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Everything posted by mursa

  1. Prices for cocaine and heroin have reached 20-year lows, according to a report released Tuesday. The Washington Office on Latin America, which usually is critical of U.S. policies in Latin America, said the low prices called into question the effectiveness of the two-decade U.S. war on drugs. A White House official said the numbers were old and didn't reflect recent efforts in Colombia to curb drug cultivation. The Washington Office on Latin America (link), citing the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, said the street price of 2 grams of cocaine averaged $106 in the first half of 2003, down 14 percent from the previous year's average and the lowest price in 20 years. An official with the Office of National Drug Control Policy confirmed the figures, which haven't been publicly released. The report comes as the Bush administration and Congress work with Colombian authorities to craft a successor to Plan Colombia, which will end late next year after pumping more than $3 billion into Colombia to fight drugs since 2000. The Washington Office on Latin America accused the White House drug-policy office of not releasing price and purity numbers since 2000 because the data were "inconvenient." "It strays too far from the message of imminent drug-war success, particularly around Plan Colombia," said John Walsh, a senior associate with the Latin America organization. The organization said that not only had the price of cocaine on U.S. streets dropped to a fifth of its 1981 level, but heroin was much cheaper too. A gram of heroin, which cost $329 in 1981, sold for $60 in the first half of 2003, it said. The drug policy adviser said Bush administration officials thought those numbers no longer reflected reality. "We're always looking in the rearview mirror," said the official, who requested anonymity. The official said the government of President Alvaro Uribe in Colombia, which took office in 2002, had made big gains in cutting back coca crops with fumigation campaigns and has put the drug industry "under duress." The drug-policy office figures on coca eradication in Colombia show a 33 percent decline in acreage under cultivation from 2001 to 2003. "This does not preclude surprises," the official said. "This is an adaptable snake (but) we have a stranglehold on the snake." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Report on cocaine, heroin prices suggests U.S. is losing war on drugs By Pablo Bachelet. Knight Ridder Newspapers 12/01/04 Link
  2. well, maybe if you get offline and get plently of Rest & liquids in your system , you'll be good for friday .
  3. mursa


    ...For portugal it'll be around 1,200$ or so during the holidays and in the summer ... ..lots of the blame goes to the Weak ass dollar when compared to the Euro .
  4. mursa

    Attn. PVD

    This just goes to prove that sometimes Quality things aren't always high-priced ( such as pvd ) . ...Edgar rocks, plain and simple .
  5. Happy B-Day lola !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. mursa


    Im siked for this event , missed first 2 ........won't miss this one !
  7. mursa


    Im siked for this event , missed first 2 ........won't miss this one !
  8. mursa


    Im siked for this event , missed first 2 ........won't miss this one !
  9. Since Nocturnal is suppose to have a opened-air patio ...I could only see him there .
  10. :Lmao !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...i wouldn't go that far, but No need to make this sound like a Funeral speech.... relax blingster , you'll see Roland in another venue in the future .
  11. LOL...you have no idea.....that "candy raver" music will make you Cream your panties ! No need to hate ! just because not everyone is into "loungy house" like you . Dawm lamers !
  12. mursa

    Attn: Edgar V

    Edgar sucks as do PVD ........phillipio convinced me to check out the newest sounds of soulful house to be played at MAdhouse by the one and only DJ DEEPSLEEP str8 from Finland . ps.....they are giving out free silk pillow casings , therefore im There !
  13. lol....why you gotta "leech" onto other peoples tables for drinks ??!??
  14. mursa

    milk or juice???

    me 3 .........................13/16
  15. Come dangle with the Jangles .! happy b-day !
  16. Fuck Tiesto and other ego maniacs .............the actual music makers/ producers are the ones that get my utmost respect !
  17. liberal propoganda me ??? Na , man ..we simply see things through a different perspective ....i've lived in this country for over 80% of my life and i like it alot . But in the end of it all ...i sincerely wish US all the best ..whether it be economically, social or what have you .
  18. All this occured in 1975 , during the same time Apparteid (sp) was occuring in South Africa ......my mom is from Mocambique which along with Angola were Portuguese colonies at that time . US interest wanted angola along with mocambique to decolonize.(i wonder y ! ? lol)..and when that happened and the lands (including my families) were given back to the native blacks , did all of a sudden american companies come in and put a strangle hold on its natural resources .
  19. No , thats not it .....it's just a question you one realizing that every country in the world will try and put its hand in the "cookie jar" including the US if given the chance. It's about being realistic and truthful , and not live in the illusion that the US is the ultimate moral and ethical good and does no one harm .
  20. Have you ever heard the expression...."hungry mouths care not about luxery " Well this is the case here , tons of rice and corn is not a fair trade for billions of dollars in profits ......hey,i realize that it's the angolans own fault for agreeing for such dealings , but whatever way you look at it , it is EXPLOITATION .
  21. You want to talk about scams and immoral buisiness dealings ??!!! Angola : country in SW africa, for those that never left the continental US . The oil and gold industry there are controlled by american companies , they make billions upon billions in profits , now i want you to see how much the people of this resource rich third world country make in return ?!!? I guarantee it's pocket change (millions) . "don't throw stones when UR roof is made out of glass "
  22. The US of A ................the moral and ultimate hero of the entire universe and its 3 dimensions .
  23. lol, your so full of shit .......Madrid doesn't even have beaches ! lol
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