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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Dave please go back to NJGUIDO board where you belong.....thanks goodbye
  2. Detour bars.......are you kidding me? that is a snickers bar with protein.......Tommy you are a great guy but still alot to learn.......Better smarten up...........Tommy you think you can hang with my weekends plans? Let me know..........Tommy can party i will give him that!
  3. Fine i am sorry for the Disney remark....However, it would be very un iron of you to miss surf 2 weeks in row........I can not go back on my thoughts about u missing the surf.......sorry i wouldnt be a brother if i let that slide 2 weeks in a row....
  4. Stacked dont make me break a keyboard in a rage.........Latest weather report shows no rain by 9:00 am on sunday.....So bring your tanning oil pal...........Better smarten up........YOu missed last sunday... 2 in a row and you have to chill with Dave and his soft crew the rest of the summer........ya hear
  5. Such a rookie Tommy, i am a firm believer in morning shots....something to look forward to when waking.............
  6. Ah good question Tommy. Friday: Sandbar Saturday: early gym, belmar: djais happy hour and b-day party, oh yea SCOOPS..... than TEMPS.......After hours........ Sunday: breakfast of champions, surf club beach, then shower back to surf club, than close out TEMPS......... Autographs and pics will be taken....just get there early....
  7. Oh i almost forgot...........Please smarten up....
  8. Stacked doesnt have to anwser to either of you! Only me. LOL
  9. That man is a Genius! He took it upon himself to test and create different products....Putting the Iron brotherhood above all in his life.........Today at 4:00 pm, we are going to have a minute of silence for the man.....say a few words describing what dan has done for you personally and what he has done for iron brotherhood way of life............
  10. I use to really back Palumbo until he sold out the IRON BROTHERHOOD to the daily news and really put the spot light on GH use.....What a asshole bringing on heat for alot of people in the NJ/NY area just for publicy for himself.............not very iron of him!
  11. ah something to look forward too....the only that keeps me going on crap days like this
  12. Tommy please smarten up.....Start reading muscular development every month cover to cover....Best mag out there........Flex is complete BS..........You will be tested!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Tommy- get serious.........Tyson's diet advisor is Chad Nicholls.......Who the advisor to many bodybuilders like Ronnie Coleman.....Chad creates diets and coaches on med intake.......He is the best in the business........
  14. i hope he doesnt have ADD like me.....asked stacked.......I am on the highest dose of ritalin the state will allow with special permission............... without the meds i become a fucking nut
  15. Good shit bro...........you def coming to surf on sunday?.........I have my doubts about the King since he is a married man these days
  16. I plan on going to see Dr Nalder in the fall................
  17. Drew i need a wingman this will work out perfect........ OMG that is your girlfriend i saw her on his website.....she is sick.........very hot...........wow bigtime is very impressed...........But i would expect nothing less from you!
  18. Wow stacked................that is tall order pal.........
  19. Dave is a fcuking homo, who never makes it too the beach....screw him........ Yes most girls do love me
  20. what about me? LOL.........i dont see you finding one for me
  21. We are way off topic here........smarten up
  22. It will be nice to have some iron brothers next to me... Of late i have to do things on my own.....I have been carrying the whole team this summer.... The odds on me living past 30years old are not looking so good anymore.....LOL
  23. I should be first on your list to say HI too.........how are things? have not seen you in some time....This is unacceptable..........attendence is required sat and sun this weekend.....................
  24. Dave not funny at all.........want to compare pics of bodies.......ah yea i dont think so pal.............you are soft.......just say it.........
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