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Everything posted by mursa

  1. ..thank goodness i don't live in the NE .
  2. I have a feeling that the Panthers will win .
  3. Roast beef sandwitch ???!??
  4. Yea bro , Im ready ...........hope to chill for atleast some events . If anything PM and i'll give you my number to hit me up when you come down .
  5. I believe the whole Dragonball saga finished around the mid-90's ....... we here in the states sure get some things late .
  6. Try and see the UNCUT japanese (european) dragonball series aswell as the 11 Dragonball movies .........then you'll see what SICKNESS is all about . PS....DBZ-gt here in the US is simply too censured .
  7. You just added to my point of view . When one person has "ZERO feelings" for the other person , he/she in many ways is already Emotionaly Unfaithful . And the excuse of being a drunk accident is just a easy cop-out .... unless your out cold on GHB or unconsious from alcohol the drunk excuse doesn't fly with me . When you really like/love someone , being in a different frame of mind or on mind altering substances shouldn't change the way you feel for them sober . Maybe enhance/amplify those feelings that you already hold but not change them .
  8. :laugh: .............oh yea , and all you party people drive SAFE tonight to your party hangouts , rain isn't a helpful driving companion .
  9. ...Emotional infidelity is simply the phase right before one becomes physically unfaithful . You can't go into one without having gone through the other . MIND (emotions) over BODY .
  10. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    ....wow , you got nice skin .
  11. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    ..... & Funky Beats ? There is alot of Sarcasm around CP ,,,most of it benign though .
  12. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    35 post and already a frisky lil devil................niceeeee
  13. Welcome . & Bon Voyage .
  14. Good looking out jackster !!! ..we definetly don't want any of the dj's to get PINK EYE would we ?!
  15. What I wish women knew: - how you carry yourself influences how i perceive you - Just because i think you're hot doesn't preclude me from liking your personality - The amount a guy likes a girl is not inversely proportional to the amount of time before they have sex; it is directly proportional to how much the guy likes the girl. If you respect yourself the morning after, chances are we will as well - there is more than one way to suck a dick - there are a multitude of degrees of sexual contact besides intercourse that are fun, relatively safe, and pretty guilt-free - if a guy doesn't call as soon as you'd like, call him yourself - if you want a guy to talk to you, go up to him and say anything; he will probably respond kindly - don't go out dressing hot just to tease; it brings you ill will and bad karma - please respect a sort of mourning period after a break-up where you do not sleep with your ex's friends. - not everybody is looking at you / talking about you. they are carrying on in their normal lives thinking normal thoughts. - spend less time analyzing, more time being - touch us, we like to be touched - if we're being shy, it's because we're letting you to set the pace. we'd set it, but we want you to feel comfortable. - understand when we approach you, we are burdened with the risk of rejection - your best friends don't always have your best interests in mind; some are conniving and back-stabbing - give us the benefit of the doubt; we know more than we let on - don't assume that if we find ourselves alone in a room that we'll strive to take your clothes off. - we like to be seduced to. try it, you might like the rush of being the hunter. - sex is not a commodity you trade for something. it's something you do because you want to. - don't always second-guess yourself; don't let others make decisions for you - if you seek out jerks, don't complain about not having a nice guy sometimes you gotta pick one or the other. - a period of silence does not imply a Cold War is taking place. people are just unavailable sometimes to communicate, don't take it personally. - grudges destroy relationships. nip them in the bud. - if you have something to get off your chest, say it directly, don't beat around the bush. Carry on......
  16. ...well the 80's routine worked well for me during the late 90's .
  17. . .. What I believed happen is that the "novelty" of E has subsided and has plateued off . E only became very popular from 1996 on up . Also the addition of other drugs into mainstream clubbing such as K, tina ,G has gained popularity with many E users . Pills are still prevalent where i go out at times .
  18. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    Classy , French Chicks .... , the only down side is that i gotta share my gillette mac3 with em , oh well .
  19. I must say that this event is tempting ..........hmmmmm . But then i start to think of all the long haired "boludos" which are gonna attend , and im afraid that i might confuse one of them for a women .
  20. Aren't you the one that came to this Thread (of a prog house dj event) and start to "hate" ? Just let koky listen to what he likes ,,,i haven't seen him hate on other peoples musical tastes . ..relaxxxxxxxx PS....As for me I am guilty of hating Saleens Whitney Houston remixs , but thats it .
  21. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    :rolleyes: Horn balls everywhere !!! ..What ever happened to just meeting a girl and simply talking about life all while nibbling on cheese cubes and a glass of merlot ?
  22. Good sex is extremely good for your skin and always manages to make one smile more ...hence making him/her seem younger and more attractive .
  23. mursa

    Attn : Sotuchick

    Sure ! .........whatever you say Mr. FREEZE .
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