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Everything posted by mursa

  1. Having a Solid stance , in this dynamically changing world is a dangerous thing...things change way too quick and one needs to adapt to circumstances . I seriously doubt that Kerry would be confused/wavering when he is the president of the Free world , and has literally any resource he needs . .. ...therefore the reps lingo of kerry being a coward/confused leader doesn't have any affect on me . . .. ...but it just goes to show how Bush is running his campaing on INSTALLING FEAR and Hypothetical doubts on the electorate .
  2. 1- better open minded and know when one is wrong and change , then being Stubborn (or having "CONVICTION" as the reps say) and continue to persue a failed foreign policy . 2- If kerry is a waffer (which he probably is ) then Bush is a bag of oreo's without the cream in the middle (dude is dumb ! ) .
  3. Michael Moore makes MOVIES !!!! ..he doesn't take Nations to war , he doesn't invade sovereign nations upon false accusations ( WMD & al-qaeda ) . Good lord !!! ....how right handed can you get ??!?! , that you actually compare one's lies to the other . Congrats ..your monthly edition of is in the mail .
  4. in once hand , one lied under oath about having an affair on the other , you have one that possibly took a whole nation to War ... .. .. ...and you find them similar or even close in importance ??!!?? LMMFAO ! lost case with u folks ! lol
  5. ..Don't ya love how some are fuming about the lies of a overweight film maker , all while the leader of the free world gets a free pass for telling the world 2 huge lies ( wmd's & iraq/alqaeda connection) .. gotta love em hipocritical sheep !
  6. ...it's possible , the US bases much if not all of it's foreign policy so as to benefit FINANCIALY .
  7. Tonie is gonna take Europe by storm .... . . . ...........starting by portugal ofcoarse .
  8. Tonie is gonna take Europe by storm .... . . . ...........starting by portugal ofcoarse .
  9. mursa

    Attn: CP Miami

    Yea man , i know ..not many niggaz around like me ,thats for sure . .... cool meeting you and phatman aswell .
  10. mursa

    Attn: CP Miami

    Yea man , i know ..not many niggaz around like me ,thats for sure . .... cool meeting you and phatman aswell .
  11. Amen to that ............... freakin T E A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. lol !!!!! Get em Tiger ! FELLOW PATRIOTIC SHEEP BEATING DOWN A TERRORIST ...somewhere in rural iraq , date unkown .
  13. .. ....Imma give credit where it is due .............the republicans are definetly smarter/slick when it comes to Smearing it's opponents , as we see for example with the Swift boats vs memo gate . Congrats to all you right handers ! boyakasha !
  14. ...Saw some pics on the other site of you's bitches , good times indeed .
  15. If im not mistaken bling once said " high energy trance tracks such as " satelitte " or some other similar song . LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. ..Have fun guys and all the best for you's bitches !
  17. lol.... It's mentalities likes yours that re-enforce even more my position....thanks for showing us your true & ignorant self , once more .
  18. To which Sheep it may concern , ..When Al-Qaeda is spread out throughout over 60 countries , chances are they are being financed within institutions in those countries . So should we invade those countries aswell , for aiding & abedding terrorism ?! thank you , Common Sense .
  19. mursa

    Attn: Mursa

    Aside from the bad teeth , english bitches RULE !!!!!!!!!!
  20. check out madrid / barcelone ....or since you'll be in amsterdam you should maybe take a quick trip to Germany and be surrounded by Technooooooo !
  21. mursa

    Attn: Mursa

    .lol.... for once , you shut me up ....you got me on that one . ps... if the jerseys in my sig had a couple of RED stripes , then i bet you would probably think otherwise .
  22. ... Im pretty sure infiltrated Kerry supporters in a Bush rally are treated with smores & a smile . lol oh my .
  23. .. .... this foreign policy stance of FORCE FEEDING DEMOCRACY can definetly backfire on the US .
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