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Everything posted by abstractls

  1. Try to say something next time that atleast somewhat resembles actual sense.
  2. And that is what makes him the godfather, he is a voice for this industry, and one of the most personable DJs in the world. Never enough words
  3. I have not heard whether it was permanent, but I heard it may be, I'll keep everyone posted
  4. and because of idiot people talking aloud about drugs and so freely like many idiots at Sound Factory, just like the many morons at Buzz....Exit AND Sound Factory were both raided and shut down last night. Congrats to those who ruined more great clubs.
  5. awww, come on I love you man....ok maybe I jump on you just a bit too much, I hsould hav just left it as you could have criticized him aboutthe kraktory comment better, came off poorly, and represented DC badly. breath in....breath out.....ahhhh.....all better now
  6. Next time you go SF bashing remember it was your own (and my own) Buzz that got nailed not once not twice but three times and twice on Nationall TV about drugs. The patrons at Buzz couldn't have been more stupid, wait you were one of them weren't you. Baltimore and DC is my home, and I see flaws in every club but I don't go bashing other people's hang outs.
  7. Hey dufus, I wasn't tlaking to you I was talking to the peopel that made fun of DC because they were pissed at you. Take yo head out yo ass and you will see how I handled the kracktory comment, I said it wasn't good to do that it looks bad, you just went off on SF and acted like an ass. If you do it productively it works if you do it liek n ass, you just stir up drama. Again I'm wondering where the hell I was talking to you, in fact I came to your defense about DC, fucking prick
  8. Well I was trying to help you guys out but now you gotta rip on DC. Hmmm, let's see we have Buzz the #1 freaking weekly club event in the nation for 4 years. Uhm Dream that holds 7500 people and was voted in the Club Awards as one of the top lighting shows around. Need I go on? Hehe, I know you guys love your SF and I head there too (usually ARC instead), but just cause one guy is a jerk form DC doesn't mean you should rip on the town. It has alot more than you think and nationally recognized at that. Can you say Deep Dish, HELLO??!?!?!?!
  9. fair enough, however most peopel imply what they want, and any outsider will think the same. Even though your intentions weren't to do harm, they still do. Just in teh state everythign is right now I ask everyone ot becareful about what they say.
  10. I Sure as hell hope that wasn't to me
  11. No offense but calling things kractory doen't help. I know many of you find talking baout the drugs harmless but it's doing nothing but hurting this scene. Many of you have ruined it for those of us that love this industry and helped build it. If you do drugs most of us think you need some help, but overall I just ask you keep it to yourself. There is no need to talk about it outloud.
  12. To quote Tenaglia (considered to be god among most DJs) "JP is not only a great friend but an incredible DJ, at his Bday party the other night I could not stop dancing, he threw down alot of stuff I have never even heard before" JP is not in my ranks as one of my favorites, but I am not form NY and will be seeing him in Mami if he is there. With a man liek Danny sayin these things, I would have to say that most opinions on this board dont' hold too much water.
  13. wow wow wow, damn damn damn , wow wow wow, I'll be there no doubt
  14. yeah I always used the back elevator, I remember those being down. I think all the parties were next door actually on the north side they had some killer stuff goign on there.
  15. better stick them up your nose too, I remember walking down teh hall and smelling weed liek you wouldn't believe, just find your way and bring some munchies
  16. I remember being pretty hung over after one party and I just opened the window at the Riande and heard that party going, good music too.
  17. Do I hear 49? anyone anyone, yes 49 to you on the left
  18. Why not just take a vab from Lauderdale airport to your hotel it's only 5 extra miles then miami airport.
  19. Not sure but wherever he is I will be as well, I still can't stop listening to Lights Out
  20. That is why I skip seeing the Buzz crew there since i see them every week, but even if you see Danny T every week, his performance at Space for WMC is another world. He spends a month just prepping for that night. It is not a normal night for him, it is a must see. And I will be there from the beginning when Oscar G opens up, of course I have guest list priveledge which makes it nice.
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