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Everything posted by mursa

  1. ..NOW there is ..................thank Bush
  2. Despite what some say/hate............George Acosta tracklisting is in general terms BANGIN !!!!!.. .. ...even though i appreciate Techno & a lil House , nothing is more fullfilling to me coming from work at 1am dead tired listening to high energy tech-trance tracks .
  3. I thought Bush said we are making huge strides in fighting the war on terror .... ..lol Arrogance & Ignorance is bliss, isnt it ???!!
  4. ...wouldn't it be easier to say .... WE FUCKED UP !!! , instead of finding excuses after the fact . lol
  5. Ohio , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania is leaning Kerry for the time being ........ .. .. ...but in the END , this election will be decided by turnout , the more people vote the better chance Kerry has .
  6. Kerry never implyed like Cheney " that we are more likely to be attacked if kerry becomes president " for example ..lol I find it fascinating that people think the War on Terror will end in a few years ........This war will take DECADES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , therefore im for the candidate that will better the lives of people in america in the short-medium term .
  7. Bush's advisors are smart mofos , they play on peoples fears very well , Bush is just a dumb ass ...porcelain puppet .
  8. Awesome night most def ..........Nasty dirty beats !!!!! , what a great way to walk into a club after a 2 month and a half hiatus ,,,great music , awesome crew and i was set . My only complaint was that Mauro only played 3-3.5 hours , i wished it could've been more . Nice seeing Flip, grooveeric , leo and ofcoarse a big shoutout to the crew that accompanied me .
  9. I've heard that he has been stalking those grounds ...gotta wait & see .
  10. lol.... now your playing the "victim" role , huh ??!!?.. ...If anyone here spews BS , it's YOU ...or better yet , the almost daily copy/pasted conservative articles that are nothing more than rumors & republican rhetoric .
  11. well, atleast we know that Igloo is getting enough fiber in his diet .
  12. Your Facts are as factual as Obby's .... try and trick some simply minded Eukaryote like yourself , people like you don't , how should i say it ......."move" me to want to prove you wrong , your a lost case ....just like the 2 out of 5 americans who still believe Saddam & Al-Qaeda were involved in 9/11. take this advice though :
  13. What an Honor , sheeploo spent about 20 minutes to write a reply (propoganda ofcoarse) for me , when i don't surpase a few seconds . ... .. .. ... Go post some more right wing propoganda , you herb !
  14. it should go till 8am-9am or so , in the main room .. .. .. patio will prob be in effect aswell .
  15. You seem to speak with such certainty ,but yet you have no proof of what you are implying . Saddam ruled with a iron fist a SECULAR SOCIETY !!!!!!!!!! , al-zarqaqui is a islamic fundamentalist , he and other terrorists would've been Eliminated by Saddam . Does that make sence for your now ?
  16. .. I think it's pretty obvious that these Islamic terrorist groups poured into Iraq as in response to what they felt was a Occupation by a foreign invader .
  17. .. .... I saw that number on a number of international news media outlets ., I don't pay much attention to US run media outlets when it comes to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict .. .. ... Don't ya think it's obvious that when you target a car with militants in a busy Gaza street , that there will be collateral casualties ? ..common sense man .
  18. ..how about Cheney saying he never met Edwards before , and today I see a video of Both sitting side-by-side in a congressional breakfast . lol
  19. sad but true ................Tiesto does play much better when he does so in continental Europe .
  20. BBC world news & RTP portuguese news : 35 out 70 palestinians killed were Civilians . ..
  21. Oh my lord !!! ..im agree with you on this .. .. ...but i would just like to add that BOTH cheney & edwards are money hungry and most probably have done imoral things to acheive their wealth . ..Friday's debates promises to be a good one .
  22. Cheney was well composed and spoke well , Edwards was visibly more populous and energetic/hopeful . Edwards should've done better on bashing Cheney on Iraq, especially since Bremer & Rumsfeld comments of the day before . Edwards took edge on the healthcare , economy portion of the debate , Cheney remained Rosy on those topics ..to knowones surprize . Cheney who has 30 yrs political experience took some good jabs at Edwards 6 yrs ...even though to my suprize Edwards came back to jab cheney with his own house record .
  23. ......I find it kinda humorous that Republicans have to use Poland president's reaction to Kerry's debate as an arguement to belittle Kerry .. .. ...smells like desperation to me , or they ran outta amo .
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