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Everything posted by mursa

  1. Fruit and or High Caloric snack cakes ( snowballs , twinkies etc )
  2. Drip is when the coke seems to drip behind your throat ...it's acidic and not very pleasurable .........but if your drinking anything (water , booze ) thats easily solved . a nice 2 inch line is enough to feel cocaine hcl .....if it's good stuff ofcoarse .
  3. Exactly ..............and one more quick tip , don't start out with Huge lines like some ( some of it won't get absorbed and it'll stick to your nose ) .
  4. When one does coke for 3 yrs almost everyday , its obvios it'll become overated and it'll take its toll on you ( physically & mentally) moderate !
  5. Coke is a tricky drug , since many people can't seem to control themselves from abusing it . .. ....if you keep it in check and do it on occasion with a nice group of friends , in a nice pre-party or after-party atmosphere with a few drinks ...THERE IS NOTHING BETTER . ps......don't abuse it ( try not to exceed more than 1 gram per session) , and you'll enjoy it for the long run ...being Head-strong is very important when dealing with yayo . good luck .
  6. And if there is anything that might help Bush , Hannity , O'reilly , Dick morris , Ann coulter and Rush Limbaugh will also be sure to do the same .
  7. ..just like your crowd with the Hannity , Limbaugh , Coulter , swift boat vets & jerry Fallwell group .
  8. Classy & Beautiful pics ..what else you expect ?!!?
  9. good news !!!!!!!!!!!!! us technoheads are troopers by nature , bitches !!!!!!!!!
  10. Your an idiot by even trying to make that point .. ... Bush asked for the UN's hand to fight a now proven unjustified war (WHERE ARE THE WMDSSSSSSSSSSS !!!) and when they got the cold shoulder , quickly proceeded to point its middle finger at the UN . ... thats direspect . Bush = bush administration ...dumbass
  11. this just in , this just in !!! .... the US has been linked with giving the Saddam regime some of the most inhumane wmd's in the late 80's . ....but i guess that doesnt count , right ? lol
  12. When you have countries that sympathize with you ,chances are they are gonna be more useful in combating world terror ......thats all im implying with the "world opinion" portion of my reply . This president has missed the boat by disrespecting the UN .........big mistake .
  13. Say whatever you want , but the truth of the matter is that ANY RIGHT MINDED AMERICAN would perfer to have world opinion/support on their side ... (Do you perfer to be admired/liked or hated ??? ) .. ...but unfortunatly it's presidents like this which "polarizes " it's own population and at the same time pisses off the rest of the world .
  14. Dolphins suck ! G-men tommorow over philly !
  15. Have I ever told you how much of a Amazing sheep you are ?
  16. that doesn't take away the fact that presently there are more people who dislike us than for example ...in 1994 . No arguing that . nuff said .
  17. that doesn't take away the fact that presently there are more people who dislike us than for example ...in 1994 . No arguing that . nuff said .
  18. ...I was taking a bathroom break during my Physics class in college ...saw a whole bunch of folks gathered around a TV ..needless to say I warned my class of what happened and class was promptly canceled .
  19. Your telling me a few corrupt UN employees made the UN turn its back to iraq ??? .lol ....every corporation has it's bad apples , the city of miami for example , now imagine a organization that spans the entire globe ...cmon matas , don't be so naive . ..kinda funny we talk about favors for oil though , especially since the US invaded the country with the second largest oil reserves ..... .. ...im sure it was a coincidence though . ps... by the way i haven't seen anyone convicted for the alleged oil4food program scandal ....where is it ?
  20. ..i hope that would be the case , but unfortunatly Anti-american sentiment has never been stronger around the world , therefore extremist ideology is on the up aswell ...doesn't take a genious to make that assumption . 1+1= 2 right ?
  21. Your just mad cause the UN didn't fall for Bush's BS on invading iraq with UN's go ahead/assistance . lol .....if thats the case then just make sure your maverick president bush doesn't go to them with his tail tucked inbetween his legs asking for assistance , like he did not too long ago .
  22. The plot thickens with you folks !!!! lol . ..the truth of the matter is that Europe nowadays is not persuaded ( $$$$ ) so easily by the US like in the past (check the dollar value against the Euro)...therefore they are not afraid to think differently and follow a different path . The Euro is considerably stronger than the Dollar , and it has been so for the last couple of years . Have you ever heard the saying ...." A good friend is sometimes the one that tells (critisizes) you when your doing things wrong " ....
  23. Hit it on the head on Both points . ps...Arrogant = super citizen
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