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Everything posted by mursa

  1. Cmon now vicman , there is no chance any american would let greed take over ones judgement , especially oil-tycoons . lol igloo and other parrots who talk about the Un scandal with such frequency just got OWNED ! .
  2. .....Listen , most folks except for tres-b and obby can see through your CRAP , so why do you even bother posting such Feces ??? I can't take a being like you serious ..
  3. ..excuse igloo , he slept on a tall pillow some 12 years ago , and hasn't been able to turn his head other than to the right side . lol. kid just got owned !
  4. from Portuguese news outlets (neutral ,non partisan) ...seems like the explosives were TAKEN AFTER SADDAMS FALL . http://tsf.sapo.pt/online/internacional/interior.asp?id_artigo=TSF155507
  5. No No No ,,ofcoarse not , "god's chosen people" would never do such a horrific thing to such species as "sand monkeys" . lol pathetic .
  6. Your wrong ........palestinians are descendents of Phoenicians (sp) and they were in what is modern day israel/palestine ....... the jews who were liberated from babylon are the ones who entered their lands .
  7. ..I have found that girls with nice skin (from belly button on downwards) usually have nicely kept cooters ! .
  8. Fact of the matter is that in any type of War, there needs to be a pre-plan and a post-war plan .. ... and clearly this wasn't followed . What ever happened to intelligence ? How could we not know that there were 360 tons of high grade explosives in huge storage houses ? This somewhat reinforces the theory that Bush rushed into War .
  9. I don't want citizenship ..........i could've gotten it long time before ! , im proud of my Heritage and intend to keep it at that . Last time I checked i influenced 3 aquantainces to vote Kerry , therefore i feel fulfilled . In the end ...believe it or not I want the best for all who reside (citizen or resident... WE ALL CONTRIBUTE TO THE COUNTRY) here in the States , even though we do have differences .
  10. lol .....the cuban american strikes again ! Go mel martinez ~!
  11. So I can use the same rationale in asking ....why vote for Bush , if he's only going to serve 4 more years in a War that will last 20 yrs on up ?!
  12. Blah Blah Blah you mongol.............Bush planned to invade iraq a few weeks after 9/11 !!! ... nearly 2 years before going INTO iraq , giving him ample time to plan out a pre and post war strategy .... HE DIDN'T ! ,,,,,fact remains he is the commander in chief ..& NEEDSSS TO TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for fuck ups... and not go " but. but sen. kerry saw the same intelligence i did " lol . i've never seen such load of BS from a presidents such as this . incredible !
  13. Yea, only after the US wins the war on terror during in the next few years ,right ??!! lol This country should be able to "walk and chew gum" in the same time.....especially since this war will last from 20 years on up .... does that mean we stay in "WAR MODE " for the next 20 years or more ??
  14. Geez , I guess that makes it better ....fact remains that if the war was better planned out , there wouldn't be nearly 700 hundred big car bombs (360 tons divided by 500lb per car bomb) flouting around iraq . pathetic !
  15. A multivitamin ....1aday or centrum and thats it .....im not into the whole fitness suplimentes fad.
  16. Copy that !..understood and i agree . nice sig by the way man !
  17. ..This has to be some of the worst news to occur !! 380 tons of explosives stolen from a US armed forces storage ! sad sad sad !
  18. & here you are passing judgment on my personality and my way of thinking ....underestimating me if you will . lol ..believe me , I know drugs ain't all rosey , i have seen my fare share of misery caused by drugs (ex. one of my good friends addicted to heroin, another lost thousands due to coke addiction etc), but when i speak I do so of myself and my experiences . Can it be just that there are some out there that are more head-strong and responsible than you and the folks you hang around with ??
  19. Sorry to say , but i disagree ....I have done coke recreationally for over 2 years and have never been addicted to it , maybe once or twice a month over that time......I have easy access and cheap prices , but I know how to separate a party nights out and work/school of my normal life. It's all in your head !!!
  20. You seem to think that everybody that does coke is going to end up addicted for years , like it seemed to happen for you . ....hence the reason you despise coke today . instead of being naive and vengeful towards a certain substance , try and be more objective .
  21. ...Heroine or any type of opiates.............dozing off is something that i don't dig .
  22. saddam was secular , there was no room for islamic fundamentalists ( think of why he had probs with Iran !!! ) .... .. ...so yea blame bush for rushing into war , and giving al-qaeda even more recruitment in the arab world and beyond . ps..someone move this to Current Events
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