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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Let me give u an example of how messed up this virus is. At mi casa in haiti got a router with 5 comps in there now one of the computers gets the virus we fix it up, but now the virus is comin from the router itself. So anytime we connect any computer to that router virus goes to that computer, you clean it up and some other person who is also connected to that router from outside gets it and it comes back to you again. Imagine for places like hotels or dorms that have that virus and people all connected to the same network. Shit just keeps going around and around to everybody. The biggest headache for an isp with that virus is not the people's computers though but the internet itself is really slow and the outgoing traffic is really high as everybody's comps are just pumping out the virus traffic out there. It's been very weird looking at that and seeing ougoing traffic being higher then the incoming traffic. Strange sight, and if u use windows xp update update update. They had 4 security updates yesterday alone from what I was told.
  2. man this worm is all over the place, should see over here in haiti. My pops runs one of the isp's over here and that worm is all over the network, people pumping traffic from their computer to all over the network infecting everybody with that stuff. Been driving them nuts all week. Might stay down here just a bit longer to keep helpin out.
  3. Keep tryin with those spellings and u ain't ever gonna get there, try slsk.org should work
  4. Great venue, bad location, bad crowd. Hopefully opium peeps clean it up.
  5. most of those sets are cool, have a few but buster used to talk way 2 much over the sets back then, lately though he's improved and does the broadcasts pretty well, though now I think there are more commercial breaks. What would be pretty nice was if roland's set were recorded at space without all the talk and commercial interruptions and posted on the space website or a lunar sessions website, kinda like glow does with their site.
  6. Now that is some funny stuff, though including my home country would also be accurate since lots of them in miami.
  7. Just finished rewatching meet the parents, that movie is one of the funniest movies ever, esp that first dinner scene with the urn, the weirdest grace prayer, and the cat milking story.
  8. livin42nite

    Nick Warren

    nick warren was amazing that night at crobar, had the place packed and jamming till it closed. One of my best nights out, anybody remember when he dropped that janis joplin remix? Can't wait till he's back, one of my fav djs.
  9. I get back in town on friday night, so might check this out if not 2 tired but will definately be there for the og night.
  10. watch delirious, eddie murphy doin this routine was hilarious.
  11. livin42nite


    dude you broke the 1600 posts, u now on 1601. Try quitting on 1750 instead. I know its tough to fight addictions, but whre there is a will there is a way.
  12. candy nice sigs u've had as of late
  13. Glad to see that the worse did not happen and that space is still open and kickin and even more so glad biz, roland, oscar g, and the rest of staff that work hard on entertaining us still get to work at what they love to do and where they love to do it. Lessons from this are to be more careful in regulating staff and for some of the staff to quit messing around people are watching so quit trying to make a quick buck and just continue with knowing that you still have somewhere to work and making good enough money. Another thing learned is I think is to not have one place to depend on. Meaning roland tour more around and play more places other then space to keep making a name for himself outside of space clubbers and biz and other promoters have more parties then just one. Even if its not a weekly party, for example the hot pink party at life, that could have worked I think if it took place monthly rather then weekly, and who knows maybe it could have worked weekly had it not been open for the summer, but instead during college season and open to an 18 and over crowd for women and 21 for guys. Oscar g, I think would have no prob, other then having a real home to come play week in and week out. I don't know maybe I'm not making any sense at all, but I'd just like to see the guys that make my saturday nights entertaining as hell anytime I pay them a visit, still have a place to entertain us.
  14. eddie murphy raw cd. Man this guy used to be really funny, sad all he does now are dumbass movies.
  15. best party on the beach in terms of music, hands down nerve friday nights. Used to be crobar when they had guests come over, but right now music is best at nerve and then lime bar. Best party overall on the beach for me though is tantra, monday nights. Good house music, not the newest or most original music but its good enough. What makes this party special though is the quantity and quality of women, week in and week out and for some reason u don't see them this wild anywhere else. Oh and a plus with that drum guy. Opium is getting wild too with the parties I've seen them book as of late.
  16. impressed so far with what im hearing from oscar fonseca's set here on party931.com. Again wish I could have been there 2nite supportin but can't so listenin in 2nite.
  17. been checkin out the sex board as of late but never post till now, anyways more of a friends with benefit type but usually the sex leads up to a relationship so its kinda weird. Oh well it's all good.
  18. Just saw this news story now and can't really say much on it as we don't really know whats going on. I say just everybody stop reacting to what the media and others are speculating on and just wait for the facts, as for now there is a kick ass party that I would be attending if I was in town with the cooljunkie party, so go support those working hard on bringing u a great party week in and week out and go to this event. I'll be tunin in party931 for sure 2nite through the net. Good luck to oscar, diaga, and hydra and congrats on making it this far.
  19. damn i'm lovin the parties dave is throwing up at opium with them chicas, unfortunately have not been there cause out of town for a few weeks but I should make it for this event since I'll be back next weekend. Any list for this dave? By the way, these parties take place in the garden or the prive room?
  20. listenin to the roland's lunar sessions right now. I keep overplaying sound in motion by zabiela, so today decided to give the other kick ass cd's in my pouch a chance. As for 24/7, have not really been able to get into cd1 yet.
  21. if you liked that movie, you should check out this japanese movie called "the eye" was at lincoln road movies a few weeks ago. Freaky movie
  22. I know this has been out for a while and I've had it since the week it was released, but after many listens to this, 24/7, the lunar sessions cd, and many others I have to say this is by far the best cd released this year. If u don't have this cd, get it now. For those who have it how crazy is the mixing on track number 7 on the first cd, that is just sick. Can't wait till sept. 26 at nerve.
  23. Too bad im gonna miss this. Good luck to all the djs, i'll be tuning in party931.com to hear them. Hopefully no commercials during the broadcast to get in the way of the mix.
  24. out of town so have been unable to get it yet, any reviews. Ownership mode should be awesome. As for king of maddens nobody can claim that yet for this one, from what i heard much different gameplay with the playmaker option. Only downfall is no online play:(
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