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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. Yea me too.....empty that box
  2. Better smarten up! Or I will send you back to the 12th grade
  3. We better get you two front row seats, MINI- ME couple.......... Second, my shirt only comes off at Temps on hoildays, your b-day is not a holiday....again dont flatter yourself
  4. I said i would get you into the movie....I didnt say i would be attending it with you.........You arent that lucky..............
  5. Should i be scared? Young one if i get you into an R rated movie will that make it up to you?
  6. Dont flatter yourself young one................................
  7. Chris i dont recall inviting her.................Do you?
  8. Again it is time for you to play word assocation and twister!
  9. Speak only when spoken to.........Thanks Dave your gay...........That is all carry on
  10. Ah yea dont be jealous that you didnt get any attention on the parkway..........The guys probably just coudnt see your little head b/c you are to short to see above the car window.........
  11. Stacked of course I should had meationed you, I was going to make a hold thread about out weekend of iron brothers times.....Ok Mr cheesecake...................I dont forget who brought me into this game......You have taught me much throughtout the years.........
  12. Ok I am finally able to think after the weekend....Here is the review......After hitting the gym and mall on saturday my journey to the shore started....... As I am driving, listening to some sick beats the Rod hooked up for me, I notice a car full of women honking and waving at me... I am a nice guy so I wave back....Then they start motioning me to to flex....Who am I not to give the public what they want? So i hit them off with a standard bicep pose......Soon after I am crusing in the left lane bumping my head back and fourth, and I almost get run of the road by these girls........I look at the car in too see a number pushed against the window.....I chuckle to myself.....Soon I decide to call just for kicks......Well first off the were from Brooklyn......Right than i almost hung up............Never mess with those girls........ But you really cant blame them for trying, I mean people have to win the lottery sometimes....LOL.....So after that debacle I arrive at brother Rod's house......Where i was met by Dave with no shirt on........His chest is actually smaller than his arms if you can believe that........We hang there for sometime, than hit off Belmar to pick up goods and hit Djais.....Later on the evening went to Merge, love Richie..............had a very good time.....Than off to Temps to chill with iron brother Titus......Than I was MVP of afterhours as usual.........Tucked everyone into bed and left for home.....Overall a very good weekend.......Good seeing everyone..........
  13. Pledge only speak when spoken too. Shouldnt you be playing word association or something.....LOL. Yea I'm weak, you dont even know what the term after hours means........ when you can hang with me than talk, till than stick to the JV squad!
  14. First, tempkid I hope you are as good as you say you are! PM me with your number we need to talk. Second, Moo are you kidding me? I dont know the weather report as of yet but if it is sunny I would like to be oiled up on the belmar beach............1:00 start way to early, lets try 3:00.......Got to catch the good rays..............
  15. HAHAH, i dont even remember any of it. That is too funny, come on tara your not kinky like that.
  16. Carb intake will be very low for the next few days..... how are you feeling? heard you were not feeling well saturday night
  17. Dave i can break you in 3 different pieces.............Internet tough guy........................I am not going down b.c i need a break and need to save some years on my life.............
  18. Great weekend hanging with everyone. To tired and cranky to write more.......I am NOT going down this weekend, i need a weekend off. See you guys in 2 weeks........................
  19. Joeys was pretty sick... Music great.........Good seeing some people, where the hell is slinky joe? Joe i still owe you a tossing.......
  20. Gil saved my life last weekend..............What a guy
  21. Call me or email.................
  22. Yea and the sky is blue.....no shit pal
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