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Everything posted by mursa

  1. .. ... to my astonishment when i went into my safe keeping stash , I found a 2 gram baggie of coke that I've been saving up all "moisted" up ...lots of small clumps and gluey ( i don't know how that happened , i keep it in a dark , cool place) . What the best/most efficient way to dry it up again ? thanx .
  2. Look up what ??? , the fact that you never blame the commander in chief and in turn blame others for being tricked by this administration ..........Spin my friend , right sided spin ....you don't fool many, but yourself .
  3. ..lol , Obby loves fighting for a lost argument ! ..he really is a super-citizen .
  4. ..well , Bush was the one in charge when we were attacked "hardcore" back a few years , remember that ? .. ..you right wing folks are a unique species . lol
  5. This comment alone shows how irrational and ignorant your thought process is ....therefore not need really to argue . enjoy your 300$ . peace .
  6. it's pretty self explanatory ....the first sentence says it all .
  7. Scary stuff is when one thinks that the greatest country in the face of the planet can't "walk and chew gum at the same time " as it pertains to security and domestic issues . Ding Dong Ding Dong !! alert alert alert ....**.the war on terror is going to take much more years than you think (you prob think that by 2006 everything will be over), therefore that puts your Priority issue argument to the basket ..... We as a country have to live & prosper and move forward , and if not , then you can say that BIN LADEN has succeded in his mission to permanently change this country for the Worse . I thought you we're the American all-mighty optimist ! ....very surprizing to see you so pessimistic in this respect .
  8. 1... Terrorism has increased in a global level since 9/11....if im not mistaken 2...3 years and your praising bush for keeping you safe ??!! lol ....* it took 8 year for terrorist to strike the continental US ( trade center bombing ---911).. 300$ and Bush won you over ...............lol , nowadays with the cost of living getting so expensive , 300 bucks isn't what it used to be . . . . Now, pocket change aside , what has Bush really done over 4 years to make him soo great ? To answer your question , let someone new take charge of this country , i highly doubt he will do worse than bushy boy .
  9. exactly ....but if the voters are so stupid to fall for Fear Tactics and Bus is re-elected then they deserve the scum bag thats in office . it's smoke !
  10. What has Bush done thats so special in 4 years in office ??? lol ..
  11. Saying " im sorry" or " i fucked up" doesn't exist for some , I find it a admirable and humble act to do so .
  12. ..what do you expect from this shady administration .
  13. .... obby loves america , for good or for worse , "old glory" can't and will do no harm !
  14. How about somewhere in the middle ?
  15. S H E E P . ...one word describes you in a nutshell .
  16. Best pair of sentences i've heard you say on CP ...congrats !
  17. We're on the same page ........but i'd like to add American extremist monkeys like Igloo to the mix .... total idiots who graze on BS the whole day and then spew it out with such certainty ! . lol
  18. We're on the same page ........but i'd like to add American extremist monkey like Igloo to the mix .... total idiots who graze on BS the whole day .
  19. trust me that it says as i originally posted , unlike some I get my info from neutral sources of news and not any daily right-wing outlet like some on here .
  20. There you go with the World Conspiracy theory , everyone hates the Us blah blah blah ! lol.....fact is BUSH has ruined the US reputation on a Global level . Say whatever you want ,but in the end your the one fooling yourself .
  21. Insert Igloo wherever Mursa is written out . Your the Sheep/American extremist ....once you broaden your horizons then you can be taken seriously ...but until then your nothing but a Sheep , and im sure many who read your crap think the same .
  22. Insert Igloo wherever Mursa is written out . Your the Sheep/American extremist ....once you broaden your horizons then you can be taken seriously ...but until then your nothing but a Sheep , and im sure many who read your crap think the same .
  23. Insert Igloo wherever Mursa is written out . Your the Sheep/American extremist ....once you broaden your horizons then you can be taken seriously ...but until then your nothing but a Sheep , and im sure many who read your crap think the same .
  24. Exactly !...then lets invade russia for directly helping saddam !!! cmon bush ! , conviction ! lol ..."or your with us or your against us ?! "
  25. You know what this means !........ this president now has to invade Russia for aiding and abeding a terrorist regime . lets be consistent ! lol ps...by the way i put this into the same category as the " biological weapons were dumped in the tigris river " ...or in simpler form , Conservative crap .
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