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Everything posted by mursa

  1. mursa

    Copa America

    First off ...Stop using the Koky "hater" labeling tactic , just cause I don't agree with you doesn't mean im hatin .......so chill out , cause you know that the true haters are usually the the ones that smile and give you a handshake . ... LA MASCARA ! Brazil 5 world cup championships ....Argentina ?? 1 or 2 ....and with a Coked up Maradona at the helm . I ain't saying Argentina sucks ,they are the second best in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE , but it is safe to say that Argentina aren't viewed in the world AS good as Brazil .
  2. mursa

    Copa America

    First off ...Stop using the Koky "hater" labeling tactic , just cause I don't agree with you doesn't mean im hatin .......so chill out , cause you know that the true haters are usually the the ones that smile and give you a handshake . ... LA MASCARA ! Brazil 5 world cup championships ....Argentina ?? 1 or 2 ....and with a Coked up Maradona at the helm . I ain't saying Argentina sucks ,they are the second best in the WESTERN HEMISPHERE , but it is safe to say that Argentina aren't viewed in the world AS good as Brazil .
  3. Blow Job stare-downs are the best ! .....to see who looks away first ! PS..i always win !
  4. mursa

    Copa America

    Aquardiente es muy fuerte ......antes me haco una "caipirinha ! "
  5. mursa

    Copa America

    Yo hate Brazil cause you niggaz always second to them ! recognize !
  6. mursa

    Copa America

    Yo hate Brazil cause you niggaz always second to them ! recognize !
  7. mursa

    Copa America

    Lines fo everybody ! celebration bitches !
  8. mursa

    Copa America

    2-1 Colombia wins Ayala will be missed in the defense .
  9. example : Hannity & Colmes (50-50 rep/dem ratio right ?) Hannity is young ,bouyant , charismatic and loud ,more outspoken ...then you have Colmes who is visibly older, pale , talks in a low pich voice , hene a more submissive personality. Who you think out of the two stands out more to the Viewers ??? lol gotta love it !
  10. Fox = Humor ! ...check out Fox n friends To laugh and see the method on which lots of Americans are misinformed I got to Fox news Ch.46 ! For reliable news ...Euro news , portugal news , Reuters , Associated press .
  11. ...Miami is def. sqeezing all it can from the SHAQ marketing machine ! ...I hope he's worth the 27$ mil a year salary he gets . And in turn I hope he does bring joy and more "celebrations" to miami even thoug Im not a heat fan . PS...Im a Knicks fan so............ you heat !
  12. The truth is that we went to war cause of WMD's , then when they weren't found we quickly changed the mission to FREE IRAQ propoganda . hmmmmmmm weird. Most if not all of those Iraq-Al-Quaeda facts were given by Iraqi defectors who since then have been proven false or "amplified" . Saddam would'nt let religious extremist have safe haven in Iraq , he even fought Iran over such reasons . simply put .
  13. mursa


    Show us your tits ! I like Silver Dollar sized nips (medium) on girls , and the darker colored ones (pink or light ones don't attract me as much) .....large pancake looking nips aren't my fav .
  14. No shit ! hehehe And on the next episode of "Happyface's obvious comments"
  15. ...I just wanna stop you before it's too late ! , Internet casanovas are outta style !
  16. Ya Djrx.....enough with the "buttering the bread/ kissing ass " LOL ..but i do agree Themrs is the total natural package !
  17. ..Cause I choose to be single at this point & time
  18. ..I would rate myself a nice 8 . best qualities = tall/dark and handsome syndrome , my eyes , smile .
  19. GWB " we are digging through the facts " ...Facts should be clear , no digging should be needed . PS...instead of "dummies" , obby you should insert ( for those in denial ) .
  20. ..when I was 13 I nearly got caught ...thank god for the Radio i had in the bathroom , as i felt the door knob turn , I started to hit the radio as if it wasn't working right ,,,all while butt naked . "dawm mom , the cd aint workin ! ' ...close callllllllllllllllllll
  21. So not only are you a internet casanova but you'll hit that even though she doesn't want to .......... rape !
  22. Turbulance at 25,000ft , turbulance ...mayday mayday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..Old man has been lost in the depresurization process , somewhere near Madagascar .
  23. ...as long as you give a outward signal of your Desperation , you'll have many more stressful weeks ahead , unfortunatly .
  24. Skanky ! ..but it's all good undercover hoeeeeeeeeee !
  25. better yet.. .. .....just Eat BIG !!! rice, beans, meat (brazilien diet !) and lift Big and you'll get big . ...i myself am not into the Supplement craze, rip-off/placebo industry .
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