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Posts posted by cwa

  1. well my experience is using Verizon on Long Island and it don't cut out while your driving from one end to the other and trust me i lived way out in east suffolk.

    i also use it from Long Island driving down to North Carolina and it doesn't cut out.

    T-Mobile I know for a fact is bad. Driving on the LIE, Grand Central, etc. etc.

  2. It depends where ya using ur phone. Driving through Long Island T=Mobile cuts out a million times.

    The best service overall is Verizon. Even out in the middle of nowhere they work. Plus they have the best Nationwide plans.

    And just so you know I HATE Verizon...but am giving you an honest opinon bcuz coverage is the most important part of a cell phone.

  3. The point being again...

    bcuz of people like you who is a homophobe....they can't just let any str8 person into a gay party. Some str8 guyz can't handle a gay guy hitting on them or checking them out.

    how is that hypocritical when peoples well being is at stake? should we just allow a skinhead into a hip hop party?? Thats why there are door people and a discretionary door policy.

    I don't know how this turned into a gay vs. str8 thing when the question was is Junior selling out. Which means taking what is in the New York underground and making it New York mainstream.


  4. The problem is . . .

    NOT that we care less if str8 people show up...

    its that mix alcohol/drugs and the WRONG str8 people a gay man ends up knocked out bcuz he hit on the wrong person.

    Thats the problem and why GAY people feel more comfortable partying with other GAY people. If a group of str8 people showed up at Twilo without any Gays with them that is probably why they were turned away.

    If you are str8 and showed up with gays that would make you gay friendly and those types weren't turned away from Twilo.

    And I doubt Junior is trying to cater to the str8 crowd by advertising like this:


    As for equal rights any human being in America land of the free deserves them.

  5. Kansas Charges Taxes on Illegal drugs

    How much do drug tax stamps cost?

    Drug tax stamps can be purchased in denominations and multiples of $10, $50, $100, $500, and $1000.

    What is the minimum purchase required for purchasing drug tax stamps?


    Why tax illegal drugs?

    There are two reasons why illegal drugs are taxed:

    Taxing the Underground Economy - The fact that the business of dealing marijuana and controlled substances is illegal does not exempt it from taxation. Legitimate business transactions are taxed. Dealing drugs is a large part of a previously untaxed underground economy.

    Providing a Source of Revenue - 25% of drug tax collections are allocated to the State's General Fund.

    Who is liable for the drug tax?

    An individual is classified as a drug dealer and is liable for the payment of drug taxes if he/she manufactures, produces, ships, transports, or imports into Kansas or possesses:

    more than 28 grams of marijuana (processed or marijuana plants)or

    1 gram of controlled substance or 10 or more dosage unites of a controlled substance (K.S.A. 79-5201)

    How is tax paid?

    Drug dealers, as defined above, are required by law to purchase tax stamps from the Department of Revenue's Business Tax Bureau (K.S.A. 79-5204). In order to protect against any possible violation of the self-incrimination constitutional protection, a dealer is not required to give his/her name or address when purchasing stamps and the Business Tax Bureau is prohibited from sharing any information relating to the purchase of drug tax stamps with law enforcement or anyone else. The stamps must be affixed to the drugs when they are seized to prevent tax liability. Payment of the drug tax (the purchase and affixation of stamps) is due immediately upon acquisition or possession by the dealer. The stamps are valid for 3 months from the date of issuance. If drugs are seized without stamps or the stamps which are affixed have expired, the possessor is liable for payment for the tax as well as a penalty of 100% of the assessment. For example:

    Drug tax assessment: 10 grams of cocaine x $200 per gram = $2,000

    Penalty: $2,000 x 100% = $2,000

    Total Liability: $2,000 + $2,000 = $4,000

    What are the tax rates for marijuana?

    Pursuant to K.S.A. 79-5202, the tax rates are:

    Processed $3.50 per gram

    Wet Plant $0.40 per gram

    Dry Plant $0.90 per gram

    What are the tax rates for controlled substances?

    Pursuant to K.S.A. 79-5202, the tax rates are:

    If customarily sold by weight (cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.) $200 per gram

    If customarily sold by Dosage Unit (pills, etc.) $2,000 per 50 units

    What happens to a drug dealer not possessing drug tax stamps?

    There are both criminal and civil penalties.

    Criminal Penalties:

    Failure to pay the drug tax is a felony punishable of up to five years and/or a fine of up to $10,000.

    Civil Penalties:

    Failing to affix tax stamps to illegal drugs may result in the issuance of a jeopardy tax assessment and tax warrant by the Department of Revenue against the drug dealer based upon the amount of the drugs seized pursuant to K.S.A. 79-5205 and K.S.A. 79-3229. The fact that the assessment is a "jeopardy assessment" allows for the initiation of collection activities immediately. Execution of the tax warrant may involve the seizing and selling of the drug dealer's property to satisfy the drug tax liability. In other words, the drug dealer subjects his/her property to possible seizure by failing to purchase the necessary drug tax stamps. In addition, the tax warrant, once filed by the clerk of the district court, serves as a lien against the drug taxpayer's real estate. This prevents the drug dealer from selling his/her real estate without first satisfying the drug tax liability. Laws exempting personal property from seizure do not apply to seizure pursuant to drug tax warrants.

    Does purchasing drug tax stamps make possession of drugs legal?

    No. Purchasing drug tax stamps prevents criminal prosecution for the charge of failure to affix the stamps on the drugs and prevents the Department of revenue from assessing the 100% penalty for possession of illegal drugs without tax stamps.

    Does the drug dealer have an opportunity to be heard?

    Yes. The drug dealer has 15 days from the date of assessment to request a hearing before the Director of Taxation to determine the validity of the assessment pursuant to K.S.A. 79-5205. The assessment is statutorily presumed to be valid and correctly determined. The burden is on the taxpayer to prove otherwise.

    The criminal prosecution for failure to pay the drug tax and the civil tax assessment are separate actions. What occurs with the criminal case, for instance, does not necessarily affect the Department of Revenue's tax assessment.

    Who administers and enforces the Drug Tax Law?

    The local district or county attorney handles the criminal prosecution for failure to affix drug tax stamps.

    The Department of Revenue's Investigation and Criminal Enforcement (ICE Unit), organizationally placed within the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division, is responsible for administering the tax on illegal drugs. After receiving information from the law enforcement community, the ICE Unit represents the Director of Taxation in issuing assessment notices and tax warrants, The ICE Unit assists local law enforcement in identifying assets of drug dealers for satisfaction of drug tax liability. The county sheriff's departments perform execution of the tax warrants, which may include seizure and storage of property.

    Is the tax on illegal drug unique to Kansas?

    No. Kansas was one of the first states to enact a tax on illegal drugs. There are roughly 10 states that continue to impose a tax on illegal drugs.

    What do I need to do with the drug tax stamp once I receive it?

    Permanently affix the stamp to the marijuana and/or controlled substance immediately after receiving the substance.

    Can I reuse my stamps?


    How long are drug tax stamps valid?

    Drug tax stamps expire three (3) months after the date of issuance.

    Do I have to provide my name and address when purchasing drug tax stamps?

    No. KDOR sells drug tax stamps without asking for any identification, demographic information, e.g. name, social security number. KDOR associates cannot share any information relating to drug tax stamp purchases with anyone, including law enforcement agencies.

    Can I purchase drug tax stamps through the mail?

    Yes. The purchaser will need to provide their mailing address in order for the Department to send the drug tax stamps.

  6. Junior Vasquez is expanding his market. Exit is not as full as it could be on a weekly basis. And if Junior was really trying to sell out to the straight market he would not be making flyers like the memorial day army of love flyer. 99% of straight people I know would be afraid to look at that flyer!! KTU probably has the most gay listeners of any station in New York. Junior makes CDs?? so how is going on the radio selling out??

    I think it is great that an openly gay DJ and a Drag queen are on the radio. It goes to show how far we have come. Aren't you tired of hearing Paul Oakenfold this and Paul Oakenfold that when you know how great Junior Vasquez is!!

  7. Exit disrespects its patrons. They touch you in places where they shouldn't. And what do they do with the drugs they do find? They go in a seperate bin... They charge way too much $$$ esp. considering there is a recession right now. Finally are Junior's people getting the price down a little bit. But Exit management kills the vibe. A club is all about the vibe. Die hard Junior fans have given up on going to Exit bcuz they are disrespectful. And we all hope Junior finds a new and better home soon.

  8. I wish i could go!! Thats where I first found Junior is @ Twilo. How I would love to hear those songs!!!

    I think everyone is getting tired of Exit's security and door searches, but what can we do? I guess thats the state of NYC clubland since Twilo, Limelight, and Tunnel got shut down. I don't see though if Exit got shut down in Feb. while doing those kind of searches, I guess thats not even enough. What does this city expect the clubs to do? Isn't it the NYPD's job to enforce the law? They should be the ones looking for the drug dealers through their narcotics work.

  9. Junior Vasquez Sunday Mornings 7am-sunday afternoon

    at club Exit 56st. between 11th and 12th ave.

    VERY strict door search (they feel everywhere and make you take your shoes off)

    Danny Tenneglia Friday

    Arc Space 6 Huebert St. Afterhours

    Those are 2 BIG New York DJs and a good way to hear the New York House sound.


    Earth by Junior Vasquez @ Exit

  10. Roxy has girls...if your str8 man you really won't have much competition in getting to talk to girls...just look and make sure they don't have an adams apple.

    i've always tried to convince my str8 friends if they came out with me they'd probably be more successful in getting woman!!

    reduced is $15 b4 1am... you need a flyer print off of jblair.com or a jblair card. don't count on madonna being there but it has been known to be a surprise once in a while. of course the rumors fly in the gay community cuz everyone is wishing their fantasy will come true!!

  11. the sound system was incredible, it wasn't a big dance floor, but it was very easy to get lost, and feel trapped. It had to be the largest disco ball EVER, if that thing fell it would of killed people. The neon lights were awsome, I could go on and on. Since the end of Twilo thats when the city just started shutting these places down. All was required to walk through a metal detector, they didn't care that you used drugs. It will be a while b4 we feel that vibe again.

  12. everyone is worried it will change the crowd at Exit/Earth...

    well KTU is listened to by many gay people also...i think its great we get to hear him on the radio...too bad i moved down south =/

    its probably not going to be the same as being in the club as the way the lights are orchestrated, the performances, and artwork, add to the whole JUNIOR experience.

    Junior is THE GREATEST all-time New York DJ. He's been going strong for more than 15 years now!! It's unfortunate that hes at Exit, a club that disrespects its patrons and makes the weekly vibe feel negative and turns a lot of people off. BUT you can't complain too much cuz Exit is perfect for the BIG events, its Huge, and when Junior has that placed full to capacity and EVERYONE dancing its one of the greatest places!

    I can't wait to go hear Junior Memorial Day Weekend. I remember being there last year and the place was still filled past 5pm with the bright white lights on and the cleaning crew waiting around the dance floor (and funny to see them checking out and drooling over the transgender!!) to get the place ready for Exits Memorial Day party that started later that night. But Junior just kept going and everyone just kept dancing!! Thats a true Junior experience!

    I guess that despite the Exit drama nights like that is what keeps us going!

  13. heres a tip...why chance going to jail?? DON"T BRING!! OR

    tip #2 if you can get it into Exit past the hand groping...they don't grope you at the airport see cuz that sort of thing is illegal unless they have probable cause. Don't wear any metal and they don't even have a reason to pat you down. They usually only pat you down when u set the metal detector off.

  14. Total cost of overweight and obesity: $99.2 billion

    umm this was a discussion about smoking not obesity. i'm at my ideal weight and am healthy. If you eat a krispy kreme donut it has NO affect on my health whatsoever!! If you smoke next to me it does. thats the point.

    what affects health costs is a whole other issue....but we all would be a lot healthier if we were able to enjoy dinner, going to a bar, going to the mall in a smoke free environment.

    don't you remember when you could smoke in the mall, smoke in the restaurant, offices, etc. people got used to that they will get used to this. i remember you couldn't even smoke in a SUNY dorm cuz it was a state building. people will adapt.

  15. smoking ban in public places is great!!! Get used to it!! If it worked in California and other places it will work here. Smokers increase the cost of health care to all of us. Smokers pollute the air and other peoples lungs. It is a CHOICE. When you don't smoke and have to breath second hand smoke that is NOT a choice. There shouldn't of had to be a law to make smokers more considerate to the people around them. And that goes for just littering your butts too!

  16. i think all the suburbanites learn the hard way whether it is a $110 ticket or even worst getting towed! After once you learn very well how to read parking signs and that only one sign is necessary for the whole street so check the corner.

    btw....at the cashier in discoteque there is a sign that says there is no parking on 19th st. your car will probably get towed...

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