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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Forgot to mention that..... Normal is a sack of shit
  2. Don't blame us.... blame the media lol:laugh:
  3. If there weren't suicide bombings there wouldn't be a need for a fence...
  4. Gtreat read bud.. where did you get it?
  5. This has already been explained in the 2000 election as well as recently with the documnets put out by the white house... You guys are reaching here bud..
  6. OH BOY THE WATER IS GETTING HOT!!!!! http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/2/10/222651.shtml The North Vietnamese general in charge of the military campaign that finally drove the U.S. out of South Vietnam in 1975 credited a group led by Democratic presidential front-runner John Kerry with helping him achieve victory. In his 1985 memoir about the war, Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap wrote that if it weren't for organizations like Kerry's Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Hanoi would have surrendered to the U.S. - according to Fox News Channel war historian Oliver North. That's why, he predicted on Tuesday, the Vietnam War issue "is going to blow up in Kerry's face." "People are going to remember Gen. Giap saying if it weren't for these guys [Kerry's group], we would have lost," North told radio host Sean Hannity. "The Vietnam Veterans Against the War encouraged people to desert, encouraged people to mutiny - some used what they wrote to justify fragging officers," noted the former Marine lieutenant colonel, who earned two purple hearts in Vietnam. "John Kerry has blood of American soldiers on his hands," North said.
  7. To get back to the original post, eat up The White House obtained the dental record, along with other medical records it did not release, from the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver, McClellan said. The record was accompanied by a statement from Dr. Richard J. Tubb, the president's current physician, who stated that he read Bush's records, which covered a period from 1968 to 1973, and concurred with the doctors' assertion that Bush was "fit" for service. "The records reflect no disqualifying medical information," Tubb said. http://breakingnews.nypost.com/dynamic/stories/B/BUSH_MILITARY_RECORDS?SITE=NYNYP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  8. To get back to the original post, eat up The White House obtained the dental record, along with other medical records it did not release, from the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver, McClellan said. The record was accompanied by a statement from Dr. Richard J. Tubb, the president's current physician, who stated that he read Bush's records, which covered a period from 1968 to 1973, and concurred with the doctors' assertion that Bush was "fit" for service. "The records reflect no disqualifying medical information," Tubb said. http://breakingnews.nypost.com/dynamic/stories/B/BUSH_MILITARY_RECORDS?SITE=NYNYP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT
  9. To get back to the original post, eat up The White House obtained the dental record, along with other medical records it did not release, from the Air Reserve Personnel Center in Denver, McClellan said. The record was accompanied by a statement from Dr. Richard J. Tubb, the president's current physician, who stated that he read Bush's records, which covered a period from 1968 to 1973, and concurred with the doctors' assertion that Bush was "fit" for service. "The records reflect no disqualifying medical information," Tubb said.
  10. Settledown hippie boy your gonna blow a hemp gasket... Kerry was parading around town with then Mrs Hanoi... JANE FONDA portraying the people fighting in Nam as babby killers.. You get your facts straight DOUCHEBAG Kerry hooked up with an organization called Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Two events cooked up by this group went a long way toward cementing in the public mind the image of Vietnam as one big atrocity. The first of these was the January 31, 1971, "Winter Soldier Investigation," organized by "the usual suspects" among antiwar celebrities such as Jane Fonda, Dick Gregory, and Kennedy-assassination conspiracy theorist, Mark Lane. Here, individuals purporting to be Vietnam veterans told horrible stories of atrocities in Vietnam: using prisoners for target practice, throwing them out of helicopters, cutting off the ears of dead Viet Cong soldiers, burning villages, and gang-raping women as a matter of course. In fact, the entire Winter Soldiers Investigation was a lie. It was inspired by Mark Lane's 1970 book entitled Conversations with Americans, which claimed to recount atrocity stories by Vietnam veterans. This book was panned by James Reston Jr. and Neil Sheehan, not exactly known as supporters of the Vietnam War. Sheehan in particular demonstrated that many of Lane's "eye witnesses" either had never served in Vietnam or had not done so in the capacity they claimed. Nonetheless, Sen. Mark Hatfield inserted the transcript of the Winter Soldier testimonies into the Congressional Record and asked the Commandant of the Marine Corps to investigate the war crimes allegedly committed by Marines. When the Naval Investigative Service attempted to interview the so-called witnesses, most refused to cooperate, even after assurances that they would not be questioned about atrocities they may have committed personally. Those that did cooperate never provided details of actual crimes to investigators. The NIS also discovered that some of the most grisly testimony was given by fake witnesses who had appropriated the names of real Vietnam veterans. Guenter Lewy tells the entire study in his book, America in Vietnam.
  11. HUH? What planet are you from guy? The DEMS are scraping the bottom of the barrell for this shit. The Republicans are licking their chops waiting for the precise time to unleash -Kerry's portrayal of ALL Vietnam vets as rapists murderous thugs.. -His horrific voting record in the Senate with that othr liberal drunk Kennedy. -His flip flopping on the issues such as the Iraqi threat and push for war, that he ironically flipped when Dean was gaining momentum riding the anti-war wave. The guy is a Liberal joke and Carl Rove is going to pick him apart!!!!
  12. what next? he was visited and abducted by aliens ? You liberals are reaching here.
  13. Very scary indeed but if they possesed the capabilities to inflict mass murder as a result of detonating a suitcase nuke in the U.S., it would have already been done... Propaganda...
  14. Will you lookie here? DNICE whats up man? Like Igloo said lots a lefties on this board bud... Good to have ya back bro...
  15. Like what? In NYC you can receive benefits from your gilr friend or boyfriend's coverage under a domestic partner rule. what rights are they losing? Remember MARRIAGE is a holy sacrament and homosexuality, in the churches eye is a sin..
  16. Marriage is one of the 7 HOLY SACRAMENTS For you atheists this is a path put forth by the church that every catholic should follow in order to go to heaven... The story of Adam and Eve teaches us that the woman was born from the flesh of man. Marriage is a process of reuniting the man and woman and to ultimatley produce offspring.. Homosexuality contradicts that... I have nothing against "civil unions" you can partner up with your dog for all I care just don't put it under a banner of marriage becuase it doesn't belong there.
  17. OVERREACTS? This statement here shows this guy is out of touch with reality....
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