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Posts posted by cwa

  1. i refuse to side w/ a group of people who have no real job skills .. i went to college to get paid less than these assholes and only can hope for a chance to retire at 55 ..

    douchebags ..

    lets just figure out who the douchebag really is... paying for college and can't make as much as a so called no skill transit worker.

    the higher paying jobs there are dangerous. do you work near trains moving and the third rail? think about it how many people die a year in ur job.

  2. I wonder if the transit workers are enjoying their day off at a cost of up to $400 a day in lost wages? They can make it up upon retirement, at age 55, by starting a second career, since today's life expectancy for men is about

    77, women, 80. Oh, wait, I forgot, transit workers like sitting around doing nothing, and getting paid $25, plus time & a half for overtime, an hour with free health benefits. So I guess that's all they'll be doing upon retirement, sitting on their asses, rather than being productive members of society. Anyway, their skills will be quite limited, as they are now. Their customer service skills suck, and driving a bus or train doesn't exactly translate into other job skills, like say, um, being a medical technician, electrician, plumber, doctor, nurse, secretary, receptionist, nurse, restaurant manager, entrepreneur. At age 55, they won't want to start an entry level position or gain new job skills, so we'll have a bunch of unhealthy, unhappy, unproductive old folks. And studies have shown that after retirement, unless you're a really outgoing person with a lot of hobbies, social contacts, and outlets for physical activity, that the downhill slide into illness and death is pretty fast.

    So what are they fighting for? Are these jobs really all that desirable? They have to fight and whine and inconvenience an entire city for a raise and pension benefits? Don't these people understand that this is a free market society and they can get other jobs where they can learn and grow, and get raises based on MERIT and if they don't like it, they can go somewhere else? And if they can't get other jobs after leaving the MTA because of their lack of skills and recommendations, then shouldn't they just STFU and take what they get and live within their means?

    Inflation affects everyone, not just union workers. It's survival of the fittest, and for the TWU, they're only as good as their weakest link, and I wouldn't want my pay raise determined by the quality of job performance, or lack thereof, of thousands of other workers who have bad attitudes and a 'gimme' mindset.

    Unions set the standard of living for everyone, even if you aren't in a union. Your company now needs to compete with MTA to get employees who get paid $25/hr healthcare 401K, etc. and now they need to offer just as much or similar to get you to work for them. New York is very unionized and as you can see our standard of living is much better than most other places. Look at all the culture, clubs, nightlife, diversity, etc. bcuz of it.

    As for pay raises for job performance everything needs to be even and equal, so some dumbass boss can't fuck you over.

    And unions provide a skilled workforce with very low turnover.

    As you can see these past Bush years more and more are losing health benefits and pensions. Do we all want to be sick old people that need to work? NO. If the unions don't pressure the companies to pay for healthcare than there is no incentive for the companies to lobby the govt. to change this crazy healthcare system.

    Good for the TWU to take a stand! We've lost so much to the middle class under Bush. About time we start fighting back! Deal with what u have to and remember these people don't want to be out of work it costs them money. The are out on the picket line to stick up for the middle class.

  3. Well when the dance scene here was thriving, the big clubs were more unique and original (e.g. Twilo, Tunnel, Limelight, USA, Palladium, etc.). You can't be a leader in the scene by putting chain style clubs all over the place....Crobar, Avalon, Pacha, and Spirit are not original concepts; they all originated elsewhere and exist elsewhere. If NYC wants to be the dance mecca it once was, they need to do something more interesting than using a concept that's already out there. They need to push the envelope a little bit and become more creative.


  4. I respect JV professionally. He can turn it out when he wants to. His attitude is shit though. He was having a bad night, who cares, you make the best of it, especially when people paid to come hear you. You don't act like a fucking little bitch.

    Actually... he did make the best of it cuz the younger junior would of STOPPED the music and left PERIOD. He did pick out plenty of HOT tracks that you will only hear from the master himself.

    so what if he spins on his emotions, isn't that how musicians create their music? Junior don't just spin records and blend them together, he takes you on a journey. did i think he was a nut for mixing off beat? of course! but i know that Junior can deliver the most fantastic, unbelievable experience and that what keeps me coming back.

  5. Black is at the point already where Earth was sometime in the middle. Invasive searches, invasive securtiy, etc. does kill the vibe. Even if you are doing nothing wrong, I would esp. think that would kill the vibe since you don't pay $30 to get into a club and be harassed. You go out to let loose and dance. There was a reason Junior quit that place. He made a mistake going there and now JP made a mistake going there. That place has a bad reputation for years now.

    All the people that talk about drugs being done at parties just make matters worst. For whatever reason our scene is the target. I'm sure there are drugs at every single type of club and music in NYC. Thats life. Isn't it better its done off the streets? People will do regardelss.

    Everyone just needs to be a bit more responsible. How can someone let there friend pass out in a club? Don't you watch each other! Know where each other are at all time and if you don't feel well leave! Stop fucking it up for everyone else. There is no need to leave a club in an ambulance.

  6. lets get this correct...

    there are str8 people that attend junior parties...

    yes str8 people get turned away. the core crowd is gay. unfortunately in this society you can't just let a bunch of str8 people coming already f*cked up to an after hours parties with gays. Unfortunately there are people who freak out and may cause trouble. So yes the door people are selective with str8s to make it a safe party environment for everyone. sorry if you feel junior discriminates against str8 people, but us gay people deal with discrimination everyday of our lives. We even have our leaders like George Bush saying horrible things.

  7. That place was dying a slow and agonizing death. Earth was Exits only hope left...

    If Exit ever learned how to treat its customers it may still be busy. So many people have been kicked out for just looking f**ked up. Who wants to go back there after getting kicked out. The door was always drama. I never seen so many gross things be done to people by security.

    The club was cool for Junior's parties with the big stage and all, but someone else def. needs to own that place.

    The Memorial Day/Closing Party crowd was very scarce...compared to even just a year ago. Even die hard weekly dwellers I didn't even see there anymore.

    Thanks for the great parties there Junior and good luck in the future. You may be surprised how many people return!! Hopefully there can be a balance, but there are always going to be idiots who overindulge and ruin it for everyone.

  8. go apply for your unemployment right away so there is no screw ups...

    then take the time to workout, take a break, write a resume, and job searching, and maybe reevaluate your situation.

    its tuff, i've been applying to jobs weekly since Dec. 2002. I finally relocated so I can afford to live off of unemployment (you can transfer your NY benefits anywhere).

    the atmosphere for a good job suks right now...but GOOD LUCK!!

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