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Posts posted by SuGaRNSpIcE

  1. ok, my i had this chick that use to work w me and she use to make Pancit for me cuz its the best shit in the world, now, she got a new job and i dunno what to do!!!! lol, i need a really goood recipe for pancit, i look online but i cant find one that sounds like what she had in it like they sound too plain, if anyone makes it please tell me how

  2. wow! thanx!

    sorry if this is long, but hopefully useful.

    theres to many levels that would need to be addressed in eradicating poverty, at least in this country and it's pretty much an impossibility:

    1. to many people only care about their own well being, which is not a crime. honestly, i only care about the well being of my wife, and my family. i can't help but feel this is the most important thing in my life. i'm gonna give a dollar to one of my kids for doing a great job in school before i give it to a beggar on the street. but is this wrong?

    2. kids in high school should be taught every year how to manage their money, and understand the struggles they may face financially once they graduate. so many articles these days about college graduates owing tens of thousands of $s once they graduate. college is important, but not if it places you into unmanagable debt.

    3. credit cards have destroyed so many lives, families, etc. true, most people place themselves into a hole, but there has to be a checks and balances system in place to help monitor the spending habits of americans. does the average person really need more than 5 credit cards? and spending limits need to be decreased. once a person or family has shown to the credit card companies that they can afford a credit limit increase based on their budget, then it should be approved. credit card companies need to feel more responsible for the service they provide, in a way, be a babysitter. they have to be able to say, look we feel we need to freeze your account for a month or two until you work off some of this balance.

    4. people are lazy, and to concerned about their own self image to want to better themselves. people would rather do nothing all day, and receive a check from the government than go out and work an honest days work. once people are out of work long enough, and collect, it becomes a satisfactory practice to them, why work when you have a free check coming in? the welfare system is a friggin free ride, and it's gonna ruin this country.

    5. there is a very large portion of this country that does not pay taxes, or makes no effort to report their earnings. im sure billions of tax dollars are being lost as a result. there is no solution for this, people change their names and disappear to often to keep track of them.

    6. we are a society that has this desire to have nothing but the best. i have seen families below the poverty line with huge flat screen tv's while they can't afford to put decent clothes on their kids backs. i will never understand how someone would purchase a $40,000+ car, and then make payments of over $500 a month, with little income coming in just so they have a nice car to drive around the neighborhood in and improve their image. advertising and the images we see on tv are a big blame, but they are only taking advantage of a society that has no sense whatsoever.

    7. there are people out their that have no conception of what it costs to have kids. i think it is a damn shame to see a mother or a couple with 4 kids, on welfare, who have no idea that with each new child, comes new financial burdens to add to the ones they already have. some people have no sense.

    when society creates a system, no matter what levels they go to, to protect themselves, there will always be someone that learns a way to exploit the system.

    poverty cannot be eradicated, but we need to start educating our children. sure it is important to know who abraham lincoln was, but lets start teaching our children things that are critical to their financial survival once they become adults on their own.

  3. lol, trick mirrors. i hear ya. i was gonna go bikinni shopping but then i was like screw it im prolly only gonna go in the water like 3 times this summer so ill just use what i have

    I second that....

    5:00 is taking forever to get here, and I have to go bikini shopping tonight, hate it....trick mirrors lol

  4. seriously?!?!?! im at work:unhappy:

    sugar i recommend watching this documentry currently on showtime on demand called reversal of fortune... it's a "sociology experiment" to see if a bum would turn his life around if given $100,000.00... good stuff!!
  5. that is so cruel!

    This thread reminds me of my retarded second cousin. One time I was taking him to Great Adventure, when i decided to fuck with him alittle. I pulled up next to an old, burned down warehouse. And I said "Oh no, "Great Adventure burned down." He started crying, and i was about to tell him it was all a joke and drive to the real Great Adventure, but it was getting kinda late.
  6. y does everyone say that all poor people are black , wtf? when i use to go to the city MOST OF THEM WERE WHITE!!! your color has nothing to do with being poor

    thats easy...send em back to africa...problem solved...
  7. something tells me this thread will have nothing to do with helping me, i basically just set myself up to get fucked with, ( sigh ) but after u guys are done can u help me please???

    damn, after you managed to spell sociology wrong im REALLY interested what ideas you came up with to solve the issue of poverty :laugh:
  8. hey, sorry to bore everyone but i have this topic i have to write about and it has to do with poverty in the US. i have to write if i had the power to change poverty what would i do and why i came up with some stuff but i need more ideas , please help

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