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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. That fucking hill billy was a disgrace to the oval office... It took him 3 weeks to meet with Woosly, the head of the CIA at the time of the Cole bombings... 3 weeks!
  2. The only way to deal with N.Korea is with strength and confidence.
  3. :laugh: How about the (2) 18 wheeler tractor trailers they found in Northern Iraq.. Be patient they are finding stuff out every day... They will find it and every one who doubted will eat crow....
  4. Why do you beleive we stopped looking for Usama.. If you beleive we id stop or failed do you think we made any progress on our war with terrorism and Alqeada?
  5. Racism rears its head at an all-white prom Put yourself in the shoes of a 17-year-old black student at Taylor County High School in Butler, Ga., about 150 miles south of Atlanta. For weeks you watch the news and see an integrated American military machine take apart Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's regime. You read on the BlackAmerica Web site that about 18% of U.S. casualties in Iraq were African-American. You see the country celebrating a great victory and waving the flags of patriotism. Then you come to school and find out some students in your class are holding an all-white prom. How would you react if you were that kid? You can't sue because the event is being held off-campus. It's a private party, and no person of color is welcome. Yet the party is being held under the banner of Taylor High's junior prom. Yes, there is an alternative prom where everyone is welcome, but still a number of your classmates do not want to celebrate with you. The night the all-white prom happened, May 2, I sent a producer and camera crew to interview the all-white partygoers. Guess what? None of them would talk to us. Neither would the adults who chaperoned the event. But the students did express themselves in another way - they made a wide variety of obscene gestures in front of the camera. Now, this white prom nonsense is a small story on the landscape of America. But what is not a small story is the way the powers that be in Georgia reacted. The principal of Taylor High, Bonnie Branan, would not comment publicly. The superintendent of schools, Wayne Smith, told me the prom was legal and that's that. And the governor of Georgia, Sonny Perdue, sent his press secretary out to say he was "disappointed" in the event. But Perdue would not answer questions or condemn the prom. His spokeswoman says he is too busy. In reality, he is hiding. So if I'm a 17-year-old black student, I am getting the message. Nobody in power is on my side. Nobody is willing to state that a segregated school event in the year 2003 is unacceptable behavior. Nobody really cares. Stunningly, some people criticized me for even talking about the story. The rationalizations came so fast I thought I was playing goalie for the Philadelphia Flyers. "Blacks have private events, too." "How dare you criticize the governor, he doesn't answer to you." "You are anti-South!" The issue, of course, was never addressed. So here it is in black and white: Holding an event organized within a public school that excludes students on the basis of skin color, ethnicity, religion or any other defining characteristic is cruel, un-American and should be condemned by all responsible public officials, including teachers and administrators. Got it? Here's what I don't get: What is it about the UNITED States that folks don't understand? United means we are all in this together. The killers on 9/11 were after Americans of all colors. The soldiers who are defending us against those killers and their enablers are all colors. So why are we dancing around this prom issue? Americans who love their country will speak out against injustice and cruelty to fellow citizens, especially children and teenagers. That 17-year-old black student at Taylor High has been taught a lesson that will stay with him the rest of his life. And that lesson is that skin color can disqualify you from attending a social event. The night of that all-white prom was, indeed, a rainy night in Georgia.
  6. I got the magic stick...
  7. Bro you are the man... I bought it on Sat and haven't put it down since... Thanx again..
  8. HA HA HA HA HA HA LMFFAAOOOOOO Petite testecles that classic.. LA WISHY WASHY LOL Yo I thought that was a map of france and then started reading the words bro that's classic .. Thanks for hitting me back, do I have to pay for that program...ATOMIX
  9. How do I get it?
  10. I just got a sick dell with all the goodies but am stumped on a MP3 mixer any suggestions.. Anything that user freindly I would appreciate .. tHANX
  11. I heard that Dish Rag who-er's last album didn't do so well... I hope she chokes...
  12. FEMALE INTERVIEWER: So, General Reinwald, what things > > > > > are you going to teach these young boys when they > > > > > visit your base? > > > > > > > > > > GENERAL REINWALD: We're going to teach them climbing, > > > > > canoeing, archery, and shooting. > > > > > > > > > > FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Shooting! That's a bit > > > > > irresponsible, isn't it? > > > > > > > > > > GENERAL REINWALD: I don't see why, they'll be properly > > > > > supervised on the rifle range. > > > > > > > > > > FEMALE INTERVIEWER: Don't you admit that this is a > > > > > terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children? > > > > > > > > > > GENERAL REINWALD: I don't see how. We will be teaching > > > > > them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a > > > > > firearm. > > > > > > > > > > FEMALE INTERVIEWER: But you're equipping them to > > > > > become violent killers. > > > > > > > > > > GENERAL REINWALD: Well, you're equipped to be a > > > > > prostitute, but you're not one, are you? > > > > > > > > > > The radio went silent and the interview ended. You > > > > > gotta love the Marines. > > > > >
  13. After it stalls and I try to start it it takes 2 minutes to catch... Onc e it's catches the truck runs fine but only when I make a turn especially left it stalls.. Cintron that taking it out back and shooting it is a great idea... lol
  14. This is where the mistake was made.. I thought you were refering to french govt not companies geez shoot me.. It's hard sometimes because I work in a call center and post in between calls ...
  15. I know where to adjust it under profile- signature.., It's when I get to the box where I can type something in and it appears under the post, that I got when I try to post pictures is when I am lost.. I want a picture like your sig.. Thanx
  16. How do I get a picture under my post or signature
  17. So you would rather have a administration that... -Cuts military and intelligence spending undermining the security of the country.. -Lies to the American people live on television claiming he did not have sexual relations with a intern.. -Did more looting of the white house then in Iraq to date.. The truth is the majority of americans are proud of this country except it!!!
  18. How do I post pictures under my post like homo- noises or our friend frenchbread.. I would like to put a cool pick I found please help...
  19. France the gov't, the companies and the peoiple can go to hell.. Except you... What do you wan't to hear I will boycott GE because they have done buisness with Iran?? I thought you were refering to the French government catching flack I didn't realise that you were refering to french companies.. maybe I assumd the government itself because I have never heard of any French companies coming under scrutiny for their dealings...
  20. I still don't understand how you can compare the 2. On one hand you have some american companies having overseas subsidiraries doing buisness with some questionable countries I see that and these companies which are some HUGE conglomerates have some explaining to do, I agree.. But when you compare buisness dealings to supplying the Iraqi leadership with Euro passes so that they can slip away from coaltion forces or inform Iraqi leadership about private meetings between the U.S and France or even better supply weapons technology and equipment for the last 12 years.. then yes we have a promblem.....
  21. 40TH time huh.. Give it time my freind.. whats wrong?? you wanted to give the inspections another 90 days so that the regime can play hide and seek a little longer. Even if we do find them you and other left wingers will still dimiss it as a conspiracy or we planted the evidence.. I bet you can't wait to see the U.S fall on it's face. but it ain't going to happpen jack, you'll see but I doubt you will beleive it... SAD.
  22. Looks like these companies have some explaining to do.. What's your point?
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