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Everything posted by livin42nite

  1. Infusion is an amazing band, but was asking more about current rock bands. Its ok though since I did not get a rock is dead, long live the 80's rock music reply
  2. livin42nite

    Fav. band

    For those that listen to a lil rock outside of dance music, which current bands do you listen to? And how come there are barely any places that bring in live bands or even just play a lil rock down here. Was really looking forward to seeing the strokes at mansion, but that never happened anybody know why its always at an arena or something. Fav bands The strokes Coldplay Rooney Dave Matthews Band (playin in wpb on july 31st) White Stripes Radiohead U2
  3. Good luck with it, im sure it will be a blast. I'll definately be checking it out.
  4. Thanks for the info lyrik. Looks like I was up there for your set so nice work.
  5. Damn I completely forgot about daily savings time and stuff. Got there around what I thought was 1 in the morning and next time I looked at my phone I thought I was nuts cause it was already 3:30. So lost an hour from the partying and headed home around 4. Music was good while I was there. Seen oscar play better, but definately not complaining as it was still a good set. This was probably just my opinion though cause the rest of the room was going nuts to what he was playing and it was nice to see the place packed for oscar.
  6. Goin as well and og if u read this play some classics for real tonight. Have the feeling tonight he is gonna rip it up at space. Two songs requesting are A.T.F.C Presents Onephatdeeva - In And Out Of My Life (Original Vocal Mix) and Paul Johnson- get get down
  7. livin42nite

    For you guys...

    Damn Those teeth are amazing, got her number?
  8. Privelege Late last night decide to head out with a cousin of mine but no idea where we were going cause didn't plan anything. I know privelege had desyn and I've been meaning to catch him for a bit. Not a single problem at the door and we end up making our way in comped even though we were not even on any list and I never been to place before. Once inside notice the place is actually a pretty nice venue with the upstairs and everything, but unfortunately not too many people showed up for this and it seemed like everybody there knew each other. The terrace up there is kinda cool and up there see marco and I can't remember the other guys name but he was a gu moderator. Marco, what he say about gu cause I see that board is down? Anyhow music was awesome on the terrace and lots of nice looking south american women. Unfortunately could not stay long as I had to meet up some people at prive. Wash ave. funny shit Before I get to prive there though, funniest thing of the night was this one guy in front of a club on 6th street in wash. ave trying to get people to come to his club by telling them at his club no waiting in front of the door, clubs try to do that to look cool and us we would never do that to people so come to our club and i quote this "we really care about every person". Maybe the guy was being honest, but his tone was more of like we dying for a penny come to our club please. Prive Head to prive and again I gotta wonder why so much hate on these guys and mansion from people on this board cause taken care of right away even if not on list. Thanks dave, but dude no prob with havin to pay cover as long as entrance to club is not too long, so appreciate being comped but not necassary. Anyways up there place is a bit different then the norm as one room is not allowing anybody in unless you have another wristband on cause I guess somebody rented out that room, rumor has it was j lo did it but I don't know. Just went on the the house room which is where I usually am anyways and last night the music was actually very good in there and Dave if you read this who was spinning in that room around 1:30? Good stuff from that room though with stephan luke often playing there music is never a complaint from me at prive. Get a call and now other cousins call and want us with the others at prive to find them at grass so after a bit we head there. Grass Sucked. Got in easily since cousins had table there but place was way 2 crowded for its size, music was decent but same playlist as when I went like a month ago. Some people I really did not want to run into were there and with the air smell pretty strong decided to jet and to call it a night. Overall, best time was at prive though the music in both main room and terrace of privelege was just amazing. Coming back next week to check out stryke there. One other thing is sobe seemed kinda dead compared to the way its been past month but probably due to the cold and that air.
  9. Never seen that kind of stuff before, but here in miami lakes whole sky was dark this afternoon and up to now outside still got that smell.
  10. So dissapointed, here I thought you were a big star saleen. Britney asked for 2000 and your going rate was only for 12 peeps at 20 cover charge so just $240. Man don't sell yourself short.
  11. Hells yes, looks like a great party and looks like its marco's bday so def making it out to this. No disrespect to edgar but bling didn't u just watch him play at crobar or something. Support the other locals and the promoters who hook it up to the max as well. Happy b-day marco.
  12. Thanks for the info. Will be my pleasure to visit your party there next thursday and I guess its time I found out for myself how dj pedro sounds. Good luck with the party and hope its a success.
  13. Give you props for gettin a group of 12 peeps comped at different clubs. There a hottie from maxim there tonight so have fun, may end up there myself after privilege.
  14. Your previous post was boring, your current post is boring, and your future posts will likely be _____. Fill in the blank. My lazy ass finally clicked block on your threads.
  15. Can't wait to see saleen's review of the place. Recommendation go upstairs to the bar, quickest way to get a drink since downstairs always crowded plus the brunette up there is
  16. Avenue I was talking about the playboy party wanted more info on that, but yeah probably planning on making it to that party as well since I'll probably already be on the beach on thursday night and from what I heard dj pedro is a pretty good upcoming local dj.
  17. Dave when you gonna post about that party going on at mansion on the 8th. Bunnies?
  18. :laugh: http://www.angryalien.com/0204/exorcistbunnies.html
  19. http://www.nypost.com/gossip/17760.htm Supposedly britney wanted 2k to go party at mynt with her entourage and mynt told her no thanks.
  20. No other channel is better. Tonight south park, chapelle show, daily show all were hilarious. Angry crowd is usually funny as well. Thought the south park ending was kinda dissapointing though compared to how good the show started and went on.
  21. Just saw it a while ago. If that story is true mynt is retarded for putting it out. Makes everybody know she went to prive and not their club, where as if they shut up nobody would even know where she was or in this case was not. Mynt just never picked business back up the way it used to ever since they closed for remodeling. Very nice club, but never really had a good time there but still tons of my cousins that was their fav. spot so had to go with them there tons of times.
  22. I don't think its the makeup or the look thats the prob with her photos. Just the homemade look to them, where as the others are more professional. As far as the look running its course, well just look at marge simpsons' pics from maxim this month to see that its still makin the maxim pages.
  23. Agree, pics are not professional at all for her, but hopefully she advances and we get some great photographs.
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