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Everything posted by mursa

  1. mursa

    Why Is It?

    Werd ! .........and how Ironic it is that we (USA) are always blabing about us being the "land of the free" ...
  2. DJ Networx vol. 17 ............i just got in delivered 1 hour ago . Bangin !
  3. All these girls getting 2% is reenforcing my theory in that CP women are SPECIAL and UNIQUE .
  4. Cougar ?!? naaaaaaaaaaa..........Camel will come to mind first .
  5. a Cat qualifies as a small.cute animal ...........
  6. I think women usually are the one's that get in the 2% .......... i think that they are more into small,cute animals (koala) , rather than a kangaroo .
  7. I will be there ! ...........you see Cheeketika , I told ya I would do my best to be there .
  8. I know ALL your inner thoughts ! hahahahaha( sinister laugh) Im actually in the 2% . . .. ...........I got "Saleen in Club twist eating a Banana .
  9. at mirage right ?........its only 1240am ......doesn't it go till 5am , you still got time I was gonna go , but decided to rest so that i can be rested for tommorow night
  10. You definetly get a "A" for effort .............you write quite well (from what i've seen) , you just messed up a lil bit of the sentence , but thats kool .
  11. E ai jovem , eu sou portuguese 100% ....natural de Braga , mas criado em tras os montes . viva o FC PORTO , carago !
  12. ????????? What ? i didnt understand what you were saying ?
  13. I only saw like 10 minutes of it ....and the conclusion that i came up with is that Nick (or whatever his name is) is a CHEAP ass SOB ....... got pissed by paying $20 a hour . And jessica is simply a dumb blonde . This just goes to show , even the wealthy are extremely miserable and ungrateful . .. .. ........... and i still can't believe how people Idolize these people .
  14. Its not just open/confortable with their sexuality ..............their whole way of life(society) is in many ways much more "hippyish" and free than what we have here in the States .
  15. Sim claro ..........que ironico eu sou Portuguese , mas tenho familia brazileira . By the way .........most of my girlfriends in my short 22 yr life so far have been brazilien girls ..........they're awesome !
  16. Mind Game 2% or 98% This is strange can you figure it out ? Are you the 2% or 98% of the population ? Follow the instructions ! NO PEEKING AHEAD ! *just follow these instructions , and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can ! *again ,as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them.....really . *now scroll down (but not too fast , you might miss something) Think of a number from 1 to 10 Multiply that number by 9 If the number is a 2-digit number , add the digets together Now subtract 5 Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you ended up with (ex. 1=a , 2=b , 3= c , etc) Think of a country that starts with that letter Remember the last letter of the name of the country Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter Remember the last letter in the name of that animal Think of the name of a fruit that starts with that letter .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Are you thinking of a KANGAROO in DENMARK eating an ORANGE ? If so .....you are part of 98% of the population that think alike , if not then your part of 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think of something else .
  17. so ummmmmmmmm hi CrzyC , i see your from Boca ......i used to live around there ya know (pompano beach) . :laugh:
  18. Weed & Alcohol definetly destroyed the ibiza vibe , im with you on that one .
  19. Europe became "expensive" after they got the single currency (Euro) , and im speaking in behalf of one of the poorest countries in europe (portugal) , therefore i don't even want to imagine how Ibiza got .
  20. yea yea yea excuses excuses excuses ...
  21. I use my mouth if im lost .........being guided in the right direction is the way to go , no shame in asking for directions . Mursaquest...........Nice name ! too bad i can't change my screename .
  22. Your assuming things ( like many women do ) ............. who's complaining ?
  23. 2 on 1 ................geeeez , you girls sure know when to gang up on a guy .
  24. The truth of the matter is that both sexes have "weaknesses" , therefore don't take it personal TW ! . I was simply point one out . Women rock !!!!!!
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