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Posts posted by SuGaRNSpIcE

  1. dont seem like we are gettin anywhere, lol

    Don't worry babe, when you're working and makin' madd loot and I'm chililn' home with the kids playin' Playstation, this will all be worth it.

    Trust me. :D

  2. if its the 10th then we are gonna be at great adventure, but im still doin pre reqs, im on the 20 yr program, lol

    What are you going back for? I need to get my ass in gear and register for classes this September.


    Did you pull those little strings for next weekend yet? ;)

  3. LMAO! me too, but i wanna try curry, but maybe ill try it anyway, some people say its real good, as long as its not loaded with it

    Yeah totally, i will definitely get the noodles next time i go. I liked the rest of the food, and it was very inexpensive. I tried the lettuce rolls, steamed dumplings and i had an order or the Tup Tin Fritters that were VERY VERY good. One of my friends had the Emperor Jumbo Shrimp, another had the Drunk Mans Noodle....both were very good. I'd go back but i was so skeeved by my fish that i was so upset. And i THOROUGHLY enjoy eating.

    I'd like to go back but next time probably just order a bunch of stuff and just share it all to be able to taste different things. I still haven't tried curry, especially after someone told me that it makes you smell. *lol*

  4. just started summer ! last night , it sux, and it goes all the way till july 25th, thats long but i guess it dont matter since i aint doin dhit this summer anyway, this summer is really goin to suck !!!

  5. I had the Mummy Fish (http://searestaurant.com/menu.html) and when i got it, it was the whole fish, laying in an aluminum foil. No side. It was dry and of the two bites i had i had to pull out bones and scales which was totally gross considering im at a nice restaurant with my girlfriends and there is NO light to even try to see what i was eating. I NEVER send my food back and when i did, the waiter was like "you ate half of it". No sir, i took two bites. The fish was about 7 inches long from mouth to tail. He only credited me half the dish and i just ordered some steamed vegetables. The rest of the food wasn't bad at all....i guess i just ordered the wrong thing.

    oh man, the mummy fish sounds gret on the menu, but not so great the way u described it, aw sorry hun, that sux when u are so excited to get something and it turns out shitty

  6. omg! hello love , how ya doin????? we deff need to meet up again! miss u!:kiss2:

    Just on a whim I come by and visit the boards. Lo and behold, I see two faces from the old days.

    DG and Jo, how are you guys doing? Coming out to SandBar anytime soon?

  7. dar has taken the vitamines and he loves them, i love the meal replacement bars and the coconut and blueberry are my fav! the drinks, they taste really good, crangrape and the tea berry are my faorites also, as for the protien bars n stuff, dars boss from work gets them from him and he seems to be happy with them and he is a big gym buff. so yea i guess u could say there good, lol. oh and my sis works at Golds gym and she likes the drinks and the meal replacement bars too, shes always dippin into my stash but to cheap to buy her own, lol, oh well

    there is also a beauty line that i personnally have not tried but have heard from other that they prefer over anything else, thats next on my list.

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