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Everything posted by bringda40z

  1. jp is not supposed to spin past noon on sunday....
  2. umm because if you want to make money in them you need to pick up blocks of 5-20 grand. Still need to invest the same amount. Its called day trading because they are so volatile you actually trade them daily to weekly buying and selling on the dips to make small gains. Think your gona make money investing a few bucks just cause there called penny stocks? Any stock below 5 bucks is a penny stock.
  3. what would make you want to step foot into that dump anyway? I did not even know people still went...
  4. i thought he was unreal last time at avalon sucks i cant make it to see him again...
  5. exactly, not only that... anyone who buys pills or drugs from strangers at a club is out of there mind and i see it everytime i go out. You never know what your getting especially with pills, if your gona take em bring your own.
  6. You can go when ever, there just wont be anyone else but you. closed for renovations
  7. You really need to check this guy out on thursday nights, hes unreal........
  8. Anybody know anything about this guy? His style, is he any good? I have a table there this night, got a feeling its gona be dead in there though..... Just because i dont know him dont mean he is not good so i could be wrong.
  9. I really hope that wasent directed toward me
  10. shit ya fooled me, you should get a job writing movie reviews or something. Every post about nation you write is like a nightlife colum.
  11. well thanks for the pointless essay yet another promoted reply lol, did you read what i wrote or just decide to start replying with pointless banter that had nothing to do with what i said? what i said was that i admire what the place is doing, im not dismissing the talent. first of all Im far from being closed mind about music. Second im not complaining about the place other then the lack of people inside.. If anything your making it sound like an industry party when you defend the place. Its pretty damn close to being the way i want it to be just not there yet. If anything i want the place to blow up, im always trying to promote the place, but when i go there and everyone wants to leave because its slow its dissapointing. Think i like driving out to manhatten every weekend blowin hundreds? I wasent even going to say it has been slow because it might hurt the place but matt asked so i answered. When it comes down to it, This "Intelligance" of house music is extremly rare on LI especially in suffoulk. Im n ot even trying to be an asshole about it, but i havent been feelin the place when there is 20-40 people in there.
  12. this i know, just trying to show how beat long island is... You can bring a horse to water but cant force em to drink i guess.
  13. The new site was done well, got some good audio playin, too bad its shit jp used to spin
  14. the music usually is great.. I like the vibe most of the time, and i like whats trying to be done there. As for the assteria party to be honest merrit was so terrible,Lamont would not shut his mouth and the place just lacked something imo. Im sure ill stop in every once and again to support because you are really taking care of people with admissions and drink prices and it really is all about the music. I cant handle how I drive by on a sat and the place is mobbed and the music is wack beacuse they dont allow underground or let there dj spin to potential like SCOTT CAMELLO who is prob one of the most underated dj in the area, but imo is prob one of the best just play becuse of the crowd that attends just does not seem fair ,and i new it would happen because eastern LI has no clue what is going on with the rest of the world. Its hard to rely on people from nyc area to travel out, i went 4 times and everytime brought people but when it comes down to it i cant dance by myself on a fri night and hit on women that arent there lol..... No doubt the staff and promoters are doing nothing wrong its the area plain and simple.......
  15. Place has such potential... to bad, after the assteria party im givin up on that place
  16. 10 people at one table and 3 botles for a grand? Thats a freakin steal. Avalon is way more then that...
  17. I was very impressed with the music had a great night..
  18. yeah i dont know who the genius behind this idea is but there nuts... No way in hell they are going to fill out that space. They will get one turn out maybe close to NYE and then back to the sf dead days of a reg night. Half the people online nye had no clue who was even spinning lol...
  19. not a rumor my friend..... exit was bought by jp and manager
  20. 30 mgs of foxy and say goodnight
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