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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. WE HATE AMERICA? That statement from the bottom of the earth scumbag like you is almost amusing. Who is complaining about their so called rights have been violated? YOU... Who is comparing the US to Nazi Germany? YOU You are a small, tiny, man who has the mental capacity of a slug, don't for a second say I hate this country you walking dumpster because it couldn't be farther from the truth. You are the walking example of a Hippie wanna be, lost cause WIND BAG who's life probably past you by so you are grasping at some cause that would justify you pile of dog shit existence... GO FAWK YOURSELF
  2. Raver it's true bud, if the tables were turned it would be completly diffrent. In 67, when Isreal was atacked by it's neighbors, with our help they got crushed and that left a lasting impression. Why do you think they hate us so much? With out the assistance of the US, Isreal would have been reduced to ashes and the Arabs hate us for standing in the way of that.
  3. Raver, How come you never post articles of the "homocide bombers" attacks and portraying them in a negative light? or am I wrong?
  4. Do you have links to back this nonsense, besides some hippe website your boyfriend is the mod of?
  5. -Market is up 50% of it's lows... -6% growth in 2003 -2/3rds of Alqaeda's leadership caught -Sadam and Taliban removed from power, liberating 25 millioin people. -TAX CUTS on CAPITAL... For us righties means BOOMING economic growth. -Lybia has agreed to full inspections with out one missile launched! -Iran agrees to full inspection with out one missile launched -Unemployement rate down to 5.6% creating 500k thousand jobs in corporate america and 2 millioin jobs in the private small business ector.. -The world knows we mean business!!!! I could go on if you like....
  6. This is just a disgrace... They should build a fawking wall along the Mexican border and cut off all financial help to that shit kicking country.. This article made my blood boil, thank Gog we spanked em... __________________________________________________ __ http://www.azcentral.com/sports/aze...6ussoccer.html# U.S. soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico Associated Press Feb. 6, 2004 12:30 PM ZAPOPAN, Mexico - The Mexican crowd hooted "The Star-Spangled Banner." It booed U.S. goals. It chanted "Osama! Osama! Osama!" as U.S. players left the field with a 2-0 victory. And that was in a game against Canada on Thursday before just 1,500 people. A game Tuesday in neighboring Guadalajara will determine whether the U.S. under-23 soccer team heads to the Athens Games. "This is what it is all about," coach Glenn Myernick said. "You are 90 minutes away from being in the Olympics." The U.S. team faces Honduras on Saturday in its last first-round game, which will determine if the Americans play Costa Rica or Mexico in the deciding game on Tuesday. While the Americans will surely face a hostile crowd against Costa Rica, a matchup with Mexico would mean a game in front of more than 50,000 hometown fans seeking revenge. The United States knocked Mexico out of the World Cup in 2002, and Mexican fans will be looking for some retribution if the teams meet in the semifinals. Myernick refused to say which his team would prefer to play. "I think both Mexico and Costa Rica are very good teams," he said. "We don't fear either team. We would be delighted to play either one." On Friday, Costa Rica plays Mexico to determine which finishes first in Group B. Saturday's match against Honduras will determine the winner of Group A. The winner of each group faces the No. 2 team in the other in Tuesday's doubleheader. The winner of each game goes to Athens. Honduras coach Edwin Pavon was more explicit when asked which team he would rather play in the semifinals, although he went out of his way to avoid offending Costa Rica. "I am not going to tell you the name, but imagine a full Jalisco Stadium while facing Mexico, with all the stands dressed in green," Pavon said. "I think I won't answer the rest of the question." Myernick said his team will use the game against Honduras as preparation for the semifinal. Myernick said he wanted "to continue to improve and not just use the Honduras game as a nothing game." On Thursday, U.S. midfielder Bobby Convey scored twice on passes from Landon Donovan. Convey also had scored twice against Panama on Tuesday. Earlier, Emil Martinez scored twice to lead Honduras to a 3-1 victory over Panama. The losses eliminated Panama and Canada from advancing. In eight games so far in the qualifying tournament, none has ended in a tie. Mexico and Costa Rica each routed Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States and Honduras beat Panama and Canada.
  7. I won't stoop to that level.
  8. Marriage is one of the 7 holy sacrements and in the church's eye homosexuality is a sin thats why gays cannot marry you can't observe one and ignore the other, bottomline.. I am all for civil unions but against marriage.
  9. Here he is, Capt'n "The GDP isn't important" talking about Finace/Economics. You are a hateful,mindless douchbag that knows NOTHING about the current financial and Economic situation to comment... Kucinich boy...
  10. He wa talking about the unemployemnt rate of 5.9%, down from the 6.4% peek a couple of months ago... and WELL below the average of 7.5%. The rise in jobless claims was due to harsh weather conditions that hinder jobs from week to week. The drop in productivity is actually a good thing. It means that they are getting less production from current workers and judging by the latest manufacturing reading of 65.9% (anything over 50 is expansion) and the the latest GDP numbers, companies have to hire to keep up with demand. Now if the economy is in such bad shape then the market would have tanked. The Dow showing a positve of around 30 points for today tells people who know, that this isn't bad news... Why do you lefties talk about Finace when you have NO CLUE what you're talking about, go hug a tree or something...
  11. This ladies and gentleman is the reason why we shouldn't take X...lol Mark you are nuts and ghey lol
  12. THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING BUTTERCUP..LOL It's sad it has to revert to this but looking at the history of the conflict and that one side (Palestinians) donot recognize the other's right to exist , the only other alternative is building a wall around the West bank, period!
  13. The should build another wall around the WEST BANK. Gaza hasn't had a bombing in three years.
  14. But the palestinians homocide bombers get on a bus with a belt bomb and kill innocent children. That my friend seriously diminishes the sympathy ANYONE is going to have for them... Sad but true.....
  15. Dude are you that lost? (don't answer that) USA was skribbled on to the pillar. If you don't think that AT LEAST 10% think that then you have been living under a rock
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