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Everything posted by mursa

  1. mursa


    Exactly ! .................too bad in this country we are always brainwashed into thinking that we only work for the good of all man , when in reality we are only really interested in ourselves (nothing wrong with this way of being) .
  2. ..I have a clear consious when it comes down to this election..............if the american public is so naive & paranoid to go along with Fear tactics(war on terror) & Emotion stricking propoganda (9/11) , then in the end they GET WHAT THEY DESERVE .
  3. this hurricane is ..............most probably gonna be a Big Baloon of hot air , we'll prob get a few gusts of 60 mph plus and heavy rain , here in Dade county .
  4. If you can see through the fog of personal attacks on Kerry, it's quite obvious that they have no real vision for this country other then installing fear and paranoia among it's population . . . .. .......let em be negative, in the end it might very well bite them in the ass .
  5. rumor has it Obby threw a fit @ homedepot as they didn't have the red/white & blue patriotic ply wood ...knocked out a minimum wage employee and is now facing 2nd degree assault charges .
  6. alrighty ,,record that segment of the VMA's and when i see ya , we'll both watch it together ..........i got 20/20 vision bro .... .. ...there was booing , but don't be so blind and partisan to say there wasn't cheers aswell . ps... just get ready for PICOTTO , october 8th ,,,,,,,,crazy weekend in store !
  7. mursa

    Bye Guys..

    ..and don't forget to take pics of your T i T s !!!!!!!!!!
  8. Zell Miller was ONE ANGRY & GROUCHY old man !! dawm !!!! ..kerry bashing , a dash of Fear & with a lil spritz of red white & blue patriotism to appeal to the masses . .....he even tried to pick a fight with Chris Mathews in the after hours show ...classic .
  9. Now is where your talking shit matas boy ...... didn't you see when the camera was panning out and you saw much of the croud clapping over their heads as the Kerry girls were ending their speech ?! I dunno , maybe the new fad nowadays is to Clap & Boo at the same time , i dunno .
  10. ..that doesn't take away the fact that he's reaping the rewards of a National tragedy (sept 11th) ....he did reduce crime in NY by around 20% , but he's not known as Americas Mayor for that accomplishment .
  11. ..that doesn't take away the fact that he's reaping the rewards of a National tragedy (sept 11th) ....he did reduce crime in NY by around 20% , but he's not known as Americas Mayor for that accomplishment .
  12. ..Correct me if Im mistaken but what does Arnold story have to do with the stereotypical American dream ? Wasn't he the youngest Mr. Olympia who was brought to the Us then proceeded to do action movies in the early 80's ?! (Conan etc ) He definetly made it BIG , but did he did so through hard work (excluding lifting weights) like most immigrants (years of hard work and savings) ? I can't see how a single mother of 3 that is here 7 months since coming from Guatemala can see any inspiration from his story .
  13. even you know that Guliani wasn't a popular mayor , until he "heroicly" put that white mask and went to ground zero to survey the damage ... .. ...whats so special about that ? Isn't that what any mayor would do ?
  14. Guliani is a clown with a annoying ass lisp , and uses a national tragedy for his own political gain .. ..I still don't know what he did during sept 11th that made him such a man made icon ?
  15. yep , this ain't for vocal house or loungey type house fans , do us all a favor & stay home and not take up space in the dancefloor . Bangin bitches !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. oH YEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won't miss this for anything !
  17. . .."you only see what you what to see " and i guess the same goes for hearing . .. ... ........there was a mix of booes & cheers .
  18. ..I will follow it here & there for shits n giggles ............ .. .......im waiting for the Debates though
  19. Better that , than the Porcelain doll that we currently have in the White house . . . ... theresas personailty compliments Kerry dull personality .
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