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Everything posted by mursa

  1. mursa

    Nocturnal is due...

    your outta the miami scene , stick with your beloved NY crap !
  2. ..Bush went to war ? ( i mean fought in one , not send others)
  3. mursa

    Attn Koky!!

    ..Cosmic Gate definetly is a treat for the Tech-trance freaks !
  4. ...this thread smells a lil like Bling ............snap out of it crazy !
  5. ...this thread smells a lil like Bling ............snap out of it crazy !
  6. It's obvious small surrounding villages/towns will suffer , that doesn't deter the fact though that the vast majority is happy the US is leaving .
  7. Adam Beyer ...live@ Awakening . technoooooo
  8. ...like europe cares that the US is withdrawing ..lol .... with the Euro , Europe (except poor eastern european nations) now stands on it's own two feet and aren't persuaded by the US and its policies like in the past .
  9. ...like europe cares that the US is withdrawing ..lol .... with the Euro , Europe (except poor eastern european nations) now stands on it's own two feet and aren't persuaded by the US and its policies like in the past .
  10. Best response so far ....
  11. Obby is trying his best to be called "CAptain america " ... .. .. relax , you ain't the only one that likes the US .
  12. ...one things for sure ...that kid is on everyones Shitlist , he's a goner .
  13. blah blah blah , blame terrorists !!! lol .... all the $$$ on security and YET a suncasino.com advertizer in a Tutu got through a few days ago to jump in the olympic pool . ... no excuses . Fact of the matter is these Olympics have been a marketing/financial disaster .....there were even rumor of them giving out free tickets so they can fill the seats ...and aren't the greeks having a national TV ad campaign to boost sales ? You malakas needed to take note from the Euro 2004 in Portugal, which was by many the best championships in euro history .
  14. Im with you on this one saleen ./................... this dude is scketchy .
  15. LOL.... currently Greece has been getting it's ass whipped in terms of Olympics attendance (lack there of ) ....pathetic . Financial disaster in the making .
  16. 2 things : 1... topics like this belong in the Sports board 2.... GET OFF MY NUTS MAN ! ..stop sweating me .
  17. mursa

    Brazilian Booty

    ..In my short 23 year old life I have yet to find better women then the Brazileiras ! ...body, attitude etc a total package .
  18. ...maybe the Arab American vote goes to Kerry , since this current administration has done squat with issues such as the Israli/Palestinian conflict . ....1000 new homes to be built in a israeli settlement ...things are definetly going forward .
  19. It's really not a Cardio regime , it's more of a 400-500 (30 minutes in crosstrainer machine) calorie burn that I want to do maybe 3x a week ....so as to guarantee that I maintain my current body shape (6'3 222lbs) and not get "thick" . Im just not sure if I should do it before or after I hit the weights .
  20. .. ....... What's the least Catalytic to muscles fibers ...cardio before your workout OR after workout ? I ask because i've been making good gains in the gym ,muscle wise , but I want to start a Cardio regime as Im taking in more calories as of late, I just want to be safe and lose a 400-500 extra calories without sacrificing Muscle . thanx .
  21. ..I've said something similar a few months ago , seems like it finally caught up with the masses . Get to the Gym bling !
  22. ..hurry up naughty & don't worry medium sized tits are fine with me .
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