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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. It was a great day, i was not my normal ADHD self running around like a mad man........Tigga i never sleep in that bed, but of course anything for you guys..........I do remember trying to sleep with bandana on my eyes than i was awoken to a magic work. Did an army crawl to the middle of the blanket and after that well ya know.....hahahaha.......what a day
  2. Yea of course, I wish i remembered it.....HAHAH, i was def in a bit of a daze.....Hey but never leave an iron brother hanging on a breakfast.............
  3. Tommy so soft this weekend...............what is your excuse?
  4. Great post Big Brother...............Could not said any better myself........Surf Club on sundays is the best time.......It is better than Disney World............. To the rest of you stop hiding and sleeping........If i can go there after my saturday night, none of you have any excuses not to be in attendence...........So better smarten up!
  5. Fuck you bus! LOL Drew- i will PM you the name to you
  6. Your are one sick fuck.............so stop hiding in the hamptons and bring your A game!
  7. Drew i work with a kid that went to school with, he knows you....Though is a bit of a slinky i am working to resolve this problem.
  8. Drew Surf Club is better than Disney world...Bro is would good to see you, so stop messing around get out to jersey...
  9. Stacked u have been slacking on the morning cardio....Better smarten up pal and keep your eye on the prize!
  10. i am scared what could happen
  11. Chris i feel you on this one.......some people better just smarten up.........
  12. Pretty sure you are a mod over on that red whatever board.....You and the whole crew just want attention.....So gay and annoying........Go fuck yourself trash.
  13. Trash do not speak about things you have no idea about........
  14. You little piece of trash.........Keep talking behind a computer screen........Scared little fcuk........You and your whole crew from the other website are a bunch of punks who look for attention...Lets make it fair, you can have them help out too. Keep going pal, just making it worse and worse for yourself.......
  15. Bus- like if someone was stuck in Belmar.....HAHAHA...The gates are closing...Thanks again bro........
  16. Are you really this dumb? Better smarten up or just move back to where you came from......
  17. Celeb- Better smarten up pal.....Are you kidding me? Look at yourself......Wow that pic says it all....Steph is a amazing person and does not deserve to have those absurd remarks made at her..... Apolgize very soon.....Than leave the state.............
  18. Wow trewguy did you use all of your 2 braincells to come up with this funny thread.......so not funny.........bring it better than that please pal..........dont be jealous girls want to be with me and they run away from you........ good to see u this weekend.....plan on a slinky tossing u real soon.
  19. Hey doing much better this week....Gotten alot of rest, diet is hardcore again, workouts been pretty sick.........Got the muscles full again, not feeling as fat, got a decent tan........ After how i looked last weekend it coudnt get much worse.........Work is a fucking zoo today ready to start slinky tossing early this weekend....Going to bed early tonight.....Took monday off so sunday is ON!!!!!!!!!How are you doing?
  20. Better smarten up, ya hear
  21. Just for the record I will be tucking everyone into their beds....No one can keep up with me! Carry on. Have a nice day........
  22. ah yea Dave how gay can you be? Missing classics.............Dont talk to me until the closing party..............
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