can be compared to Bill Parcells, if you are getting Bill Parcells there is no need to interview anyone else. I think these new rules are rediculous
  21. So I was reading sportszone and they had an article about how the cowboys are looking for a new coach....and apperently Jerry Jones has violated the leagues new rules in his search. The league is trying to increase the number of black coaches, and has formed a comitee to make sure that they get a fair chance. So according to the new rules, if there is ever a coaching vacancy in the nfl the owner/gm must interview atleast 1 black coach for the job or he is in viloation of the new rules, and the team will loose draft picks. So Jerry Jones is trying to get Bill Parcells, and he has also spoke to Dennis Green.....but since he only to spoke to Green over the phone, and did not meet with him in person, its a violation, and the cowboys may now loose draft picks......and ofcourse behind all this is Johnny Cochran. Just wondering if anyone else thinks this is really rediculous????
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