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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. I live in a city with the biggest bulls eye on it you English twit.... We as AMERICANS are fighting this war everyday.... The PEOPLE of Spain handed the terrorists their victory you pill dropping, K sniffing bafoon...
  2. I bet you caught a TON of beatings in school for your milk money, huh? How hard is it for you to understand that first blood has been drawn....there's no turning back...
  3. Keep it up bud....this latest comment only adds to my opinion of you lack of common sense Mr "Sadam did great things for IRAQ, he built hospitals"
  4. Looks like Dr Dean put his foot in his mouth again.... This mental midget is blaming the IRAQI WAR instead of blaming the terorists. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.mlive.com/newsflash/michigan/index.ssf?/newsflash/get_story.ssf?/cgi-free/getstory_ssf.cgi?a0753_BC_Dean-Spain&&news&election2004 Dean: Bush's order to send troops to Iraq By NEDRA PICKLER The Associated Press 3/16/04 7:07 PM WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean said Tuesday that President Bush's decision to send troops to Iraq appears to have contributed to the bombing deaths of 201 in Spain. A growing international investigation is focusing on Islamic militants possibly linked to al-Qaida as the culprits in the Madrid train bombings last Thursday. European intelligence agencies are trying to identify a purported al-Qaida operative who claimed in a videotape that the group carried out the bombings to punish Spain for backing of the U.S.-led war in Iraq. The tape was discovered in a trash bin near Madrid's largest mosque on Saturday after a telephone tip to a Madrid TV station. Dean referred to the videotape when asked whether he was linking U.S. troops in Iraq to the deaths in Spain. "That was what they said in the tape," Dean said. "They made that connection, I'm simply repeating it." Dean's comment came as he was defending former rival John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, from a Bush campaign ad accusing Kerry of turning his back on U.S. soldiers fighting in Iraq. Dean said it is the president who has not supported the troops. He said Bush sent soldiers to Iraq unequipped, misled the country on the reasons for war and made the United States less safe by focusing on a target that wasn't a threat. And, he said, "The president was the one who dragged our troops to Iraq, which apparently has been a factor in the death of 200 Spaniards over the weekend." Dean issued a statement later to The Associated Press that said, "Let me be clear, there is no justification for terrorism. Today I was simply repeating what those who have claimed responsibility for the bombings in Spain said was the reason they carried out that despicable act." Dean was speaking on a conference call arranged by Kerry's campaign. Campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said, "We aren't in a position to say that Spain's support for the war in Iraq made them a target." "Governor Dean was simply repeating what's already been reported by news organizations about a group that claims responsibility for the enormous tragedy in Spain," she said. "It's clear that what happened in Spain is a painful reminder that the war on terror is far from over and the nation would be better off if this administration took the time to rebuild our alliances rather than engaging in political attacks."
  5. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=4578197&pageNumber=0 NATO Umbrella Could Keep Spanish Troops in Iraq Tue Mar 16, 2004 09:25 AM ET Printer Friendly | Email Article | Purchase for Reprint (Page 1 of 2) Top News Spain Pursues Moroccan Link to Train Bombs Bush Urges Iraq-War Allies to Stick with U.S. Bush Prods Kerry to Name Leaders Who Want Him Out MORE By John Chalmers BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A U.N.-mandated NATO presence in Iraq could be a face-saving formula for Spain's incoming Socialist prime minister as allies put pressure on him not to withdraw troops from the country, diplomats said Tuesday. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has said he will probably withdraw Spain's 1,300 troops, who are a key component of the 9,000-strong multinational stabilization force in Iraq's central-south division. This would be a major setback for the United States, which wants NATO to take command of this division some time after sovereignty is returned to the Iraqi people on June 30. Even France and Germany, Europe's fiercest critics of the Iraq war, had backed away from challenging Washington's ambition. "Spain's position now complicates things for NATO," said one diplomat at the U.S.-dominated military alliance. "Beyond the political question there is now a question of whether there will be sufficient military capability: you've seen how difficult it has been to get forces for Afghanistan." However, the two biggest contributors to the stabilization force -- Poland and Ukraine -- have vowed not to pull their soldiers back, and diplomats say Zapatero may change his mind if NATO takes over with a clear U.N. Security Council mandate. Indeed, Zapatero's first comments on the matter after his weekend election victory were ambiguous. He repeated a campaign pledge to pull out the troops if the United Nations did not take charge by mid-year and promised wide political consultation before setting any plan in stone. "Even this incoming Spanish government would not be willing to...abandon Iraq, and so putting its troops under a NATO umbrella could be a face-saving formula," said one diplomat. PRESSURE FROM ALLIES Others said Zapatero would quickly realize that the tack adopted in recent months by Paris and Berlin -- with which he had promised to restore "magnificent" ties -- has been one of rapprochement with the United States. "The Spanish are going to be lent on by a lot of people, including a lot of its friends," said one NATO observer. Alliance officials denied a report in the Financial Times, however, that Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer would ask Madrid to reconsider its position: "That's not correct, the political decisions are not for him to make," said one. If Zapatero fell into line with France and Germany, he would probably adopt their position that for NATO to take a role in Iraq there must be a request from a sovereign government and a U.N. Security Council resolution mandating the mission. "The request could come on the day the government takes office and it could be specifically conditional on a U.N. mandate, which would really speed things up," said one diplomat. This could put NATO under unwelcome pressure to plan a new operation and make sure it is properly resourced when allies -- pleading that their armed forces are overstreched by operations across the globe -- are already dodging calls for troops and equipment to expand the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan. But diplomats said the Iraq operation would be much easier for NATO to resource than finding helicopters and other costly equipment for new military teams in Afghan provinces. "Yes there is some doubt about the Spanish contingent but otherwise the Iraq force is there," said one. "It will just be a question of changing their badges and flags to 'NATO'."
  6. This can't be.. Mr Chirac fought the "Bastard Americans" it was supposed to keep us safe....
  7. France Says It Received Threat by Islamist Group 1 hour, 24 minutes ago Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo! PARIS (Reuters) - France has received threats of a possible attack against French interests from an Islamist group, the Justice Ministry said in a statement Tuesday. Reuters Photo The ministry said it had received a warning which spoke of possible attacks within France and against French interests abroad from a group called "Servants of Allah the Powerful and Wise." "These are threats articulated in such a way that they are being taken very seriously," a judicial source told Reuters. The ministry statement said the Paris prosecutor's office had immediately launched an inquiry. "It is obviously not yet possible to comment on the value of this document," the statement concluded. Security experts say France is a target because of its cooperation with authorities fighting Islamic militants in its former North African colonies Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. Several members of hard-line Algerian Islamic groups are currently being held in French jails.
  8. Got this off another site.... Spain will now have all elections determined by Al-Qaeda. If Islamic law isn't introduced into Spain's legal system. Boom If Spain does'nt recognize Allah as the only god. Boom If Spain refuses to give Osama safe haven. Boom Appeasement only helps the terrorists, when will the socialists realize that ?
  9. What? I can read and it looks like terrorism won in Spain....
  10. War monger? So they should just cut and run what does that accomplish? I pointed it out in another thread... Turkey,Moracco, Bali all have been some what neutral in the war on terror and they were attacked. Frenzy for war? YOU DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS....
  11. MAR. 16, 2004: ENDORSEMENTS Spaniards have their dead to mourn. The rest of us grieve with the people of Spain, but we must also grieve for them. This weekend’s election was Spain’s most inglorious hour since the restoration of democracy. Terrorists have often attempted to intimidate free peoples – almost invariably without success. Now at last they have won. And they will be back. But with what effect? Let us look up for a moment from our mourning for the murdered innocents of Madrid to speculate about the political consequences of this attack and the new Spanish government’s swift and abject surrender to the attackers. It might seem obvious that the Spanish results must injure President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to the benefit of both their domestic political opponents and also of the anti-American bloc in Europe. And so in the very short term it is likely to be. For decorum’s sake, Senator Kerry refrained from crowing over the Spanish result yesterday. But I doubt he will be able to restrain himself for long. Over the medium term, though, I wonder whether the results will long profit the opponents of Bush and Blair. Up until now, opponents of the Iraq war could claim any number of motives from the most high-minded to the most pragmatic. But the voters of Spain have indelibly associated the anti-Iraq position with one motive above all: fear. David Warren directs us to this quote from “a 26-year-old window frame maker who would not give his surname who … had changed his vote [at the last minute] from Popular to Socialist: "Maybe the Socialists will get our troops out of Iraq, and Al Qaeda will forget about Spain, so we will be less frightened.” I do not think it is healthy for any political cause to come to be seen as a coward’s cause. The Spanish vote may cause Bush and Blair some trouble in the short run. Very soon though it will lead the list of events that cause John Kerry and other opponents of the war to look frightened and weak. And if al Qaeda’s success in Spain induces terrorist groups to mount further attacks at election season in the United Kingdom or Italy or Poland, the message will be even sharper – the terrorists want the political parties of the pro-American right to lose, as they did in Spain. Logically, then, that implies that the terrorists want the parties of the anti-American left to win. That has to be a very unwelcome implication for those parties. And if the idea ever takes hold that al Qaeda is planting bombs with a view above all to defeating George W. Bush …. Well let’s just say that even Senator Kerry, much as he delights in collecting the endorsements of foreign leaders real and imaginary, would very much prefer to do without Osama bin Laden’s.
  12. With all due respect... Go fawk yourself, honestly!!!! Now that they're a target, their determination should be ten fold....
  13. Yeah you start breaking out numbers and people ignore it. They believe some left wing liberal who was doing bong hits in his dorm room when they should have been in economics class. I was heated the other night when Mario Cuomo was on Hardball with Chris Mattews.., This idiot was stating the econmic reports and statistics such as the one above or the GDP and the unemployemnt rate doesn't accuratley show or measure the living standards of americans?? Huh? See the liberal spin because the average american doesn't understand the financial and economic stats, they just regurgitate what they hear on the TV... A 57 flat screen plasma TV I might add, that they drove home in one of their 2 brand new SUV's.... get my point? If consumption is up, credit card borrowing and the unemployement rate is down, how are people affording these luxuries????
  14. What a yellow faced VAGINA... Tell this guy to grow a sack....I bet his direct ancestor was the one appeasing Hitler and telling his countrymen Britain was at fault for the agression by the Nazi's.... What a fawking joke... This part kills me...address the cause of injustice? I thought removing a despotic regime was the beginning of justice in the ME.... But our own leaders are wilfully leading us into a period of appalling suffering because they will not address the causes of injustice in the Islamic world. Repeatedly, our leaders were told of the consequences of participation in America's Iraqi folly. You silly Europeans, you have 200 die on your soil and you start the appeasment process in turbo overdrive. What would have happened if 3k died on your soil? Would all of your first born be named Osama? I live NYC, a constant bulls eye for these animals and you don't see us tuck tail and running for cover..... BRING IT!!!!! Go ahead follow Chirac and his goons of appeasement we all saw what happened whan the temp rose in PARIS, imagine a bombing?
  15. Was the bombing of the Moorish synagogue in Moracco last year the punishment for their neutrality? Was the bombing of the Turkish synagogue in Istanbul punishment for their govt for NOT letting the U.S stage operations for a northern attack on Iraq? See how silly this appeasment argument is? For any country to think they can just sit on the sidelines and watch and feel they are immune to terrorism, the 2 examples given above should clear that up....and hopefully a rude awakening isn't needed...
  16. Colorful site CHAP... But the question is how did they get the 10k figure? all kidding around aside?
  17. I't was planned to occur a long time ago, remember the RICIN plot in the sewers of London I believe, it was thwarted a while ago....
  18. Where is the 10k civilians number coming from?
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