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Everything posted by mursa

  1. ..raincry has a lil " morrocan/ mid eatern flare " to her . niceeee
  2. You haven't experienced it to the max ~! ....yet .
  3. ..Shes' trailer park trash .
  4. ..dawm !!!! frankenstein is in the house !!! lmmfaO ~
  5. Welcome back , hope you enjoyed the clubbing mecca of the world ...& european lifestyle in general .
  6. No strings are needed to be pulled nowadays when it comes to recruiting ......they will literally give you a "happy ending" if you enlist for the armed forces . . . . so im pretty sure that if you ask for that gun in order to enlist , YOUR SET !!!! OBBY aka UNIVERSAL SOLDIER
  7. ..Patio Pete ??!!?? lol ...............armagedon is truly upon us then !
  8. Picotto doesn't appeal to the commercialized Groupie mentality that Tiesto ( & pvd somewhat) ...there he is for the folks who like to Party Hard ! , and folks that truly enjoy that style of music . It will be packed , but not as uncomfortable as others .
  9. lets hope so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Redemption is needed !
  10. member of this administration . http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=2OMLYOADIMTWICRBAELCFEY?
  11. .. ...getting ready to go to a Dolphins game , gotta chaparone my lil bro & shit ( family life niggaz !) . ..Anyone know if section 400 are good seats at pro player ?
  12. .. ...I like Acostas track selection , don't like his mixing too much .
  13. thats the motto i live by ....be yourself & take it or leave it .
  14. ...bumpdaddy seems like he knows what he's dealing with when it comes to drugs , and thats always a positive thing , especially with all the idiotic/irresponsible crackheads nowadays .
  15. a Statistical dead heat ......add the fact that Kerry is up against an incumbant president .. .. ....the Debates are Kerry's chance to clearly overpass Bush IMO .
  16. .. .... CP does have cute ass girls and what makes it even better is that they usually have a maching personality to boot .
  17. Who closed the mainroom after Tiesto's appetizer , oh i mean "SET" ????
  18. ..show her your Boner and tell her ..... " baby im grown ! " ...na , but in all seriousness , when a chick thats only 5 years older says something like that my guess is that shes trying to say .. .. .. " your too young to take take of me (financially) "
  19. Bloody ass Event !!!!!!
  20. Bullseye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the even sadder part is that those dumbasses are the ones that are the most politically active (biblebelt folks etc)......hence why Bush is still in good terms with such ignorant minds , or as i call em Sheep .
  21. lol....180 degree turn from blings poetic review For some reason I trust your review more than blings .
  22. I blame 93.1 , groupies and idiotic crackhead for all this .
  23. A hurricane thats gonna hit in the early hours of sunday is no excuse to play a 3 hour set (2-5) . For the $$$ people wasted , i don't find it worth it .
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