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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. I knew I should had went last night!
  2. This is funny.......i have seen this kid..............You are not much to look at either pal.....Know your role in life slinky..........and please smarten up........ Try diet and cardio.......
  3. Hun donkeyboy will respect you now! I know him too well he is all talk....I miss him too though. Mike can always make a person laugh
  4. tell donkey he is not allowed.....i dont think he is ready..............tell him to try the Parker house this weekend and we will see how he does
  5. Actually called me today........Yo better smarten up over there.......I know where you live.................and I will tell INS.....you will be gone before 10:00 PM tonight.........
  6. Better smarten up, ya hear. or i will have you back on a boat heading for your home country....... Riggs good iron advice, i have been low on carbs all summer but ate alot the last 2 weeks trying to get healthy, but back on normal diet and workout program.......should be good again soon
  7. OK we already talked about those pics.....i am fat, red, and ugly....The worst pics i have taken in 4 years.....i am losing sleep over them........Are you trying to make me upset?
  8. Tommy that would be a good bet....Getting alot of sleep getting ready for the weekend.......... I will not let the IRON team down.... Hotshit go play in traffic
  9. It appears I may never be the same.......Something is wrong here, I cant get better.......Probably dying.......But took monday off.......So temps sunday night is a go..................But until than nothing but eating and sleeping and lifting..........Maybe if I slam my head against the wall a few times something will click.....
  10. They were fucking stolen at the njguido house, as i stole there beer pong tourney..............
  11. ah yea Jay dick move pal posting the worst pic of me possible.....Ah yea i hope you get seriously hurt today by a car
  12. Tempkid- the champs will be in the house...........
  13. ah billy where is my thanks........If it wasnt for me phyically making Kelly go you wouldnt been able to attend the surf club.........LOL
  14. I am half dead.....someone take me to the hospital.................Of course we won........I expected nothing else.......Mad props to my partner Tempkid..............will brag when i can think again
  15. I got no love with the text messages....Meanwhile i was home all alone deadly sick......
  16. Mike- Though i am sick and the doctor sent me home from work and put me on meds. At 25% i will still be watching you pass out softy.............You are too old and have taken to much time off....I am the man now! The torch has been passed....Please dont kill yourself trying to keep up. HAHAH. Call you tomm
  17. Now that was just gay and stupid...You are mocking yourself....You take the fun out of it.....I feel for you though must suck to be someone like yourself....Keep working at life pal it can only get better!
  18. Cant sit back anymore and let the June Slinky of the month marcomaxim speak like this! Know your role in life slinky........Hold my drink as your gf touches my arms and stares at me......... Elite is boring, it seems i know so much about the iron game not much new going on over there
  19. Sorry Dave dont need to meet women on the internet like some people i know!
  20. Myself and Stacked were speaking via email....And we decided to turn in our CP badges........We must go back to our roots of elitefitness.....We will read and post time to time.....But we need to put our minds back into training and dieting full time....Though we will miss making fun of shoelace arm Dave this must be done right now....
  21. Ah yea no shirts at all this weekend........................Nothing to rip off me! I plan on getting very intense! BTW shave those damm arms!
  22. Rome was not built in one day and either was this body!
  23. Rod what a great Pic! We are both modern day roman gods........
  24. Great Pic, that camera does like me, i was getting worried.......Solargirl and rod we all look so good........GREAT PIC
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