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Everything posted by njbigtime

  1. This is sounding like a very good day here Moo.......Lets not forget the wet t-shirt contest............HAHAA........
  2. This is sounding like a very good day here Moo.......Lets not forget the wet t-shirt contest............HAHAA........
  3. Chris maybe we should call shirley for the wet t-shirt contest....I know you miss her
  4. Listen just shut up.....You are embrassment to the Italian people everywhere.....
  5. Ah yea this is so on.......Wet t-shirt contest...... I know a stripper who has a house in belmar. she lives with other strippers, i should make them come.......Though she hates me now, she might come down for it.............. Wild girls....Wow this could be alot of fun.......Oh god Cancun flashbacks.....OMG do i miss cancun, La boom..............i might cry thinking about it
  6. Moo- I cant lie I have to plan my weekends out weeks ahead of time due to all my fans and appearances....But I will move some things around and come run your beer pong tourney next weekend...........Maybe we should have the girls have a wet t-shirt contest and the winner gets to hang out with me for a night.LOL............. But really wet t-shirt contest would be very hot.... thoughts?
  7. Ok i will not respond to the fat fucks post anymore.....I cant even bother to read her shit....What would you know about relationships? Probably about as much as you know about dieting...Please just shut up....wait i really dont care, post all you want, know one cares what you say except the Burger King drive through staff
  8. Ok moo.......you still going down this weekend? dont be soft.......And next weekend, set up my autograph table in the backyard....Dont forget my pics either, i am only sighing for like 1 hour so tell the women to get there early........ Shirt? what is a shirt? please explain what use shirts have again?
  9. NO Stardo the question are you ready? I have been preping everyweekend.......This should be a weekend for the books! RIggs i will call you in a bit!
  10. You stupid fat women. First of all I would love to know what college you attended.... I am far from dumb, I have a very good job in the New York... As for relationships what would you know? I am sorry no one would ever take your ugly fat bitter ass out...Further, if anyone is blind enough to take you out I hope they bring their credit card...From the looks of things you probably cost alot to feed....Well lets make a little bet....From the looks of things I would say your are pushing 180lbs? Give or take......Drop 20lbs in a month if it is so easy for you.....And being a fat slob isnt unique it is UNHEALTHY!
  11. Honey you didnt have 5lbs to lose...You are perfect the way you are.......SO HOT......YES!
  12. This post is a waste of my time...So I will keep it short.....Drop a 100LB's you fat fuck! Stop telling people about your small trust fund....It is tacky and low class to do! Get a life and lipo then contribute to society.....
  13. Ah yes Chris you remember.....When i hate to make weight for football, my moms went to the corner deli and forbid them to sell me anything.......Good looks mom........However, I use to send my brother to get stuff for me....LOL
  14. This could be funny but it isnt.....Work on your approach please...And second do some research about working out and eating b.c there are many incorrect methods in your training......
  15. Christopher we have made huge improvements in life...Alot of learning and trying of different methods........Tons of hours of hard work and research....... Um the fattest thing i have ever done.......Well lets see........I would probably say when i was in 8th grade after I played my last football game in pop warner.........I realized i never needed to make weight again....I went and ate a whole box of the varitey back snacks, chips, cheesedoddles, etc.........than a box of donuts......... I remember i wasnt even hungry it was actually painful but i kept eating.......
  16. When did I meet you? Who is Mike? Please clarify!
  17. Maria- had a great time hanging last night.... No more gym for mark his arms are to big... LOL Dave that picture does you justice..........
  18. sometimes i even amaze myself.... LOL........
  19. Why does your camera hate me? and why do i never have my eyes open?
  20. Binoy happy birthday again bro, great night........... Stacked I am just trying to keep up with you bro! Got to love the progress Dave- cant wait to see that pic................. Jimmy- Better smarten up.......Good to see u Rod- Coach...........I need a replacement today.......I am dying.. will post more when anixety attack goes away...........
  21. SO much work to do no time to think.. But wow had to stop and and look.............I even amaze myself.........Tommy great pic wish i remember taking it...........OK back to work
  22. I dont like seeing my sister like that..............That is my family.... Chris knows i cant look at like that!
  23. Billy i dont know how you do it? You must have a heart of steel or something
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