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Everything posted by njstacked2

  1. You are lucky I love ya Tommy! Yes beatstock will be sick....I cannot wait to toss kids...and roll Dave down the hill.....too much fun!
  2. Iron Sistah! I am missing a bruised rib this week...! Bus...& Tigga.....Such an Iron Couple!
  3. 1 Grilled Slinky for me.... actually 2...not enough protein in just 1!
  4. My thoughts exactly Billy...This goes back to our Dinner Conversation.......I had a better time going to Wind n Sea....than I did Seaside.... I still love Surf Club Sunday Afternoons.......
  5. Agreed Bus....Kids on here have no clue.... They think Tempts is the End All Be All...Tempts is fun...if you are there with the right people...music is always good but the crowd has been getting to me...
  6. Bus...hit me on the Iron Email. I was to shot to do anything but laugh.... Stardo...was too cute...I was like..."hmmm does this stuff taste funny?" she replied:"a little" I was like "it must be cut with baking soda"...hahahahaha....I then said...."I need to do more I feel really drunk".....hahaha
  7. Bus...Obviously I had no control of him sitting down...It was too funny. She was in no harm...and her and Bigtime are not dating anymore....I would never let him pull moves but it was too funny watching him sit in it.....
  8. #1. I need my beauty sleep.... #2. I have no need to hangout at a place just to say I was there....right Bigtime? #3. The difference is all you guys do nothing during the day...you sleep....The Stacked has an agenda everyday...I am up by 8am no matter how bangedup I am....At the beach by 10am....Where were you Kosta, Tommytempts...etc? Exactly. #4. The crowd at Tempts sucks...yes. Kids are just trying to hard to fit in...very young and immature. If I was having a good time I would be staying...ok?
  9. Moo....that sucks. Honestly I would be pissed if I were you. David....Let me guess your website would be NJslinky.com?
  10. C- That is the whole misconception....There is NO DAVE @ 10AM....He never was and never will be at Surf by 10am.....Let alone by 4pm....Myself, Bigtime and Bus are the only ones who venture to Surf @ 10am...Everyone else is scared or not juiced up enough...
  11. Nighty Night David.....don't let the Bed Bugs Bite.
  12. ou812...hahaha....yeah we bust balls...while Dave sucks them.... Beatstock Saturday then to Tempts? Surf Club Sunday @ 10am....not staying past 5pm...
  13. ahhhhh Brother Jason....good to hear from you....No Bigtime...does the laps beause he has severe A.D.D.....Bigtime looked good last night...the kid lives up to his name and is the number 1 soldier in my army.....I may be retiring soon and the torch will be passed to him. Brother Bus and myself are burned out from all the Ironess.
  14. Dave...who's car were you trying to break into the other night? hahahaha
  15. Yes...Dave after Court and I FUCKED for an hour I passed out. Ummmmm Not George Michael asshole......Prince.... David...I can drink you under the table and another thing stop telling kids that when I drink I get quiet! I am so going to deal with you at Beatstock...Prepare my friend...prepare...On a seriousness...we are heading sideways with this market....Play the valleys and peaks and that should equate great pattern trades.....take a look at the 15minute 5 day QQQ chart..
  16. Dave...the funny thing is you are the first one to grab my traps at Tempts when my shirt is off....Court actually got jealous. You sick fuck...please keep you and your people away from me...
  17. No Dave didn't run and if he did he probably tripped over his Slinky Arms.....hahaha! Most likely Bradley just called and Dave is putting us on "Time Out"...Trying to hurt us...come out and play little Davey!
  18. Dave...takes the "Hard Guy" approach to being gay....Pretending to be the "touch jock"....he likes role play...Bradley is the Cheerleader and Dave is the Gay Highschool Quarterback....
  19. Dave...since the gay jokes were not getting anywhere...how funny was it when we were walking to Surf Club and we spotted those 5 little boys....and you said "Look Guidos in the making" and I said....look there is Rod to the left...it was the dark one....hahahaha!
  20. David..I am just trying to keep it "real".... Dave wouldn't it make for better conversation if you just came clean about Benson?
  21. Dave...how many birthday kisses did you give Brad last night? Just curious?
  22. Actually first let me say this...David "Dondiezel"...bitch do not ever call me soft again...I am pretty sure this was the same kid who held hands with Bigtime to the Beach @ 10am Sunday morning...you Mr. David are the Soft Slinky Bitch..... #1...We are at Surf and we sit down outside for an Iron Brother Meeting...very informal since Brother Bus was not present.....anyway....the women are with us...and I am feasting on a Roastbeef wrap made personally by Ciro...as the story goes....I was k'ed out of my mind by accident and all of a sudden Bigtime gets up for no reason and does a lap....Keep in mind the empty chair, a plate full of honey mustard and a nice south wind.....hahahaha the plate blows off the table onto the chair....face up....I joked how it would be funny if Bigtime came back and sat in it...well things could not have worked out any better....Some toolbag came took the chair, pulled it next to Bigtime's Ex sat down on the plate and asked if the chair was taken...As this happened everyone lost their shit....I could not stop laughing...the K didnt help.....the guy goes to Big's Ex...why is he laughing at me....she responded "Because you just sat in a plate of honey mustard!!!" He tried to play cool...Bigtime came back and went ape shit that this guy rolled up on Julie....hahahaha Bigtime says"Ummm yeah Get out of my chair!"....The guy gets up and his whole ass is covered in Honey Mustard....by far the funniest thing I have seen so far besides DAVE kissing BRADLEY!
  23. Brian...I agree with most of what you said....It could be that I am growing up...engaged...tired of kids trying to hard....Who knows....but this summer in my opinion has sucked. The only good time I have is Sunday afternoon at Surf Club on the Beach! Nothing is better than being on the beach @ 10am...drinking by 11....getting all bangedup and having fun.....around 5pm all the "I am trying to hard kids come" and it just isnt the same.....3 years ago it was insane around 6pm.....now it is just young kids acting like kids trying to hard with the sweat bands..hahahahaha.....I enjoy going to the beach during the day....In that respect it has been the best summer....every Sunday afternoon has been a blast... I think it is time to go to South Beach again. Agree? PS: I got your pm...the whole situation bothered me.
  24. Does he think his Garage House shit is that good? His music is fucking boring...I don't understand why people even like his shit...I think people just like to drop his name and say they like his shit....I would pay more money to hear Kirk Lopez....I am dead serious....at least I know I will hear stuff that I like.... Maybe he got into a fight with his boyfriend....or something.... On a serious note....DT should hit up a cycle....yes?
  25. Excellent call Bus....Wahtaboutme....i will buy you a Snickers bar this weekend....hahaha! Yo...how nervous were you at Surf when I almost put you in a Reverse Grapevine....I would have owned you....and never call me 18yrs old again
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