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Posts posted by SuGaRNSpIcE

  1. wait, so it stays pin straight like that even after u wash ur hair??? how much does it cost

    my friend gets it done in the city every 3 months or so...she can't talk better about the place she goes to , as soon as I let you know I'll hit you up with a PM
  2. my dog is house trained, but u have to be rough with them no matter hjow cute they are, thats y we left that up to my dad ,lol, anyway, my dog sleeps in his cage only, but we tried to take it away one time and give him a bed, but he cried and slept on the couch , he loves that thing , so when we put it back he stayed in there all day long!!!!! he was so scared we were gonna take it away again, so unfortunately we were never able to keep the cute bed that we got him, oh well, its wierd but he loves it

    So my fiance and I got a puppy together yesturday

    We already have a few animals but our big step together was getting a dog

    We agreed on a Puggle (( Half Beagle half Pug )) They are ADORIABLE

    So we went to this really great place in Jersey and got her last night.

    Now the lady taught us how to train the dog, from house breaking, to how to play with them, to their diets

    What I wanna know is, has this really worked for anyone? And if we should just train her the way we both know when we had dogs. Which was doing the NO when they have an accident and show them where the we we pads are.

    I feel awful having her in a cage all day but the women said we have to

    Any thoughts?

  3. lol, yea i woulda made some too if i wasnt dissed for a stupid video game, guys are retarded, but thats ok i went out n got drunk!!!

    I just made some yummy homemade guacamole. :drool:

    Sooo good w/blue corn chips

  4. aww thanks hun, umm, i think ocean city, but that bar sound wonderful!!!

    are u goin Baltimore? be careful, its very scary down there

    Restaurants, all the seafood restaurants around the harbor are good, as for the bars, they is this corner, I think its called 'the Power Plant" where there are a bunch of college bars, ALL U CAN DDRNK FOR $7 ...cant beat that...and then you can stumble to the club next door, they play hip hop and KTU type dance music...since u'll be anihilated, u wont care about the music or the fact that there isnt any air conditioning and the humidity is awful

    the ball parks are cool if you are into that...have fun and be safe

  5. yea but its not the same thing, that would be nasty to do oral sex on someone while having a cold sore, ugh!

    The vast majority of people have oral herpes... it's the genital herpes you gotta watch out for. So when you have a cold sore, never give oral sex to your partner so they won't contract it. My friend got genital herpes when his gf gave him head while having a cold sore.
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