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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. know the original, never knew of a remix.
  2. ultra nate - found the cure
  3. Well I was checking out the thread on the sad day for house and stuff and got interested in another topic in there, and I ain't gonna threadjack over there since this should get its own thread. I've seen over the past couple of years that more and more top dj acts are getting booked and packing in clubs all over south and central america. Even in my neighbor country, Dominican Republic, noticed they have had saeed and palash play down there and in december deep dish played at the cave. Unforunately not everywhere is like this in that region. Haiti is one of those places. Now I know most reading this, probably already thinking well of course very poor country and no way in hell would they know about any kind of music outside of what is played over there. That's not the case though, there is enough people with money that enjoy clubbing and do club often down there, but the music is crap (mostly hip hop like most hip hop clubs here, some house music though dated, and some local music) . There are decent djs down there in terms of mixing ability though the tunes they got suck and they end up sounding like bad party djs you get over here. Now I go back there many times a year and to enjoy goin out there and to give the people a good time and some decent music to hear I'd like to book a couple of djs there for christmas season since thats when clubs over there ever really make any money. I've looked into it and may do it this year, but I know its quite a big risk as I'd have to do one hell of a job promoting it to get around 450 people to go in there who would pay like $10 max since when they over there they never dish out cash to party at one place like that, but over here when they in miami they got no prob. Reason why I write this is cause I'd like to get a couple of opinions on how to get this started really from a few of you on here, and also get your opinions on the scene in south america also. Oscar I know you've played there would love to get some feedback on how it's been for you playin there and if turnout is usually good, I know vip knows a little about the scene in lima. So hook me back up with some info if u can.
  4. Jigga is definately not commercial, neither or sasha and digweed. All are great djs that are big names in the scene now, but commercial, hell no. Can't wait to see james, this is my fav dj.
  5. Oscar just checked your website, noticed you toured columbia this summer, how did it go with those events?
  6. Not 2 bad of a pic taken with my celly.
  7. Flip is very lucky, found yourself a cool ass chick that looks amazing.
  8. I'm definately missing something? Why are you guys not goin back to space?
  9. I can't believe I missed it. I was more into the big acts before but now I got my stuff straightened out on the top djs I'd like to see and like always discovering new talent everyday. Can't wait till freeland is over here. Nerve needs to be the home of progressive breaks.
  10. Damn did I miss something? What u mean can't check out roland no more? That's my fav dj at space, love oscar g but roland is the man.
  11. And I need my oscar fix. I'll be there for sure, gonna be checking out nerve and this. And saleen u know oscar is your fav dj, so just admit it "denny ain't got nothin on oscar g." I'm just messin never heard denny play so can't comment, but oscar does kick some serious ass and I can't wait till friday night since I love life, but have not been able to make it there since they took away that fun 80's night.
  12. Infusion I think anybody who was there will say it was one of the best sets they've ever heard. This month nerve looks like its gonna be amazing especially with jigga. Though one dj, im dying to see play over there I still have no word on him playing anywhere in miami. His new album should be out on sept. 15. I'm talking about adam freeland. Would love to see him play miami.
  13. We can read, your first post had nothing to do with cp supporting what they like, all it was saying was the people on cp act like they suppport the local scene and that it's all bs they never do anything then talk and go to space when a big name dj is there. That's why everybody had a problem with the post because your naming a bunch of people on here posers and in all honesty I really don't see any posers on here especially those that regularly post. And even if you were right in people not supporting as much as they should on here, the way you wrote your post was done wrong, just seems like an attack on the cp people and this isn't the first time I've read a post from u and u did that, done it b4 when u were playin somewhere and nobody from cp showed. I know you probably gonna answer this with you read wrong or something like that, but just tryin to say if instead of being angry with cp which you come off most the time, why not try a different approach and see if next time u play u don't get more support.
  14. Dude, just cause people don't go out supporting your nights does not mean they don't support the local scene. Almost everybody on this board, to some point supports the scene here. What u fail to realize is that not all of us have the same tastes, you have those that are into trance and they all support edgar v very much. The guy plays at crobar they go, he plays at oxygen they go, at maze they go. Then you have tons of others on here who go out and support roland and the lunar sessions and oscar g whenever he plays. We all make the effort and support the djs and the parties we like. Andrew, you had a party during wmc where everybody was spending cash like crazy and were goin broke by day 2 of the conference and on top of that saving some energy for the parties and djs they were waiting to see for a long time that only come around during wmc time. I think cp does a great job of supporting the scene, hell we come on here and give our opinions about what we liked, what we think could change for improvement, who we would like to see, etc... Check out nerve and jazid, 3/4 of the people that go are from cp and right now if u take a look at nerve you will see business is picking up and the nights are coming along fine and the support is there not only from cp, but others that cp bring along with them and others that have gotten word of the great vibe that exists in that place. If your a promoter and you have a party and you put the ad on here and just expect us to come though, you crazy we good people but you gotta offer us a reason to come out as well to your party and in dekan's case I will say did offer us something good with shawn ink, just too bad it was at mirage and in the middle of ghetto ave and on top of that bad timing.
  15. bro don't judge the scene based on an event that took place on a weeknight. Not to mention this particular event took place on a weekend full of great events with other djs that people have been waiting for a long time to hear. One other thing, sobe is not completely dead 2 me. Only washington avenue is (excluding crobar).
  16. Yes saleen where is the review? Looking for one from LP and Biz as well.
  17. Of course not, notice my reviews are not **official** reviews. Nah in all seriousness, though he does get bitched at more then anybody on the board I think the guy puts on the best reviews on here, well at least the ones funniest to read.
  18. Still can't believe I missed lisle's set.
  19. Damn, what a night!!! Last night made plans to stop by in earlier part of the night at opium then nerve then space. Well around 1230 i get in front of opium and a huge mob is in front of both their door and prive's door. I decide to wait about 10 minutes see if anything happens and if not move on to the other parties. Not even after 3 minutes of being there, Dave sees me and takes care of me right there. I get into opium and the music was hip hop and not markus shultz yet. See the hilton sisters and there is one of them that looks pretty good. Hang out for a bit and I gotta tell u although it was hip hop playin in the garden, the crowd was great, beautiful ladies all over the place, and it seemed everybody was pretty much enjoying the hip hop so though I know most the people can't stand it on here, its all about what the crowd wants and it seems last night they wanted some hip hop. So about 1:30 exit opium and that mob in front of the door is even larger and I'm not even gonna comment about the line to prive that is just whoa, but again its always weird to see more people heading into the vip part of the club rather then the mainroom but I guess thats the secret to prive's success make everybody feel like they are vip. Make it to nerve around 1:45 and again get comped at the door, thanks to vip. Get in and hybrid is already on the turntables. Amazing music all night, had everybody in the place going nuts and dancing like maniacs. The place was not packed, but definately a good sized crowd and on top of that quality quality women. The sound, amazing. Though the sound is always good over there last night, was sharp and perfect. I'm glad to see that things are moving in the right direction at nerve and the place is quickly becoming my fav lil club here. The staff is very cool, the ladies are always beautiful, and the music is always top notch. Around 3:15 I walked out of nerve after many attempts earlier to go check out denny tsettos at space, but as soon as I made it out heard a crazy ass tune playin in there and jst went right back in and ended up never leaving till the lights came on. The last hour of hybrid was pure madness. Great stuff from nerve on booking hybrid, was truly a memorable night. By far the best performance of the year for me outside of infusion's performance a few months back. Again thanx to dave for hooking it up and huge thanks to vip for hooking it up at the door and then the free drink, which I gotta tell u that free drink card is just funny as hell.
  20. Dude u posting this is asking for attention, so don't go callin people attention seekers when u doin the same exact crap u think they are doing.
  21. thursday nights don't really work well here no more except if u skybar I guess.
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