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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Marco smarten up. Slinky's Dad played Pro ball. I believe Slinky was an all-state tight end for a powerhouse high school team. Decided to play D-1 baseball in college instead of football....
  2. calling him today....wonder what he is thinking about?
  3. i got issues with the checking account........ahah, spot me till monday...$$$ is frozen right now
  4. What are you kidding me? I just think you dont have to be so confrontational with everyone....chill out...... CP is just a stupid messageboard
  5. Wait Carl than I said my thoughts on the other simialr threads like the best tits and ass on CP..... I find them all to be old and annoying like i stated....... Than you responded with "Button IT"
  6. Carl why are always in the middle of drama? Why did this start today? YOu always have to chime in with your 2 cents...THan claim you are done with the CP drama for the 100th time...I thought you wanted to have peace?
  7. Carl that goes for your who has the best tits and ass of CP threads as well....Very old and annoying!
  8. Hey guys to be honest with my brothers i must say that this Thread is very annoying and stupid....this Who has the _____ of CP stuff....getting so old
  9. And raging on the cafe staff... Ask slinkyboy i have some great stories up there
  10. sorry post cycle depression........hahahah....just messing with you slinky dont rage over there in that hack ass dept you work in.
  11. Smarten the fuck up slinky bitch. You said meet by the elevators....Whatever hang out Galli today at lunch
  12. Slinky asshold you forgot to get me for the cafe.....
  13. I would have to say Dave "Slinky" Don since he is alwayys on his knees giving Benson head!
  14. Will def be attending and keep Jack in my prayers......
  15. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: : Funny shit rod......Tempkid though he is a slinky, he is still the shit!
  16. ok tough guy just asking.....Then why promote this on the Jersey board....Post it on the NY Board....
  17. I was just over in that neighborhood 2 weeks ago... Didnt see the place though. How big is it? what is it similar to in NYC and Jersey
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