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Everything posted by mursa

  1. Bro ...wtf is up with you and me being an Immigrant ????? playing soccer ?Are you implying that since your a pure bread american your "gods chosen one " ? ..your begining to sound even more and more like a Bigot and in some ways rascist ....but in a way it probably suits your ideological/political views well . Humility is a beautiful thing .
  2. looky look !!!!!!!!!!!! Dumb has Dumber's back What a duo !
  3. .."Intelligent sounds for Narrow-minded people "
  4. Atleast you know Kerry's BROCA area is more well developed on Kerry as opposed to Bush . ps...Broca = area of the brainb thats responsible for speech and language .
  5. First off ...you prove once again how you resort to childess PERSONAL JABS to defend yourself and your narrowminded way of thinking , no substance once so ever . The fact remains that Im most probably much more cultured that you and accepting of others , while you obviously have a superiority complex . " InTELLIGeNT sounds attracts Intelligent people " ......I doubt you fit that mold , bro .
  6. ..And ignorant , flag hypnotized sheep like yourself favor Bush .
  7. Igloo got knocked out awhile ago and he still is crawlin around . ...guy must be a zombie .
  8. try and be more committed than bling .
  9. lol..dear Sheep obby . Afghanistan- right choice but unfortunatly at the moment the country is a mess , heroin crop is one of the bulkiest in many years , taliban is regrouping. Iraq invasion - what a mess !!! 120 billion and rising cost for us ....what a mess . Homeland security - Whoppty fuckin dooooooo !!! even Nader would create such a department after 9/11 attack . Patriot act ---- does some good but at the same time take civil liberties away ..............POLICING NATION in progress .
  10. ...WE ARE AT WAR ...makes it seem like it'll last a few more years , but in reality this war is gonna last for much much more time (20-50 years) .. .. ..... some thick headed people still think we are fighting a war against flesh & bones ,when in reality we are fighting a war against a MINDSET & IDEOLOGY that'll take long to change .
  11. Yea . the democrats won't protect their own country like republicans .. .. ........vote Bush !
  12. Yahaira ...............she went with me to college , i played in the mens and she in the girls soccer team . kool chick !
  13. Workout soreness is prob one of the best kinds of pain one can experience .
  14. mursa

    Rain Or Shine!!!

    i got a strong feeling good times were had !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. ..... it's funny how many former alcoholics find religion in such profound ways .
  16. mursa

    Guys Penis Names

    one of my ex's used to call mines "big j "
  17. ...Hope is on the way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps...even for you obby .
  18. It's funny cause I was just listening to Bush and he also doesn't explain how he's gonna do things . & when speaking about finaces and budgets Bush shouldn't even open his trap especially after a deficit of 445 billion $.
  19. ......yea obby , im tall ,dark & handsome and a very good athlete ,thanx . Let people vote in peace and not have african american voters be turned away at the poles and we'll see who will win florida . PS....you superiority complex definatly suits your political party .
  20. Who actually details how is he gonna do all the things he said in a 45 minute speech ??...wait for details in the upcoming months. -Kerry seems much more sensire and not nearly as shady as this administration . -Kerry has proven service to this country , while Bush's service is minimal . -Even though we are slowly gaining jobs in this country , we forget that most of them are minimal wage type . -Under the Republicans our civil rights are slowly but surely being eroded , all in the name of " fighting terror "..yea right ! -All i know is that under the democrats 92-2000 this country was much much better to live in than currently . If more young african american vote (cmon puff daddy !!) this time , Kerry will win this election ...simply said .
  21. ..definatly has it's own unique taste , i could see where some won't like it ..........I love a well groomed and clean one thats for sure .
  22. You should take your own advice from time to time .
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