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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Sunday is by far the best day bro. A normal sunday for me is wake up and hit some scoops than off to the beach where i continue to get messed up.....Stay untill like 5, shower and go back to surf. Than off to Temps at like 10:30........you must come and show these kids how it is done....i am not saying names but kids have been soft lately........
  2. Hey NY dont stop by on a sunday, b.c they soft kids are already on the parkway singing and holding hands...........
  3. Than we are hitting up TEMPS after...............
  4. Good point Chris.............Handpicked......... Carl- was at temps
  5. #8. Must not hide on Sundays and hit the beach at surf #9. Sleep is optional on weekends
  6. Dave u should size up well at Jenks....GL with that.....BTW please take your weak crew with you.....
  7. sorry i guess i have to be soft like your little crew to be accepted....sorry i enjoying going out to much
  8. Fine but i want to see your little slinky arms on the beach no later than 12.............than you may use our shower before heading back to surf around 7.............Dave dont be scared.............
  9. Dave i will be on the surf club beach by 11 on sunday, return to shore house to shower at 5, and back and surf by 7. Than off to close TEMPS.............You in?
  10. Oh Dave see you saturday...........What a homo.......where are you sunday dave? Having dinner with jimmy handshakes? So soft i can even look at you any more.
  11. Well that will take some time but remember when you went to see a crap movie just to get the popcorn.........i believe you told you left not half way through but were happy just to get the popcorn
  12. Christopher- you know there was no chinese food after temps.....Lets get serious here...Ya know me.....however scoops were def done....hahah........... Fattest thing i have ever done........um lets think.....well i already told you that my moms got me restricted from the corner deli.......oh i got it, once in 7th grade i went into this deli, 42 Main, where i knew the owner, younger guy, he bet me the price of a whole box of donut holes i coundnt finish the whole box in 5 minutes...........and of course i won, then was so sick for a few hours..........ah that was a fatkid move...........
  13. FYI- I am hot..........carry on have a nice friday
  14. Good point we must think about the big picture....This must be handled just right.......
  15. I love it brother........such a simple but sick response.....
  16. Body cant just take in all protein.......Protein will not serve as a fuel.....The body must either have carbs or fat as a source of fuel. That is why on the atkins diet, fat must be very high....
  17. This is exacly what i am talking about....The good times never stop at the beach sunday.......This is by far my favorite day.......What is better than supplements, iron bro's and sisters and the beach? oh and thick oil to make yourself gleam.
  18. HOw about fingers down your mouth.........you make me sick tommy...............what were you thinking?
  19. Well use the BAT PHONE, we dont want slinkies to find out where we are going then we have to deal with all of the cameras and autographs. And sometimes i just want to relax, sorry to dissapoint the fan club
  20. Bus that is the one of the greatest things i have ever heard.......LOVE IT.................... tigga i will leave up to you guys for the choice of beach on saturday..............either way i will be oiled up and looking to hot for anyone. LOL
  21. Feeling pretty good for a tuesday.....How are you doing? Never seen you like you were on sunday.......I love the rage.......Tigga on only alcohol can be dangerous.....LOL..........Um beach sat and sun....of course we are!
  22. Chris love the line....I use at work all the time. For example, today this ball of butter who works here did a fat walk to my desk to ask if eating a bagel with jelly was good for her. My response was well if eating carbs with sugar that spikes your insluin levels are good for you........Ah no. better smarten up big girl!
  23. People better smarten up and respect.............
  24. Botton line Rod and Dave are soft for the most part...Sat night half asses.........LOL Tigga and BUS- you 2 are sick, really go out hard. Chris and Court- half really stepped it up this summer, much love... ME- well noone has been able to hang with me all summmer. That is why the odds are that i wont last the whole entire summer...
  25. Yea they are sat night only.......and barely do afterhours..........
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