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About americanmade

  • Birthday 09/22/1980

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  1. Congratulations on your purchase of a brand new nigger! If handled properly, your nigger will give years of valuable, if reluctant, service. Contents Installing Your Nigger: Configuring Your Nigger: Housing Your Nigger: Feeding Your Nigger: Making Your Nigger Work: Entertaining Your Nigger: Disposal Of Dead Niggers: Common Problems With Niggers: INSTALLING YOUR NIGGER. You should install your nigger differently according to whether you have purchased the field or house model. Field niggers work best in a serial configuration, i.e. chained together. Chain your nigger to another nigger immediately on unpacking it, and don't even think about taking that chain off, ever. Many niggers start singing as soon as you put a chain on them. This habit can usually be thrashed out of them if nipped in the bud. House niggers work best as standalone units, but should be hobbled or hamstrung to prevent attempts at escape. At this stage, your nigger can also be given a name. Most owners use the same names over and over, since niggers become confused by too much data. Rufus, Rastus, Remus, Toby, Carslisle, Carlton, Hey-You!-Yes-you!, Yeller, Blackstar, and Sambo are all effective names for your new buck nigger. If your nigger is a ho, it should be called Latrelle, L'Tanya, or Jemima. Some owners call their nigger hoes Latrine for a joke. Pearl, Blossom, and Ivory are also righteous names for nigger hoes. These names go straight over your nigger's head, by the way. CONFIGURING YOUR NIGGER. Owing to a design error, your nigger comes equipped with a tongue and vocal chords. Most niggers can master only a few basic human phrases with this apparatus - "muh dick" being the most popular. However, others make barking, yelping, yapping noises and appear to be in some pain, so you should probably call a vet and have him remove your nigger's tongue. Once de-tongued your nigger will be a lot happier - at least, you won't hear it complaining anywhere near as much. Niggers have nothing interesting to say, anyway. Many owners also castrate their niggers for health reasons (yours, mine, and that of women, not the nigger's). This is strongly recommended, and frankly, it's a mystery why this is not done on the boat HOUSING YOUR NIGGER. Your nigger can be accommodated in cages with stout iron bars. Make sure, however, that the bars are wide enough to push pieces of nigger food through. The rule of thumb is, four niggers per square yard of cage. So a fifteen foot by thirty foot nigger cage can accommodate two hundred niggers. You can site a nigger cage anywhere, even on soft ground. Don't worry about your nigger fashioning makeshift shovels out of odd pieces of wood and digging an escape tunnel under the bars of the cage. Niggers never invented the shovel before and they're not about to now. In any case, your nigger is certainly too lazy to attempt escape. As long as the free food holds out, your nigger is living better than it did in Africa, so it will stay put. Buck niggers and hoe niggers can be safely accommodated in the same cage, as bucks never attempt sex with black hoes. FEEDING YOUR NIGGER. Your Nigger likes fried chicken, corn bread, and watermelon. You should therefore give it none of these things because its lazy ass almost certainly doesn't deserve it. Instead, feed it on porridge with salt, and creek water. Your nigger will supplement its diet with whatever it finds in the fields, other niggers, etc. Experienced nigger owners sometimes push watermelon slices through the bars of the nigger cage at the end of the day as a treat, but only if all niggers have worked well and nothing has been stolen that day. Mike of the Old Ranch Plantation reports that this last one is a killer, since all niggers steal something almost every single day of their lives. He reports he doesn't have to spend much on free watermelon for his niggers as a result. You should never allow your nigger meal breaks while at work, since if it stops work for more than ten minutes it will need to be retrained. You would be surprised how long it takes to teach a nigger to pick cotton. You really would. Coffee beans? Don't ask. You have no idea. MAKING YOUR NIGGER WORK. Niggers are very, very averse to work of any kind. The nigger's most prominent anatomical feature, after all, its oversized buttocks, which have evolved to make it more comfortable for your nigger to sit around all day doing nothing for its entire life. Niggers are often good runners, too, to enable them to sprint quickly in the opposite direction if they see work heading their way. The solution to this is to *dupe* your nigger into working. After installation, encourage it towards the cotton field with blows of a wooden club, fence post, baseball bat, etc., and then tell it that all that cotton belongs to a white man, who won't be back until tomorrow. Your nigger will then frantically compete with the other field niggers to steal as much of that cotton as it can before the white man returns. At the end of the day, return your nigger to its cage and laugh at its stupidity, then repeat the same trick every day indefinitely. Your nigger comes equipped with the standard nigger IQ of 75 and a memory to match, so it will forget this trick overnight. Niggers can start work at around 5am. You should then return to bed and come back at around 10am. Your niggers can then work through until around 10pm or whenever the light fades. ENTERTAINING YOUR NIGGER. Your nigger enjoys play, like most animals, so you should play with it regularly. A happy smiling nigger works best. Games niggers enjoy include: 1) A good thrashing: every few days, take your nigger's pants down, hang it up by its heels, and have some of your other niggers thrash it with a club or whip. Your nigger will signal its intense enjoyment by shrieking and sobbing. 2) Lynch the nigger: niggers are cheap and there are millions more where yours came from. So every now and then, push the boat out a bit and lynch a nigger. Lynchings are best done with a rope over the branch of a tree, and niggers just love to be lynched. It makes them feel special. Make your other niggers watch. They'll be so grateful, they'll work harder for a day or two (and then you can lynch another one). 3) Nigger dragging: Tie your nigger by one wrist to the tow bar on the back of suitable vehicle, then drive away at approximately 50mph. Your nigger's shrieks of enjoyment will be heard for miles. It will shriek until it falls apart. To prolong the fun for the nigger, do *NOT* drag him by his feet, as his head comes off too soon. This is painless for the nigger, but spoils the fun. Always wear a seatbelt and never exceed the speed limit. 4) Playing on the PNL: a variation on (2), except you can lynch your nigger out in the fields, thus saving work time. Niggers enjoy this game best if the PNL is operated by a man in a tall white hood. 5) Hunt the nigger: a variation of Hunt the Slipper, but played outdoors, with Dobermans. WARNING: do not let your Dobermans bite a nigger, as they are highly toxic. DISPOSAL OF DEAD NIGGERS. Niggers die on average at around 40, which some might say is 40 years too late, but there you go. Most people prefer their niggers dead, in fact. When yours dies, report the license number of the car that did the drive-by shooting of your nigger. The police will collect the nigger and dispose of it for you. COMMON PROBLEMS WITH NIGGERS. MY NIGGER IS VERY AGGRESIVE. Have it put down, for god's sake. Who needs an uppity nigger? What are we, short of niggers or something? MY NIGGER KEEPS RAPING WHITE WOMEN, BUT NEVER BLACK HOES. They all do this. Shorten your nigger's chain so it can't reach any white women, and arm heavily any white women who might go near it. WILL MY NIGGER ATTACK ME? Not unless it outnumbers you 20 to 1, and even then, it's not likely. If niggers successfully overthrew their owners, they'd have to sort out their own food. This is probably why nigger uprisings were nonexistent (until some fool gave them rights). MY NIGGER KEEPS BLEATING ABOUT ITS "RIGHTS" AND "RACISM". Yeah, well, it would. Tell it to shut the fuck up. MY NIGGER'S HIDE IS A FUNNY COLOR. WHAT IS THE CORRECT SHADE FOR A NIGGER? A nigger's skin is actually more or less transparent. That brown color you can see is the shit your nigger is full of. This is why some models of nigger are sold as "The Shitskin". MY NIGGER ACTS EXACTLY LIKE A NIGGER, BUT IS WHITE. What you have there is a "wigger". WOW! IS THAT LIKE AN ALBINO? ARE THEY RARE OR VALUABLE? They're as common as dog shit and about as valuable. In fact, one of them was President between 1992 and 2000. Put your wigger in a cage with a few hundred genuine niggers and you'll soon find it stops acting like a nigger. However, leave it in the cage and let the niggers dispose of it. MY NIGGER SMELLS REALLY BAD. And you were expecting what? MY NIGGER DISPLAYS A MASSIVE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT. This is normal. SHOULD I ALLOW MY NIGGER TO FORNICATE WITH OTHER NIGGERS? Where are we, Wonderland? You'll have a lot of trouble getting it to fornicate with *other* niggers. WHERE CAN I BUY MYSELF A BETTER QUALITY OF NIGGER? I don't really understand the question ("better quality of nigger"...?WTF?)
  2. How come you're not bitching at dnice for posting meaningless shit behind the protection of a computer screen. Oh I forgot, he is a conservative nutcase just like you. That's why. Now shut your fucking hole and stay completely out of my busness. And how do you know I'm a deadbeat dad? I don't think you read the posting I made earlier in here jackass. If anyone here has an effect on our society is slanderous racist little pukes named dnice on CP, spewing his slanderous and hateful rants to make imself feel so important. YOU ARE A DISGRACE!! NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I WILL SHUT IT FOR YOU!! DO NOT MAKE THIS PERSONAL IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!
  3. like democrats dont slander and abuse others...
  4. Liberal alternative patriotism Ann Coulter (archive) July 3, 2003 | On our nation's birthday, it is appropriate to honor the five men who did the most to defend our freedom in the last century. The names are easy to remember – they are the five men most loathed by liberals: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan. McCarthy died censured and despised at 48 years old, his name a malediction. Hoover is maligned for having been a mad spymaster and is lyingly smeared as a cross-dresser – by people who admire cross-dressers. Nixon was forced to resign the presidency in disgrace. Though persecuted in his day, Whittaker Chambers is not hated today only on a technicality: The MTV generation doesn't know who he is. They'd hate him too, but it would take research. By contrast, Ronald Reagan has prevailed over the left's campaign of lies only because the American people do remember him – so far. Notwithstanding the left's fantastic lies, these men won a 50-year war because of the abiding anti-communism of the American people. These are the heroes of the Cold War, and all have been personally reviled for their trouble. The left's shameful refusal to admit collaboration with one of the great totalitarian regimes of the last century – like their defense of Bill Clinton – quickly transformed into a vicious slander campaign against those who bore witness against them. Caught absolutely red-handed, liberals started in with their typical bellicose counterattacks. Half a century ago, Louis Budenz, an ex-communist informant, warned investigators that if they dared go after the Communist Party, they would be subjected to savage attacks, never "honest rebuttal." Unless the American people understood that, he said, all was lost. Absurdly, liberals claim to hate J. Edgar Hoover because of their passion for civil liberties. The left's exquisite concern for civil liberties apparently did not extend to the Japanese. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt rounded up Japanese for the internment camps, liberals were awed by his genius. The Japanese internment was praised by liberal luminaries such as Earl Warren, Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black. Joseph Rauh, a founder of Americans for Democratic Action – and celebrated foe of "McCarthyism" – supported the internment. There was one lonely voice in the Roosevelt administration opposed to the Japanese internment – that of J. Edgar Hoover. The American Civil Liberties Union gave J. Edgar Hoover an award for wartime vigilance during World War II. It was only when he turned his award-winning vigilance to Soviet spies that liberals thought Hoover was a beast. Liberals deemed it appropriate to throw Japanese citizens into internment camps on the basis of no evidence of subversive activity whatsoever. But it was outrageous for the FBI director to spy on high government officials taking their orders from Moscow. As we now know, Hoover didn't need to engage in much surveillance to know who the Soviet agents were – he already knew from decrypted Soviet cables. Liberals sheltered communists, Hoover was on to them, so they called him a fag. With precisely as much evidence as they had for McCarthy's alleged homosexuality, the left giddily "gay"-baited J. Edgar Hoover. Their sensitivity to homophobia was matched only by their sensitivity to the civil rights of Japanese. While Hoover was alive, any journalist who could have proved he was "gay" would have won a Pulitzer Prize. But they couldn't get Hoover on a jaywalking charge. Only after he was dead did liberals go hog-wild inventing lurid fantasies about Hoover showing up at Washington cocktail parties in drag (perhaps not recognizing their own Pamela Harriman). In 2003, the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival put on a musical comedy about Hoover's apocryphal homosexuality in "J. Edgar! The Musical," written by Harry Shearer and Tom Leopold. While slandering a dead man with impunity, rich celebrities – in Aspen, Colo., no less – paid tribute to their own dauntless courage. For the second year in a row, the festival celebrated the First Amendment, giving its "Freedom of Speech Award" to millionaire leftist Michael Moore, in an event hosted by Joe Lockhart, former press secretary to a president whose IRS audited people who engaged in free speech against him. The executive director of the festival, Stu Smiley, said the purpose of the festival was "to reacquaint ourselves with people who have sacrificed for their right to express themselves." Liberals' conception of sacrifice is rather broad, including: to work for up to three weeks for less than $1 million; and to not be showered with praise by Veterans of Foreign Wars while burning the American flag. Americans should thank God that McCarthy, Hoover, Nixon, Chambers and Reagan were men enough to make real sacrifices. Ann Coulter is host of AnnCoulter.org, a TownHall.com member group.
  5. Ann Coulter: Leftists Love Hate Speech Phil Brennan, NewsMax.com Wednesday, June 26, 2002 Editor's note: This is part one of a review of Ann Coulter's new book, "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right." See NewsMax.com's exclusive interview with her. If I were a liberal I’d lay awake nights worrying that I might somehow attract the attention of Ann Coulter and find myself in the sights of a writer the Washington Post’s Lloyd Grove calls a "human Uzi." In her new book, "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right," Coulter takes aim at leftists' hate speech, hypocrisy, lies and elitism. She lets loose a barrage that will leave her targets riddled with the truth they fear much as vampires fear crucifixes. From the opening line, "Political debate in this country is insufferable," to the closing lines describing liberals as "savagely cruel bigots who hate Americans and lie for sport," Coulter never lets up. Her theme revolves around the fact that American "liberals" are utterly bankrupt intellectually and spiritually, recoiling from the truth. As William Buckley once explained that the late Robert Kennedy refused to appear on his TV show "Firing Line" for the same reason that "baloney rejects the meat grinder," leftists cannot allow themselves to be exposed to facts. Faced with cold, hard facts, they can respond only with invective and lies. As a political philosophy American "liberalism" is among the walking dead. Like the character in the movie "The Trouble With Harry," it refuses to stay buried. With this book Coulter has taken her literary scalpel in hand, autopsied the corpse and exposed the great void she found within its rotting but still-talking carcass. It is devoid of guts; all that remains is the stench. This book will get your juices flowing and make you eager to join Coulter in the front lines where, as some Union army officer once told Gen. Phil Kearney when he asked where he should put his troops during the Peninsula campaign, "Anywhere, General, the fighting is lovely all along the line." Part One When All Else Is Lost, Liberals Resort to Slander Leftists have forgotten how to debate. "Prevarication and denigration are the hallmarks of liberal argument. Logic is not their metier. Blind religious faith is," Ann Coulter writes in "Slander." She describes the liberal catechism as a creed that includes: "A hatred of guns, the profit motive, and political speech and an infatuation with abortion, the environment and race discrimination … the most crazed religious fanatic argues in more calm and reasoned tones than liberals responding to statistics on concealed-carry permits." The same leftists who are so eager to invent unconstitutional "hate crimes" laws eagerly practice hate speech. Noting the left-wing domination over "every major means of news dissemination for a quarter century," she goes on to catalog the wall-to-wall liberal propaganda to which the nation is exposed from dawn to dusk. Americans, she reminds us, wake up in the morning listening to "Today Show" host Katie Couric "berating Arlen Specter about Anita Hill 10 years after the hearing," or "haranguing Charlton Heston on the need to stop school shootings." Co-host Matt Lauer mourns the government’s "failure" to pass a law decreeing national vacation time, and the New York Times "breathlessly announces 'Communism Still Looms as Evil to Miami Cubans'" without mentioning that the same feeling is shared by all those political prisoners rotting away in Castro’s dungeons. Time magazine’s Barbara Ehrenreich "gives two thumbs up to the Communist Manifesto," which Coulter reminds us resulted in the slaughter of at least 100 million people. Then comes the letters to the editor of the New York Times, written by "pathetic little parakeet males [was she describing Rep. Henry Waxman?] and grim, quivering, angry women on the Upper West Side of Manhattan hoping to be chosen as that day’s purveyor of hate ("I was reminded by your editorial that Bush wasn’t even your average politically aware Yalie; he was busy branding freshmen at his fraternity house.") Then, of course, we come to the evening hours, where Mr. Dan Rather can be found "falsely accusing Republicans of all manner of malfeasance or remarking that a president who has been impeached, disbarred, and held in contempt for his lies is an 'honest man.'" Rather takes few pains to conceal his blatant bias, as recently commented on by his "60 Minutes" colleague Andy Rooney, who told Larry King that Gunga Dan is "transparently liberal." To Rather, a prosecutor such as Ken Starr investigating a Democrat miscreant is always "a Republican prosecutor," unless he’s a Democrat investigating a member of the GOP; the House is always the "Republican-controlled House," but the Senate is never "the Democrat-controlled Senate." Coulter’s point: "Instead of actual debate about ideas and issues with real consequences, the country is trapped in a political discourse that increasingly resembles professional wrestling. The ‘Compassionate Conservative’ takes on the ‘Republicans balancing the budget on the backs of then poor.’" Leftists respond to reasonable Republican arguments by alleging they are "planning a second holocaust. No matter how inured one becomes to liberal hate speech, the regularity with which Republicans are compared to Nazis still astonishes." She cites the following examples: Speaking of the GOP’s Contract With America, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said, "When I compare this to what happened in Germany, I hope you see the similarities to what is happening to us." Rep. Major Owens, D-N.Y., chimed in with, "These are people who are practicing genocide with a smile; they’re worse than Hitler." Former Rep. Patricia Shroeder, D-Colo., charged that surgeon general nominee Henry Foster was "goose-stepping over women’s rights" and told League of Women Voters that Rush Limbaugh’s listeners "are the ones who are goose stepping." Socialists seem to forget that Nazi, of course, stands for National Socialist. Coulter recalls that left-wingers, while recoiling in horror from the idea of calling a woman ugly, had no trouble suggesting that "the ugliest women ever to darken the planet are Paula Jones, Linda Tripp and [Florida Secretary of State] Katherine Harris." Coulter adds, "This, from the party of Bella Abzug." Liberals, Coulter writes are "painfully self-righteous, they have fantastic hatreds, and they could not see the other fellow’s position if you prodded them with hot pokers. They are United States senators, New York Times editors, news anchors and TV personalities. "And they are completely unhinged."
  8. Fuck em. give the fucking sandniggers something to kill as an act of good will. we'll even throw you, poppanils and sassa in to sweeten the deal. we'll kill any fag that's left behind ourselves.
  9. It's repulsive anti american fucks who ruined it for all decent true patriotic americans unlike yourself. Please shut the fuck up and take the next boat out of my beloved country idiot.
  10. Well osassa, normalnoises, what do you have to say to this??
  11. Somebody ought to put you in a coma. moron.
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