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Everything posted by mursa

  1. ...now you know the way this guy thinks ..........permanent spin , and the even sadder thing is that he labels many of them "FACTS " lol .
  2. ..Are you implying that there is a International conspiracy to destroy the US of A ?????!!?? ..if so , i suggest you stay away from your X-Files collection .
  3. We agree on something afterall . Education and Good deeds (ex. combating poverty) is the best way to combat this Ideology (terrorism) .
  4. In a Global war on Terror we need a International face to it (financial support & troop support) , especially in a war which will most likely take decades to conclude . This year alone we have federal deficits of around 422 billion dollars , and we are only on our 3rd year of military conflicts (iraq/ afghanistan) ...you actually think the US can survive (financially) going to war (90% war costs fall on us) with other rogue nations in the upcoming years ? . ..You know what Portugal is contributing in Iraq ??!... around 200 or so military police and a few dozen Barbers that accompany the Italian contingency in southern iraq . . . . ...even though some may have too much pride to ask for help and admit they need help , sooner or later WE WILL HAVE TO DO SO .
  5. ...this is where the problem resides .... We (our government) calls this a Global war on terror and asks countries to help us out in weeding out terrorism on a global level ...BUT AT THE SAME TIME ( LMAO !) we don't " give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of us " and how we do things......kinda hipocritical in my point of view , and counter productive in this war that is destined to go on for a longggg time .
  6. - Im thinking the same thing , I could get around 10 grand if I became a citizen and married a illegal chick that happens to be a family friend , so she can get a greencard . Having countries on your side like France with a muslim population of over 5 million , Spain & Germany are very important when combating a Global war on terror ....how many al-qaeda cells are there in Ukraine? Bulgaria ? Poland ? Portugal ? lol.... The US in order to make big strides in winning this war needs alliances like the UN & NATO .... IMHO .
  7. & Italy . ps...England isn't part of the European Union .
  8. mursa

    What the hell...

    no Vegas titie pics ??????????????
  9. looky look !! a Republican from Texas...you make obby & igloo's rhetoric seem like ralph nader's most probably . lol Just because Im not gonna vote , doesnt mean I can't express my opinion ,right ??.. lol..i declined citizenship all the way back in 92 bro ...my choice . Portugal, well let me be more specific the portuguese GOVERNMENT is an ally on the War on terror (i've said it various times) , but so are other POOR european countries such as poland, bulgaria,ukraine and other eastern european nations ..........do you see a pattern ?? US Financial Aid !!!
  10. yea man , i've said it all along , they think they are Super Citizens ...everyone else that is different is INFERIOR (morally, ethically, and materialistacly) ... .. .pathetic ,but thats how many americans think . Humility never did anyone any harm .
  11. Happy B-Day to my nightlife partner in crime !!!
  12. my thoughts exactly .....unfortunatly many Super Citizens don't see the world that way , what a pity .
  13. ..lets see if Bush and company like the taste of their own medicine .
  14. In a so-called GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR , one must be more delicate and careful in taking drastic(pre-emption) and useless acts like this administration has done so far ......we need to work with strong allies (UN & NATO) in combating the parasite of terrorism ....& thats where Kerry & Bush differ greatly .
  15. ..Your country ???? ....how much you pay for mortgage ? SUPER CITIZEN OF cuban blood STRIKES AGAIN !!!! lol
  16. ...Republicans think they are Super-citizens , nobody else loves this country like they do .
  17. someone get a needle , his bubble must be popped !
  18. mursa


    Definetly understandable.....killing kids is a cowardise shame .....but don't forget that not everybody (like you and me ) think the same ................In their own "warped" mind they believe its excusable . . .........im only trying to point out that aspect .
  19. mursa


    It's not Ok by any means , but you also have to understand that THERE IS A REASON for the chechens to do what they are doing . 1...they want their own intependant muslim state ( muslims are a majority in chechyna) and the russians won't allow it . 2... the russians also kill chechens and commit human crimes against an impoverished nation ( just like they did against Afghanies during the Afghan war) .. ..there's always two sides to a coin...thats all im implying .
  20. mursa


    No,,,that's after the fact .....................but in terms of chechenya they have been oppressed for the last 10 years until Today , and don't forget that the Russians also aren't very friendly with the chechens .
  21. mursa


    They see themselves as freedom fighters and want their independance ( russia conquered chechenya around 1836) from russian rule . Methods of acheiving such independance is highly unwarranted ( killing children..wtf !!!!!!!! ) but they see a Goal and are willing to do anything to acheive it .
  22. ..And don't forget that this years Heroin crop in Afghanistan has been one of the biggest in recent years .
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