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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. Do you think for a minute that the troops weren't fired upon?? How about the bullet holes in the building they were guarding coming from the crowd.. How come you won't give the benifit of doubt to your own troops???
  2. bRO ARE u SERIOUS??? How do you protect America ifyou don't close the borders to ILLEGAL aliens?? The civil liberties of who? a person who snuck into OUR country illegally? You want to enter this country you have to be SCREENED and that is the end of story... so take that compassion speel and forget it exists in this situatiuon because if it were up to me we would have armed guards at our borders... Allowing the illegal alien passengers to be freed on bond pending deportation hearings would have added to the outrage -- and it would have sent a message abroad that more mass incursions by sea would not only be tolerated by America, but rewarded as well. This peice describes it all.. DiD you know whAt happens if we happen to catch someone?? I say happe because the CANADIAN-AMERICAN border is so pourus and under funded that upto a couple of months ago the person caught would receive a notice that says when you esatblish an address in AMERICA send us it and we will set up a hearing... huh??? I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN THANK GOD FOR ASHCROFT, BUSH AND RUMSFELD because the U.S would be ashes in a couple of years if it's not too late already....
  3. Hey cunt.. if my nuts are on your chin where is my dick??
  4. Shot down.. Listen you LOON if we are looking for fish we go to a pond to find them.... If you are innocent then you have nothing to worry about.. Your argument is just nonsense.. I tahnk god every day that our govt is looking past upsetting the PUSSY ASS ACLU and focusing on the saftey of the country
  5. Mansoor Ijaz is the man!!! I am reading the Hannity book an the first 3 chapters are on the lefts hatred for the military and CIA.
  6. Raver, I understand global warming will hurt us eventually but if weighed aginst detrmining when the next terrorist attack will happen I think the scale tips in favor of Homeland Security.. Do I support drilling in Alaska?? If done with todays technology, Oh yeah!!! Toadys technology will not cause the same destruction that drilling did years ago.. I don't like to point fingrers either because it is not constructive.. I always state that the bitching from the left about we created BIN LADEN will solve nothing...but if the finger is going to be pointed I just wanted to straighten out in what direction it SHOULD GO..
  7. Like Cintron Pointed out it's good that we have kept our word in withdrawing from Saudi Arabia especially if we want to win the hearts of the arabs in the region... I do remember reading that we will train their military.. The base in Qatar is better and we have been hired to protect their gas companies from terrorist threats..
  8. Why does the Left or Antibush crowd always blame the Economy or 911 on the current republican administration??? Here is what that disgrace we called the Commander and Chief and his side kick Al aka "I invented the Internet" and other liberals did which destroyed our military and CIA. During their debacle of a presidency... 1996 Monsoor Ijaz offered Bin Laden on a Silver platter.. what happen? U guessed it a president concerned more by the Rain Forest then national Security REJECTED him.. If that's not dropping the ball I don't know what is.. Or.. " In the 90's Clinton-Gore instituted a series of so called reforms that tied the hands of U.S intelligence agencies engaged in keeping and recruiting foreign spies, dispite the crucial importance of human intel... Democrats in Congrees eliminated 60% of informants in the middle east..and countless other mistakes liberals have done over the years.. To the left they would rather spend the money that we allocate for the military on protected gays rights in the military... DISGRACE... -
  9. Hey dickhead did you know Nato bombed your country... we had no control, even remembring our Generals protesting and disagreeing in how the conflict was being conducted....
  10. By Bill Oreilly So let me get this straight. We know that for 25 years Saddam Hussein tortured, murdered and brutalized his people. Then, in three weeks, coalition forces removed him and his thug pals from power. Then, a few days later, thousands of Iraqis took to the streets and beat themselves silly in a bloody display that made slasher flicks look tame. Do I have this right? Now, you might think that these self-abusers would take a few days off from pain. After suffering so long through the horrors of Saddam, why not relax a bit and smell the sand dunes? I understand that the display was done in the name of religion, but I think any deity would cut his devotees some slack here. Taking the torture chamber to the streets so soon after the brutal Iraqi dictator was deposed might be seen as, well, somewhat nuts. And therein lies the problem. The U.S. faces a situation in which it is trying to reason with people who believe that the Rolling Stones had it nailed when they recorded "Let it Bleed." The Bush administration wants to convince fundamentalist fanatics that Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison are the way to go. But unless the new Bill of Iraqi Rights contains provisions whereby you have the right to pulverize yourself with a hammer, things may get dicey. The Daily News ran a front-page photo of bloody guys running around the city of Karbala. In addition to beating themselves silly, many of the demonstrators loudly demanded that the Americans leave immediately so they can impose more such celebrations on the entire country. The tragedy is that most Iraqis think that kind of display is as loony as most Westerners do. But the adamancy and irrationality of fundamentalist Islam is so intimidating that the majority of clear-thinking Muslims are fearful of speaking out. Thus, the fundamentalists can impose a system of government that brutalizes people in the name of religion. The Taliban did this, and so did the mullahs of Iran. The U.S. and Britain cannot allow this to happen in Iraq. Fundamentalist Islam is an enemy of human rights. It is a danger to the world and the primary reason the U.S. was attacked 9/11. Even in the politically correct world in which we live, decent people should be outraged that governments exist where women are treated as dogs and people of other faiths are considered infidels to be killed with impunity. Where is the worldwide outcry against fundamentalist Islam? Why is this violent culture deemed an acceptable form of behavior? Most Muslims are not fundamentalists but are being demonized because of this fanatical sect. That is unfair and unjust; it would be like saying David Koresh is the poster boy for Christianity. But moderate Muslims must lead the charge against the fanatics because non-Muslims are far too frightened to do so. It should be clear to everyone by now that the entire world is threatened by the likes of Osama Bin Laden and his followers. There is no discussion here. These people will use any weapon they get their hands on to kill little kids and everyone else they see as not following the true path. The U.S. is going to have to confront the bloody faces in Karbala sooner or later. If the Bush administration does not, they will turn Iraq into another Taliban operation by using murder and terror. These people are worse than Saddam. Fundamentalist Islam is a worldwide threat that cannot be reasoned with. Freedom of religion does not include the imposition of brutal methods to regulate a barbaric code of conduct. America did indeed free the Iraqi people from terror, but another kind of terror is lined up to step right in. It had better be dealt with quickly. Originally published on April 28, 2003
  11. Foreign news & left wing liberal agencies were guilty in distorting the facts of this war... I will say this again.. while traveling in Miami for the conference I got the New York Times delivered to my door and was only able to locate CNN and BBC news on the box in my room and it looked like we were getting the snot kicked out of us.. Even a journalist from the BBC embedded with the coalition wrote a memo to top execs blasting the war coverage by the BBC as untruthful.. Now I do search other news sites to get a better handle on the current event but always come to the conclusion that american news agencies especially FOX provide the best coverage this also could be because I lean to the right.. but America as a country decideds who to beleive and judging by the ratings FOX news is the indisputed champ.. can the majority of the country be so naive??.. To say that AL- jazeer is truthful in their reporting is naive... When they are the ones being driven to the Iraqi- Kuwaiti border by the Iraqi people for their bias and untrutrhful REPORTING.. Another example of the people deciding..
  13. I say bail.. Here is why.. Just the fact that Lybia is in charge of the human rights commitee proves the governing body is a joke.. How about Iraq being in charge of the disarment comm? if that isn't enough I don't know what is.. What makes me sick to my stomach is that little PUKE Kofi Annan who is pubilcly demanding that we follow the geneva convention which we are but is all hush hush when our boys are getting executed and where was the U.N when Sadam was torturing his own people that s why they are a joke.. No one in the U.N. gives a fuck about me, you, or our country so they can all go to hell.. We don't need them!! I am sorry I sound agitated but just read an article on BBC about that pussy Kofi Annancomplianing about the U.S and Kevin Moley tearing him a new asswhole...that little Gary Coleman looking rat ...unfuckingbeleivable the stupidity at the U.N.
  14. Oh shit I meant to post this in the cars and bikes forum...
  15. http://www.hondamotorcycles.com/motorcycles/sport/model.asp?ModelName=CBR600RR&ModelYear=2003&ModelId=CBR600RR3 If I didn't live in NYC this would be mine... so sweet!!!
  16. Good shit.. I was on the UK honda site and the TSX is the accord.. They also have a cool HRV car/truck.. I see Acura using that in the states to get into the small SUV market, maybe a MSX..
  17. In her posts she states that we are bullies and that we royally fucked things up when we engaged in this conflict.. What other military would pick and chose it's targets to minimize civilian casualties? The old war model was wreck everything and rebuild from th ground up which could have easily been done this time... Here we are hitting military targets and preserving bridges and other municipal objects and people still think we are conducting this war improperly and targeting civilians.. Also when the war is over we can say that we control the oil and noone can do anything about it but we won't because that is not in our nature.. we might negotiate agreemnets that are in both of our bests interests but total control never.. Ask the kuwaitis in 91 when SADAM invaded if they had a say how the country will be ran or if the oil revenue would be kept by the kuwaiti people.. French I said this to you once.. I am not denying that are country does some shady stuff but compared to other countries and how they conduct them selves you can't compare the 2.. Where is the outcry about what was happening before the war? That'S why I feel the antiwar movemnet lacks legitimacy where were the protests when he was torturing his own and the Kuwaiti people?? that's all, I can't fathom how they could compare Bush to Sadam.. Fran
  18. Dude where is your logic? You condem the actions of your own govt because you beleive we have alterior motives but won't condem the acts of the french what's wrong with this picture?? If anyone stands to make a buck on the suffering of the Iraqi people than it's the French which controlled where the money for the oil for food program went and I can give you one guess where...In the pockets of French defense companies where is the outcry from the antiwar people?? I hope the fench and who ever we don't agree with..pay out the ass for their back stabbing... unfortunatley we have to bring a international presence in Iraq so that people don't view us as occupiers but anything else is free game... If we can strip them of the last grip of authority in the irrelevant U.N then so be it... Thye were useless in that post anyway..
  19. I wasn't going to respond but here it goes.. - The infrastructure was spared that why there isn't a hole where Iraq onced stood... I will say this again... with a push of a button that country could have been LEVELED and fence could have been set up around it and ALL the OIL could have been ours and no one and I mean no one can say a damn thing about it.. did that happen?? can you.. in your right mind even compare for a second the destruction of this war to lets say WWII in Japan and Germany? So to say we are ruthless occupiers is incorrect.. -I hope we make money over there it's owed to us for freeing them but to say we did it just for the oil is getting STALE and the rest of he country feels the same way so stop with yesterday's rebuttle... International law said Sadam has to disarm he didn't..International law says he can't torture his citizens.. he did... International law said he had to use the oil for food program to feed his own people.. guess what he didn't .. What I can't beleive that you never hear orginization condem the attrocities in Iraq but are quick to point out collateral damage in a war that will only help those people in the long run... -In the words of a fellow left wing loon Bill Maher " I am glad they protected the oil ministry because you wanna know what that is the real treasure of the Iraqi people" The oil will rebuild the country that's why it is important.. You claim we had better things to do... your right we were killing bad guys not protecting some rock from the 1200's I am sorry but who knew they would steal their own stuff.. you want to point fingers point it at the bandits of that country... That is a perfect example of blaming America first you make me sick... finish your school and go back to sweating in the desert you ungreatful soul....
  20. The future government will have to represented by all the diffrent ethnic groups in the country.. The shite muslims that are outspoken about the american presence are directly influnced by the anti-reform clerics in Iran so have to beleive that the entire country does not feel this way... Iraq existing as a muslim state will not happen just because theye are more shites in the country there has to be a balance of representation in the federal government of Iraq a series of checks and balances so one group can't oppress the other group. I hope it will pan out but people have to realise that it won't happen over night...
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